
Mr. Black sat in the plush comfort of the private lounge, the scent of exotic candles filling the air. To anyone else, this would be a realm of luxury and ease, but Mr. Black's mind was consumed by business—and betrayal.

"Are you sure he's coming alone?" he asked, his voice carrying a steely edge.

"Yes, boss," Dagger replied, standing ready with his ever-present blade.

Mr. Black wasn't convinced. The Librarian was a sly one, smart yet cowardly. But tonight, Mr. Black was prepared to end this prepared to end this particular nuisance.

Footsteps echoed outside the lounge, the door opened, and in shuffled the cloak-draped figure of the Librarian, leaning heavily on a cane.

"So, you finally decided to show up," Mr. Black said, examining the figure. "I'm flabbergasted."

The Librarian tilted his head but remained silent, there wasn't a trace of fear in his posture and that mask hid all emotion.

"And you came alone," Mr. Black added, feeling a slight unease in the air as if something wasn't entirely right.

With a snap of his fingers, Dagger moved swiftly into position, his blade pressing against the Librarian's neck. "Can I kill him now, boss?" Dagger asked, a sadistic gleam in his eye.

Mr. Blacks eyes widened slightly, he could see it, the Librarian hadn't even flinched slightly!

Mr. Black raised a hand. "Not yet." He turned his full attention to the Librarian. "You don't seem scared at all," he remarked, leaning forward in his seat.

"I have no reason to fear," the Librarian stated, his voice steady. "I've arranged for the documents to be released upon my death."

Mr. Black raised an eyebrow. "Really? Documents, you say?"

"Yes. Everything you've ever tried to hide, the illegal activities, the weaknesses of your operations. All set to go public," the Librarian replied, without a hint of panic. "You risk much if you kill me."

Mr. Black couldn't help but smirk. Fascinating. Usually, people begged or pleaded. This level of unflinching calm was unusual.

Respectable even.

"And what if I decide to torture you instead? Make you reveal every secret you hold and beg for death?" Mr. Black threatened, his voice filled with menace. Dagger's seemed to squirm with glee at the idea.

"The documents would be released immediately in that case, the minute I am harmed here they get released." the Librarian said flatly, not even a twitch of fear in his expression.

Mr. Black leaned back, crossing his legs. "Impressive. But the price you demand to delete this blackmail is outrageous."

"Outrageous but necessary," the Librarian countered.

Mr. Black nodded, understanding the audacity behind the demand, he knew what was at stake, this Casino empire was on shaky ground. "And even if I pay, how do I know you won't keep a copy? What assurance do I have?"

"You have no other choice but to trust my word." the Librarian said calmly.

"And what happens if I don't pay?"

"I could sell the information to your rivals. The Black Hoods, for example," the Librarian said matter-of-factly.

The mention of the Black Hoods made Mr. Black's blood run cold. That organization was a thorn in his side. Recently, there had been a "misunderstanding" where a Black Hood enforcer killed some of his men. Their boss had called it an accident, yet Mr. Black had his doubts.

That man was always hungry for more.

"Are you threatening me?" Mr. Black ask eyes narrowed.

"Yes." the Librarians replied.

"You're implying I should trust you, Librarian?" Mr. Black asked, his tone half-amused, half-sarcastic.

"Trust has nothing to do with it. It's about survival. I just want money, the Black Hoods and police want your little business gone or under their hands." the Librarian stated.

Mr. Black pondered the situation. The Librarian held valuable cards. He had to consider the possibility of the Black Hoods making moves on his business. This wasn't a simple exchange—it was a power play.

Seconds stretched into an eternity. Then, a slow smile crept across Mr. Black's face. "Very well," he said finally. "How much are you asking?"

"Boss! You can't be really thinking about paying this scum? Let me kill him please!" Dagger cried but a raised hand from Mr. Black cut him off.

"Two million credits," the Librarian replied without hesitation.

"I can't afford to pay that, tell me areal price."

"Two million credits."

"I can do 50,000 credits."

"Two million credits."

"Are you dull? At most I can do 100,000"

"Two million credits."

"Do you want to die!? 500,000, final offer."

"Two million credits."

Mr. Black let out a deep breath slowly. "Fine. But understand this: if you betray me, there won't be a hole deep enough for you to hide in."

Then Mr.Black dropped the real reason of this meeting "However, before I can pay you there is one loose end you need to tie up. You need to tell me the source of your info."

There was a long moment of unnatural stillness in the Librarian, Mr.Black smiled, it seemed he had finally gotten under it's skin. "I will need to consider this." said the Librarian, his tone unwavering.

Mr. Black gestured to Dagger, who reluctantly withdrew his blade. "This conversation isn't over," he warned. "Dagger will escort you out."

The Librarian nodded slightly and turned to leave, unflinching and unbowed.

As the Librarian exited, Mr. Black watched with narrowed eyes. There was something distinctly off about him tonight—something inhuman in his movements, he was far less fearful then he should have been.

Mr. Black returned to his chair, his mind buzzing with thoughts. He had just agreed to an outrageous sum, but it bought him some time—the Librarian's unwavering behavior had also intrigued him.

Not that Mr. Black ever planned on actually paying.

The Librarian needed to die.

But for now, Mr. Black was satisfied with his decision. He would stall his payment to the Librarian as much as possible, and in the meantime he would contact the Hacker.

He would discover the rat who leaked the info from the Librarian, have the hacker delete all the info. And when he did, the Librarian, or whoever it was, would know the true meaning of fear.