
Marcus Crassus limped through the crowded streets of Centari-IV. The planet was a far cry from the grandeur of ancient Rome. The sky was a bizarre shade of green, with more than one moon visible. Flying cars zipped overhead, while people in strange attire scurried about on foot.

The streets were dirty, the buildings rundown. It was a slum, but a slum of the future. Neon signs flickered, advertising strange goods and services. Marcus ignored them. He had one goal: make enough money at the casino to pay off his $1 million credit debt.

He finally reached the grand entrance of the casino. A place he found from the memories of his body, apparently Alex had frequented this place.

Obviously Alex hadn't been very good at gambling, as was evident by his circumstances.

The massive doors seemed to mock his frail body as they slid open. The interior was blinding with lights and awash with strange sounds. Marcus straightened his disheveled black hair and cracked his neck.

"Surely I've built up some good luck," he muttered to himself.

He walked in, his commanding tone ready to strike. The games were unfamiliar, but his sharp mind quickly assessed them. He wandered from table to table, watching the holographic dealers shuffle glowing cards or spin rotating wheels of fortune.

Marcus decided on a game that resembled ancient dice. His hazel eyes gleamed as he remembered the skills from his old life. His first few rounds were learning experiences, and he lost some of his limited credits.

At first, it was small amounts. Enough to keep him playing. Then the winnings increased steadily. The digital counter on his wrist kept track, buzzing every time he passed another milestone.

But dice (without being able to rig the game) was far too random a game and it was only a matter of time before he lost. So Marcus took his measly winnings of 500 credits and left the dice game.

He walked around some more before coming to a table with a holographic dealer and with men all around it smoking some strange purple leaf in pipes.

The aroma of the smoke was intriguing, a strange mix of spices and something sweet. Marcus observed the men around the table as they puffed on their pipes, and the smoke wafted into the air, forming curious shapes before dissipating. It reminded him of the incense burnt in ancient Roman temples, though much more potent.

"What's that you're smoking?" Marcus asked one of the men, his tone commanding but sly.

The man looked up, mildly surprised at Marcus' interest. "Purple Wakeleaf. It's exotic, calming, and a bit mystical. Want a puff?"

Marcus hesitated for a moment. He still wasn't fully accustomed to the sensations of this new world. But his curiosity got the better of him, and he extended his hand to take the offered pipe.

He brought the pipe to his lips, inhaling deeply. The smoke filled his lungs, and for a moment, he felt a rush of clarity and calmness. His mind sharpened and the pain in his body dulled.

[New Affliction Gained: Wakeleaf Smoke]

[Strength, Agility, Endurance (-1)]

[Intelligence (+2)]

[Observation II (Temporarily Unlocked)]

Marcus's eye's widened as he saw the effects listed before him, just one puff of the drug and he could clearly see how it improved ones senses at the cost of physical attributes.

The one part that interested him most was being able to unlock Observation II with the drug, although he suspected it would disappear when the drug left his system.

Curious of the new skill Marcus looked at one of the men playing the game. They were playing with a set of plastic chips and had a set of cards in there hand, the game was... galatic poker. There were two men left and one of them thought for a moment then put all his chips in.

"I'm all in," he said.

Marcus observed him.

[Male: 34]

[Strength: 15 (-2)]

[Agility: 13 (-2)]

[Endurance: 10 (-2)]

[Intelligence: ??]

[Skills: ??]

[Afflictions: Wakeleaf]

[Current Mood: Nervous]

[Notes: Based on the clothing he wears, most likely a middle class man. Married as well based on the ring on his finger.]

Marcus focused on the mood and looked at the man, indeed it was hard to see but there was a little twitch in his hand and his breath a little more controlled than normal.

He could see it.

"He's bluffing." Marcus said without thinking and all the men at the table looked at him, the twitching man in general scowled but the other man still playing, the one who had offered Marcus the pipe thought about it.

