Automation Soul Design!

Marcus limped through the alleyways of Centari-IV, leading Elena carefully. His bruised body ached with each step he took. Elena clung to his side, her wide eyes filled with confusion and fear.

Finally, they reached the meeting point. Detective Vega stood under a streetlight, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings.

As soon as she saw Elena, her face softened. She rushed over, embracing her sister tightly and Marcus pulled the cowl of his hood down tighter.

"Thank you," Vega said, raising her head to Marcus. "Do you work for the Librarian?"

Marcus cracked his neck, trying to stand straighter and change his voice "Yes. A deal is a deal. What about the reward?"

Vega nodded. She tapped on here wrist-holo. "The payment, as promised, I just sent it," Vega said, her voice steady. "I won't forget what the Librarian did for me."

Marcus decided to take his leave, sensing the tension in the air.

"Be careful," Vega continued. "A stunt like tonight won't go unnoticed. Mr. Black's organization will be looking for retaliation, and the Black Hoods won't forget."

[Quest Complete. Reward 500 SP.]

Marcus nodded curtly smiling at the system prompt. He turned away, leading his weary body back to the Library.


Back at the Library, he slumped into a chair. The bright lights reflecting off metal walls seemed harsher tonight, highlighting every bruise and scar on his body. Little cleaning roombas scowered the room, one bumped into his foot and he shooed it away.

His mind raced; the events of the night had proved a single truth—he needed help.

Realizing he could no longer keep up with this dual identity alone, the thought of creating an automation crept into his mind. Marcus rubbed the back of his raw-knuckled hands, knowing he needed a loyal minion, something smart and undying.

The System chimed in his head.

[New SP earned: 500. Total SP: 550]

"Automation Design," Marcus muttered, activating the headspace granted by the System.

[Automation Design activated. Blueprints available]

A holographic display appeared, showcasing blueprints of various automations. He swiped through several designs, rejecting models that lacked intelligence or loyalty.

He needed something different.

He existed the system walking amongst the stacks of books the Librarian had.

Soon, he stumbled across a fragment of information in the Library's archives. It was an old, dusty holobook, hidden under piles of newer data tapes. The title read: *Simulating the Soul in Robots*

Marcus brushed the dust off, opening the holobook with a sense of anticipation.

"Intelligent robots?" Marcus whispered, his eyes scanning the blue light streaming from the hologram.

As he watched the holo pages flip Marcus found out these robots had been tested but mostly phased out due to the difficulty to design and concerns around the AI going bonkers. Additionally, the amount of processing required and training to support such a thing made it a difficult and usually worthless task. As a result the it was a mostly abandoned field of study.

Most robots could get by with simple AI programs like image recognition or the sort, the type of AI where you could interact with it like a person was broadly abandoned and in fact banned in the Union. Marcus raised his eyes as he viewed videos of professors discussing breakfast with half built machinations.

Marcus's eyes twinkled. The ability to design the essence of a being intrigued him.

[New knowledge unlockable: Automation Soul Design I. Cost: 550 SP]

Marcus hesitated for only a moment before deciding. He drained all of his hard-earned SP. Information flooded in his head causing an instant headache. There was so much, too much.

[Knowledge unlocked: Automation Soul Design I]

The headspace filled with detailed information about designing intelligent robots. Marcus's mind absorbed it rapidly, making connections and formulating plans.

Constructing an AI with superior intelligence was a complex task, but he required more than brains or might—he needed absolute loyalty. He needed full control and trust in this automation.

"Let's begin," he instructed himself.


Blueprints unfolded in the headspace, showcasing the inner workings of an intelligent robot. Marcus meticulously adjusted variables, tweaking stats and setting parameters for its personality.

The system made this task easier than usual configuring the messy schematic and program into a slider as it figured out what Marcus was trying to do.

He manipulated sliders and input commands, setting loyalty to its maximum, as a result he had to draw back some of the sliders on cunning and intelligence. The robot wouldn't be able to do too many advanced or broad tasks but it would be loyal.

Other traits, like independent thinking and adaptability, were dialed back heavily. It was evident with a higher knowledge and skill he could have all the dials up but as it was now he had to make sacrifices. It was a delicate balance; too little, and the bot would be useless, too much, and it could go rogue.

Or worse, it could betray Marcus. Marcus remembered that night in Rome when his troops betrayed him and shook his head. He wouldn't have that happen again.

He hovered over the loyalty parameter, ensuring its priority was absolute obedience to him. Decisions about components, parts and capabilities followed.

Hours blurred as Marcus lost himself in the immersive task. Time stretched, fatigue threatening, but he continued, steely determination driving each tweak and adjustment.


Finally, he sat back in virtual space, admiring the design. A rough, metallic figure with humanoid features, capable of movement, decision making, voice emulation, remote communication and above all, undying loyalty.

It had little in the ways of defenses or offense and outside of voice emulation and remote communication it could do very little. Marcus's main goal was to use it to simulate himself, use it to gather information and at worse buy time.

It had taken immense effort, but the design was ready. He called it "Shadow."

His finger hovered over the final command — initiate build sequence, this would complete the blue-print and tell him the estimated cost.

[Building Aegis will require materials worth approximately 50,000 credits]

Marcus's heart sank as he exited the automation design system. The cost was staggering. He barely had 50,000 credits from Detective Vega's reward, and his debt loomed large.

He began to doubt if it was worth it to build such a thing, that 50,000 could be the deciding factor on his debt!

Marcus was interrupted by a beeping alert from his terminal.

He glanced over, heart heavy. An incoming message on the Librarians terminal.

*Sender: Mr. Black*

Marcus opened it, the words glowing ominously in the dim room.

*Meet me at the Casino Royal in three days time. I am willing to negotiate. Don't be late.*

The message ended abruptly, leaving no room for refusal.

Marcus's face hardened, did this mean Mr.Black was open to negotiating now?

No good could come out of the summons, and Mr. Black was not one to tolerate incompetence lightly. Missing tonight's message exacerbated his troubles, marking him as a traitor or a coward. Both accusations carried severe repercussions.

The urgency of his situation settled in his chest, heavy and suffocating.

The blackmail money from Mr. Black would be game changing and he needed it, but he couldn't risk going in person onto Mr.Blacks turf, the man would kill him!

But then Marcus had an idea, a way thee "Librarian" could meet Mr Black without Marcus having to go himself.

A wide grin spread on Marcus's face as he decided what to do with his 50,000 reward.