Chapter 19

The sky above Georgia crackled with energy as two streaks of light, one red and blue, the other red, white, and blue collided with earth-shattering force. Superman and Homelander grappled in midair, each blow sending shockwaves through the atmosphere.

Superman glowing eyes blazed with fury, his newfound Kryptonian suit gleaming in the moonlight. "You crossed the line, now, you're done!"

Homelander's trademark smirk was gone, replaced by a snarl of genuine anger. "Lines? I draw the lines motherfucker!"

Their battle raged across the night sky, each punch powerful enough to level city blocks. Windows shattered for miles around as sonic booms echoed in their wake. Superman, driven by a mixture of rage and love for Misty, fought with a ferocity he'd never known before.

As they ascended higher into the atmosphere, the air thinning around them, Superman realized his strength was growing. Whether it was his emotional state, or simply his true potential finally manifesting, he felt more powerful than ever before.

Homelander, sensing the shift in power, let out a roar of frustration. His heat vision lanced out, carving a molten path across Superman chest. But the suit held, and Superman retaliated with a burst of his own heat vision that sent Homelander tumbling through the stratosphere.

Their battle carried them to the edge of space, the curvature of the Earth visible below them. For a moment, both paused, hovering in the silence of near-vacuum, the beauty of their blue planet a stark contrast to their violent confrontation.

"Look at them down there, damn dirty apes" Homelander sneered with a bloodied nose, gesturing to the Earth. "They should thank Christ that we are what we are, they don't deserve any of it!"

Superman's eyes narrowed in anger. The values and hospitality that were ingrained in him by his parents were no longer currently present. His very being exuding fury. "Shut the fuck up!" 

With that, Superman shot forward, grabbing Homelander by the throat and plummeting him back towards Earth. They streaked across the sky like a meteor, the friction of reentry causing the air around them to ignite. 

Homelander attempted to loosen Superman's grip on his collar, but it was like 100,000 tons of osmium against that of a feather. 

They continued, now over on the icy tundra, the ice trembling with cracks beneath the weight of their titanic blows. Snowflakes danced in the air, swiftly swept away by the shockwaves of their conflict. Superman and Homelander, two superpowered behemoths, clashed amidst the desolate, frozen landscape.

However, only one would be proven to be obsolete in the face of true power.

Superman's glowing red eyes, full of rage, locked onto Homelander as he delivered a thunderous punch to his jaw. The force of the blow sent Homelander careening through the air, his body slicing through the frigid atmosphere like a bullet. He crashed into an ancient ice formation, shattering it into a blizzard of crystalline shards. Before Homelander could recover, Clark was upon him again, his speed unmatched.

Homelander, his pride wounded, retaliated with a furious scream, unleashing a torrent of heat vision from his glowing eyes. "ARGH, FUCK YOUUUUU!" The beams cut through the cold air, melting glaciers in their path and sending plumes of steam skyward. However, as the searing heat struck Clark, it dissipated harmlessly against his invulnerable suit, leaving him unscathed.

With a burst of superhuman speed, Clark closed the distance between them, driving his fist into Homelander's stomach. The impact created a shockwave that rippled through the ice, causing massive cracks to spiderweb out from the point of collision. Homelander doubled over, gasping for air, but Clark showed no mercy.

He grabbed Homelander by the collar, Superman staring at the bruised and broken leader of the Seven directly in the eye, "Where's the God now, huh?" He got no response, which made Superman even more mad.

"WHERE IS HE!?!?!" Superman screamed in outrage. This was not Superman. No, this was a Kryptonian.

He lifted him off the ground, hurling him hundreds of feet away.

Homelander landed in a heap, the ice beneath him giving way and sending him plummeting into a frozen crevasse. Superman followed, descending like an avenging angel. As Homelander struggled to his feet, he could see the silhouette of Superman and his glowing red eyes.

Desperation flickered in Homelander's eyes as he summoned every ounce of his power, launching himself at Superman with a flurry of wild punches. Each strike, though powerful enough to level buildings, barely made Superman flinch. Superman's counterattacks were precise and devastating, each punch and kick driving Homelander further into the depths of the icy chasm.

"ENOUGH!" His intimidating Kryptonian voice booming. With a final, decisive blow, Superman sent Homelander crashing into the frozen ground, creating a massive crater. The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the ice, causing the entire landscape to tremble. Homelander lay there, beaten and broken, his once-imposing figure now a shadow of its former self. His costume was torn and blood trickled from his nose and mouth.