"You're sure?" he asked Marcus.


And with that the man went all in as well, the twitching man's face went pale and as they revealed hands the bluff was exposed.

"Argh! What bullshit." the twitchy man exclaimed and got up stomping off.

The other man laughed heartily while pulling all the chips in towards himself, he looked up at Marcus "Thanks for that, I thought he was bluffing too but couldn't be sure."

"No problem. Always happy to help." Marcus said and handed the pipe back to the man, nodding in thanks. 

Marcus turned to leave but the man called out to him "Wait! We now have an open spot, care to join us for a few rounds?" he said and Marcus hid the grin on his face before turning.

"I'd love too, name's Marcus." he said and sat down.

"Welcome, Marcus," the man said, extending his hand. "I'm Voron. Always nice to see fresh faces."

Marcus seated himself, feeling the effects of the Wakeleaf still sharpening his mind. As the cards were dealt, he took in every detail—the flicker of the dealer's holographic form, the eager yet wary expressions of the other players, and the precise weight of the plastic chips in his hand.

The first few rounds, Marcus played conservatively, getting a feel for the game. His sharp mind quickly adapted to the strategy, and old instincts from his past life kicked in. He won a few small pots, enough to instill confidence without raising suspicion.

During the breaks between hands, Marcus asked Voron about the casino. "Does the house take it kindly when someone wins big?"

Voron shrugged. "Depends on who you ask. If you win discreetly and don't cause a scene, you're good. If you make a spectacle, they might notice."

Marcus nodded, filing the information away. As the game progressed, he gradually increased his bets. His steady wins started adding up. The man next to him glanced at Marcus's growing pile of chips and raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Voron leaned in as they shuffled another deck. "You're quite the player, Marcus. You come here often?"

"First time, actually," Marcus replied, able to keep his tone authoritative yet modest.

"Well, you're a quick learner."

Marcus smiled, a glint of his old ambition in his eyes. "I have my moments."

As the hours wore on, Marcus's pile of chips grew, steadily approaching the $500K mark, he had gone from table to table clearing out chips. He was already at tables of people dressed in very nice clothing, sitting there with his cane and poor shit.

He had a knack for reading people (more like a cheat), his observation skill honed sharply by the Wakeleaf, he'd still lose sometimes, and some people still couldn't be read but he won more than he lost.

At the final table they had a real live dealer, the dealer's expression stayed neutral as he played, but Marcus noticed a slight tension whenever he placed large bets.

Finally, they reached a critical hand. Marcus went all in, a calculated risk. His heart pounded as the cards were dealt. The tension at the table was palpable.

When the cards were revealed, Marcus had the winning hand. The digital counter on his wrist buzzed, displaying a total of $500K credits. A murmur of admiration and envy spread among the players.

But the victory was short-lived. A man in a sharp suit and dark glasses approached the table, his expression unreadable. "Mr. Crassus, could you please come with me?"

Marcus's instincts flared. He eyed the man, then the rest of the table, who were now watching him with a mix of curiosity and pity.

"Of course," Marcus replied, maintaining his composure. He stood up, adjusting his clothes. "Lead the way."

The man led Marcus through a series of corridors, each one dimly lit and increasingly isolated. Marcus's mind raced, calculating possible escape routes and assessing the situation.

Finally, they reached a door marked "Security." The man opened it and gestured for Marcus to enter. Inside, the room was sterile, with a single table and two chairs.

"Have a seat," the man said, his tone now cold and authoritative.

Marcus complied, his patience wearing thin but his adaptability kicking in. He needed to stay calm and find out what the casino intended to do about his winnings.

"Let's discuss your impressive streak," the man began, sitting across from Marcus. "We have some concerns."

Marcus leaned back in his chair, his hazel eyes locking onto the man's. "I'm listening."

The man smirked, tapping his fingers on the table. "Good. Because you might find our terms... interesting. It's simple, tell us how you cheated and we won't kill you."