Chapter 3: Going out hunting.

  Hunting in the cold Arctic often requires not only strength, but also observation. In addition to some active large animals, there are also a group of small herbivores.

  Arctic hares are one of them.

  Su Lin originally planned to follow the wolf father and mother to go out hunting, but soon he gave up on the way.

  Because on the way, he found several nests of Arctic hares.

  Arctic hares are also social animals.

  There are not many in the Arctic Circle, but there are still some groups.

  Now there are at least seven or eight Arctic hares in front of Su Lin, eating moss in the snow.

  "I'll catch you to fill my stomach today."

  Su Lin looked at the nest of Arctic hares, some big and some small, and his eyes lit up.

  He knew that this should be a nest of Arctic hares, with their cubs out for food.

  Such a combination with cubs is often the first target to be hunted in the wild.

  But he didn't have much sympathy in his heart. After all, the law of the jungle is the biggest law among wild animals.

  "System, explore the attributes."

  Su Lin's mind moved, and the attributes of several Arctic hares not far away appeared in front of him.

  Species: Arctic hare (male).

  Level: Level 3.

  Qi and blood: 237.

 Stamina: 28.   

 Strength: 8.

   Defense: 12.

   Speed: 53. 

  Species: Arctic hare (female). 

  Level: Level 2. 

  Qi and blood: 216.

   Stamina: 16.

   Strength: 5.

   Defense: 9. 

  Speed: 47. 

  Su Lin took a glance and found that the leading male Arctic hare had the highest attribute among these Arctic hares, reaching level 3.

Its speed reached a terrifying 53, and the speed of the other female Arctic hares was also very high. 

 It can be seen that such a high speed is also the reason why the wolf father and mother ignored them.

  After all, in this icy and snowy land, it is too physically demanding to catch a few Arctic hares that run very fast.

  With the size and number of the wolf father and mother, I am afraid that even if they finally catch a nest of Arctic hares, they still can't fill their stomachs in the end, and even the huge consumption of physical strength can't be made up.

  But these are nothing to Su Lin.

Su Lin was also very fast, faster than the leading Arctic hare.

  In addition, physical strength is equivalent to endurance. To restore endurance, you only need to rest and eat a little food to return to full value.   

Therefore, even if the physical strength is exhausted, as long as you catch one Arctic hare, it will be enough, and if you catch more than two, you will make a profit.

  As soon as he said it, Su Lin slowly lay on the ground and stared at several Arctic hares not far away.

  To catch the thief first, he decided to catch the male Arctic hare first.

Su Lin moved forward slowly.

The Arctic hare group was obviously very alert.

As if they heard some noise, they pricked up their ears and looked around.

The male Arctic hare was jumping and looking towards Su Lin non-stop.

It seems that this should be the most innate instinct of animals for danger.

But fortunately, Su Lin hid very well. He was originally snow-white, lying on the ground, almost blending into the snow, and it was difficult to be found.

Waiting quietly without moving.

The Arctic hare group did not find anything unusual and continued to lower their heads to eat moss.   

  Su Lin moved slowly again. Stop for a while, move a little, stop for a while, move a little.

  After a long time, he finally came to a place less than 30 meters away from the Arctic hare group.

  Fortunately, there was a bush blocking this place, otherwise the Arctic hare would have discovered it long ago with its alertness.

  Su Lin began to restrain his breath.

  A distance of 30 meters should be enough for his speed and the reaction time of the male Arctic hare.

  He was ready to kill with one blow, and hunt a few more Arctic hares before the Arctic hare group had time to react, so that he could save more energy to chase the fleeing ones.

  Speed ​​determines everything!

  Su Lin took another slow step forward, arched his whole body, and made a ready-to-go action.

  Quiet as a mouse, moving like a rabbit.

  But this time Su Lin's speed was faster than a rabbit!

  A white light like lightning rushed to the male Arctic hare who had not noticed the danger and was still eating grass.


  When it was ten meters away, the Arctic hare discovered it.

  Su Lin howled and accelerated again.

  The male Arctic hare began to flee in panic.

  But Su Lin was careful, and his speed was faster than that of the Arctic hare.

  At a distance of only ten meters, the Arctic hare could not escape his hunting range.

  When he was about to catch up, he suddenly jumped up and showed his sharp wolf claws in the air.

  When he landed and pounced, the wolf claws slapped heavily on the neck of the male Arctic hare.

  It contained 30 points of strength, plus 60 points of speed bonus.

  Not to mention a mere Arctic hare, even an adult Arctic wolf would be injured.

  Therefore, after the blow, the neck of the leading male Arctic hare made a sound of broken bones, and then fell to the snow and began to twitch, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

  Su Lin did not take time to appreciate his victory, and turned around and chased the rest of the Arctic hares.

  The other Arctic hares had already reacted and began to flee.

  However, there were still a few cubs, and their escape speed was very slow.

  Survival of the fittest.

  Su Lin didn't have any thoughts of being a saint. Even though it was a cub, he pounced on it and smashed its spine with one claw.

  Half an hour later,


  The long howl of the Arctic wolf, combined with the scattered bloodstains and Arctic rabbit corpses on the snow, showed that an asymmetrical hunt had taken place here!

  This time the harvest was quite fruitful.

  Six Arctic rabbits were hunted.

  One male, one female, and four cubs.

  After counting the results, Su Lin, who was panting and exhausted, came to the male Arctic rabbit corpse and bit it with his sharp fangs.

  "Ding! The host gains 1 evolution point by eating Arctic rabbit."

  Listening to the system voice beside his ear, Su Lin devoured it even more voraciously.

  "Ding! The host gains 0.8 evolution points by eating Arctic rabbit."

  "Ding! The host gains 0.6 evolution points by eating Arctic rabbit."

  Evolution points can be obtained by swallowing any kind of food, but the evolution points obtained are more at the beginning.

The more you eat, the less you get. Soon, after eating the male Arctic hare and a cub, the system prompt had been reduced to 0.1.


  Su Lin howled, and the two Arctic hares that went down had almost been eaten.

  He did not continue to eat, but looked around, then lowered his head and bit the Arctic hare's corpse on the ground, and began to walk towards the cave


  But what Su Lin did not know was that everything that had just happened was seen by an explorer in an off-road vehicle in the distance.

  At this time, Tiffany, a female explorer sitting in the off-road vehicle and drinking a sip of brewed black tea, looked at the snow-white Arctic wolf in the telescope and praised: "Wow, it's snow-white all over, a very beautiful Arctic wolf, and a lone wolf can hunt so many Arctic hares, it's extraordinary, maybe it will become a real Arctic wolf king in the future."

  Of course, Tiffany was just joking, she didn't know which wolf pack this Arctic wolf was from.

She also didn't know that the Arctic wolf in front of her was only a one-month-old cub.