"You," Superman stated in a fit of calm, yet untaimed rage. Delivering a punch to the skull.

"Will." A second blow.

"Not." And a third.

"Hurt." A fourth.

"Anyone." A fifth

"Else." And a sixth

Superman stood over him, fists clenched and dripping blood, ready to deliver the final blow. But as he looked down at his defeated foe, he saw something unexpected. Homelander was laughing.

"haHaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." It started as a chuckle, then grew into a full-blown, maniacal laugh that echoed across the frozen wasteland.

"Oh, this is rich," Homelander cackled as tears of joy and fear leaked, spitting up blood onto his chin and suit, along with the pristine snow. "Look at you, all righteous anger and fury. You're no Boy Scout, Superman. You're just like me. A monster playing dress-up as a hero."

Superman faltered; the rage that had driven him slowly ebbing away. "I'm nothing like you," he said, but there was a note of uncertainty in his voice.

Homelander's bloodied grin was all teeth and madness. "Keep telling yourself that. But we both know the truth now. You've got darkness in you, just like me. And one day, you'll embrace it. And I can't wait...."

For a long moment, Clark stood there, the Antarctic wind whipping around him. Then, without another word, he turned and took to the skies, leaving Homelander broken and laughing in the frozen wasteland.

Homelander stared off into the distance, his manic facade now gone. A tear fell from his eye. "Why didn't you kill me?"


As Clark flew back to Georgia, his mind raced. Had he gone too far? Was Homelander right? The memory of Misty, broken and bleeding, steeled his resolve. No, he had done what was necessary to protect those he loved.

When he arrived back at Misty's house, he found it swarming with police and paramedics. His heart clenched as he saw the ambulance pulling away, sirens blaring.

In a blur of motion, Clark changed back into his civilian clothes and rushed to the hospital. He spent the night in Misty's room, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest, listening to the beep of the heart monitor.

Thanks to her status as a Supe, albeit a low-level one, Misty's surgery had been successful and was covered by Vought. Her enhanced healing was already kicking in, mending bones and knitting flesh at an accelerated rate.

As dawn broke, painting the hospital room in soft golden light, Misty's eyes fluttered open. Before she could speak, Clark was at her side, enveloping her in a gentle embrace.

"Clark," Misty whispered, her voice hoarse. "Are yo-."

"Don't worry about me," Clark replied, his voice thick with emotion. "I-I just need you to get better."

Before she could rebut, Clark said, "Misty, I... I need to tell you something." He pulled back slightly, meeting her gaze. In that moment, all the walls he'd built around his heart crumbled.

"I don't know if it's because I almost lost you, or if I thought you were already dead before I got to the house... I love you." Clark said, the words rushing out like a dam breaking. "I love your strength, your kindness, the way you've faced every hardship life has thrown at you and come out stronger. I love the way you see the good in people, even when they can't see it themselves. I love you, Misty Gray, all of you."

For a moment, Misty thought this was a dream. Ever since the day they first met, she'd continued to grow feelings for Clark. Gesture after gesture, and in Clark fashion he wanted nothing in return. She was able to medically and emotionally treat her family in ways they had never dreamed of.

Her mother, who lost her battle with cancer just a year after meeting Clark, voice echoed in her mind. 

'So help me God, Misty. Do not let that man slip away. No woman could be so lucky.

Tears welled up in Misty's eyes, spilling down her cheeks. "Clark, I... I love you too. I think I have for a long time. I was just afraid... afraid you'd see me as just another burden. Annie is your friend, it's not a secret that I don't like her.. I don't know if sh-"

Clark gently wiped away her tears. "Never. You're not a burden, Misty. The people I love and care about are my anchors. You remind me why I do what I do. To see people change from hopeless to hopeful, I love it. And I love you."

Slowly, mindful of her injuries, Clark leaned in. Their lips met in a kiss that was soft and tender, yet filled with all the passion and love they'd held back for so long.

As they parted, both slightly breathless, Misty smiled. It was a smile that lit up her entire face, chasing away the shadows of pain and fear.

"So," she said, a hint of her usual spark returning to her eyes, "does this mean I get to be Superman's girlfriend?"

Clark laughed, a sound of pure joy and relief. "I think it means I get to be Firecrackers' boyfriend. If she'll have me."

As they shared another kiss, the morning sun streaming through the hospital window, Clark felt a sense of peace wash over him. The road ahead would be challenging, fraught with dangers from Vought, The Seven, and his own inner demons. But with Misty by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came next.

The things you do for love.