The Library

Marcus kept the cold metal of the revolver's muzzle pressed against The Librarian's side.

His own hands trembled from pain and adrenaline, but he kept his grip firm. The Librarian was still, his face was expressionless underneath the mask but the eyes darted around every which way.

"Talk," Marcus snarled, voice low but urgent. "What is your purpose here? What is this place?"

The Librarian stuttered, his voice a mixture of fear and slyness. "This is the Library. I gather information, technology, anything that holds value. Knowledge is my trade."

Marcus pushed the gun harder against The Librarian. "And what is your connection to the Black Hoods?"

Sweat dripped down The Librarian's forehead. "They… they contracted me to build for them. They want a mining robot to improve their operations. Nothing more, I swear," he pleaded.

"Explain," Marcus demanded, his patience thinning.

"Debt-ridden slaves aren't efficient, so they want better means, electricity is cheaper than food after all." The Librarian explained. "The robot… it's can help to perfect their mining. They think more resources might alter their fortunes."

Marcus felt anger boiling inside. He was on track to be one of those 'Debt-ridden slaves'.

"What do they mine?"

"Titanium, it's the only resource worth a damn on this planet."

"And what about all the books?"

The Librarian took a deep breath, still shaking. "It's a hobby, I collect and categorize information. Some of these holotapes and books—like engineering, materials, and programming—they're my passion."

Marcus's eyes narrowed. "So, it's not just street data in here but practical knowledge too?"

"Yes, yes!" The Librarian nodded quickly, eager to please. "Anything you need to grow stronger, smarter—it's all here."

Marcus pondered momentarily, the corners of his lips curling into a grimace. "And why, Librarian, did you align yourself with the Black Hoods?"

The Librarian hesitated, "It—It was a business decision! They offered good credits."

Marcus shot him a cold glance. "Did they threaten you?"

"No, no… not directly," The Librarian mumbled, barely audible.

"But you hesitated?" Marcus's voice took an intimidating edge.

"Yes!" The Librarian cried out, voice breaking. "Yes, I was afraid. They are vengeful."

A cold smile formed on Marcus's lips. "Who is their leader? Who controls the Black Hoods?"

The Librarian's eyes flickered with panic. His lips twitched but no words came out.

"I said, who leads them?" Marcus pressed.

In an act of desperation and cowardice, The Librarian's hand darted toward his waist. But Marcus was faster. He fired before The Librarian could fully grab his hidden blaster.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the metallic room. The Librarian fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding leg.

"Scream again and you'll lose more than a leg," Marcus warned, returning to his questions. "Tell me who the leader is."

The Librarian whimpered, tears streaming down his face. "I… I don't know! I swear! Only that they are very powerful!"

Marcus gritted his teeth. "You are lying!"

"No, no!" The Librarian sobbed. "They keep everything secret. No one knows the leader."

Seeing the pitiful sight of The Librarian cowering did little to sate Marcus's anger. He needed answers. More valuable than the Librarian's life.

"What about this robot," Marcus demanded. "Explain it in detail."

"Fine, fine," The Librarian groaned. "It's programmed to dig efficiently in extreme environments. Measures soil composition, adapts to different materials. It's valuable for mining rare minerals. It can go where most humans can't easily, toxic gas or extreme heat is no problem for it. It's tip is made of diamond so it is very sharp, it has a apartment in its back to collect ore."

[Insights gained. Bonus towards knowledge Materials I, Programming I and Robotics I applied.]

Marcus blinked at that then smiled, it seemed this place was quite good.

"And you make all this?" Marcus's gaze flicked around the room, noting the sophisticated setups, tools, and devices.

"Yes, it's my expertise," The Librarian admitted, pain accentuating his words. "You could use this facility for much more than I did. So much potential here."

"Potential indeed," Marcus said quietly, considering his options. There was much to gain by taking over.

But one question still bothered him: the real power behind the Black Hoods.

He decided to pry for more information. "And your affiliation with Mr. Black? Why does he want you dead."

The Librarian's eyes widened. "I only provide information to him. Nothing more."

"There's a lot at stake," Marcus muttered, looking closely at The Librarian. "And you know more than you're letting on."

"If I help you, will you let me live?" The Librarian pleaded, hopeful. He attempted to bargain again. "I can assist you. Offer knowledge that could—"

Marcus shot down the idea outright. "Your time is up. You gambled and lost."

Realizing the dead-end he had hit, The Librarian's eyes darted side to side his hand inching towards his blaster again. "But we could alter—"

Another gunfire cut him mid-sentence. This time, Marcus's bullet found The Librarian's heart.

The silence after the shot felt louder than the noise itself. The Librarian's lifeless body slumped against the floor, staining the clean surface with blood.

[You have slain The Librarian. 200 AP rewarded.]

[You have out-smarted someone smarter than you, your intelligence has increased by 5 points.]

Marcus exhaled, lowering his revolver.

The information he gathered revealed deep connections but left the most critical question unanswered—who led the Black Hoods? Why did Mr. Black want the Librarian dead?

Yet, despite this setback, he had claimed a more valuable asset—the Library and all its resources.

Limping, each step brimming with determined energy, Marcus started to explore. Shelves holding endless rows of knowledge glimmered under the fluorescent lights. Prospects for new skills, advancements, possibly unlocking better attributes.

His eyes fell upon the inactive robot. Another project left unfinished, multiple pages of blueprints lay scattered around the workbench. A blinking console drew his attention—his immediate thoughts channelizing the System's ability.

"System," Marcus initiated. "Document all useful data here. Highlight valuable knowledge."

[Affirmative. Scanning…]

Time passed as the System archived, notifying Marcus of critical new possibilities. More weapons, strategies, engineering marvels—it all began to unfold.

[New Automation Blueprint Unlocked: Drill Mining Robot]

Marcus smiled triumphantly, glancing around the library once again. The once chaotic ambiance began morphing into his nexus of power—a place where domination was to be designed.

Gripping his cane resolutely, he descended deeper, knowing one thing ardently chiseling into his ethos: knowledge embedded within these layers unfolded untapped strength.

He came across a large computer with a holo screen and sat down in front of it. Scrolling through it he found the email and personal files of the Librarian. It turned out the man had been a diligent practitioner of journaling and recording most things he did everyday.

The most recent entry was dated no more than ten minutes ago, it read:

'This contract with the Black Hoods could finally get me off this rotten planet and back to the central galaxy. I may be able to return to teaching at University! The design should work and I had Junk collect all the materials needed, now I need only build it. The Black Hoods are expecting a prototype in two days, I must deliver!'

As Marcus scrolled through entry after entry he learned more about the Librarian, the man he had just killed. Another drop in the bucket, another soul waiting to damn him at his end.

Seated calmly, Marcus began to assume the identity of the Librarian.