[Bad Weather]

The door to the lounge slammed open, revealing Maya and Torryn soaking wet, dripping on the floor.

"Maybe you should use a towel-"

Maya's face was bright, a smile drawn across it despite the grey weather. 

She ran through the room, throwing herself around Mori's neck, who was sitting by the fire.

"And I was just beginning to dry..." he said.

"We found him! The Ferryman!" she said.

Mori gave in and hugged her back. 

"Good. You deserve a new fair start, and now you'll have it."

Maya laughed, and cried.

Torryn also walked in, sitting on the floor by the fire.

"I was considering bringing you across the border myself," said Mori.

"Before we go, make sure to take that perception curse off, remember, the one for the succubus? Turns out every female I encounter looks pretty bad, now," said Torryn.

"Ah, so now you want to look at girls?" Said Maya.

"No, not what I mean but..."

"Just say my name, it'll undo it. I added an easy break so you wouldn't worry about it," said Mori.

"But I said your name a few times already," replied Torryn.

"It's the full name, Memento Mori."


"STOP. I'll tell you when to take it off, it stays for now," said Maya.

"What?! I'm old enough to have girls look normal, what even is this?!"

"I need my brother locked in, concentrated as we evade through the border. Final order!"

Torryn loudly sighed, lying down on the floor.

Maya sat in the armchair across Mori, the whole group resting inside as the weather grew into a storm.

The rain became heavier, while the wind kept hitting the inn with all its force. 

To the others, it was simply bad weather, to Mori, it was the best weather.

When his mother was back from work, she'd always ask him 'With weather like this, we'll need to do a balance patch'.

Whatever he wanted to eat, she'd order the ingredients and he would direct the kitchen. More often than not, it ended up being a lasagna, although there had been a few pizzas in there.

While it was in the oven, they would make hot chocolates but not just any, the 'Balance Patched Hot Choco'.

There was a whole drawer full for this specific beverage. It included but wasn't limited to mini marshmallows, chocolate shavings, cinnamon sticks, caramel drizzle, crushed candy canes, vanilla extract, maple syrup, gingerbread crumbles, and Irish cream (alcohol-free).

They chose a movie, depending on whose turn it was, although it was more often his mother's turn, weirdly enough. 

He never argued, her taste in animated movies was quite good, she said it helped her with designing games, and for him, it was simply enjoyable to watch.

They would pause it mid-way, eat the food that was cooking, and then finish the movie afterward.

He barely ever saw the end of a movie, falling asleep on the couch. 

He would however sometimes wake up to the sound of his mother playing games on the television, that one time it must've been around 2 in the morning, and she let him play with her for hours, one of the best storms of his life.

And just like that, while reminiscing about the good old days, Jack Law, now Memento Mori, fell asleep in the armchair by the fire.

The sound of the wind hissing, the rain tapping, and the occasional thunder only left a soft smile on his face as he slept through the night.


Morning came around, rain still softly falling while the storm had passed.

Mori opened his eyes, feeling pressure on his body.


He expected Aura to be the one to do it, but it was Maya who was sleeping on him, her head on his shoulder.

This can't be comfortable.

He gently grabbed her like a princess, moving her to the couch next to Aura. 

Torryn seemed fine where he was, sleeping like a starfish next to the fire.

He exited the lounge, meeting face-to-face with Mary.

"Good morning! I'll start breakfast!" she said.

"Ah, thanks, I'll just sit at a table then."

This weather two days in a row was calming, although it meant they would get soaking wet when meeting with the Ferryman.

The first one to join him was Maya, appearing with an exhausted look on her face, as she dragged her feet on the ground.

"Good morning," she said.

"Good morning."

She sat next to him at the table. The smell of what must've been bacon filled the room, the distant sizzling a pleasing symphony.

Aura and Torryn eventually showed up, sitting at the same table as they waited for the meal to be served.

"So, where do we meet him?" asked Mori.

"It was in a bar closer to the center of the city, the guy who ran it said he knew him, and he'd ask him to meet us at the fountain today."

"Really? It's kind of crowded there," said Mori.

"That's what he said, I don't know much more."

"What time?" 

"In the afternoon, he'd find us, he said."

Mori nodded, in thought. 

"Alright, we'll eat and head out."

It didn't take too long for Mary to appear with trays with mountains of food on them.

She made a few trips back to the kitchen, leaving the trays in the middle of the table, everyone serving themselves what they wanted.

"Sit with us," said Mori.

"Nonsense, I'll eat in the kitchen! You guys enjoy your meal," she replied.

"Just sit with us, it's fine, really."

Mary seemed reluctant but ultimately sat down at the table.

"Eat with us. Don't just sit there."

"I'm not used to sitting with clients..."

"Nonsense," said Torryn his mouth full.

Mary smiled, grabbing herself a plate, and joining them on that meal.

"I couldn't help but hear you're leaving soon?" she asked.

"Maya and Torryn are, we'll be staying a little longer," said Mori.

"Sorry to see you go. Hope you enjoyed your stay."

"We sure did. Why don't you come with us? Start an inn up north?" asked Maya.

Mary had an uncomfortable reaction, making Maya quickly apologize.

"Ah don't worry about it. It's just that everything I've ever known is here, in Dustriver. Things are bad, but I don't know how I would manage somewhere I've never been."

"Well, if you change your mind, we'll be up there, waiting for you!"

Mary smiled. "Thanks."

The mountain of food slowly went down, mainly because of Torryn and Maya who had a greater appetite.

While the others kept eating, Mori turned to look outside, it was still raining.

"Ready?" asked Aura.

"I think, yeah."