
"Inscription was a bit more popular with the old regime, Asmodael kept me around," said Xannos.

"You two already know each other?" asked Lilae.

"Yes, we had the pleasure of meeting. Mori here is my apprentice," said Xannos in a bright tone.

"Oh, interesting," said Lilae.

Xannos entered the room, dropped a heavy bag on the table, and then sat at it.

He cracked his neck, sighing in relief.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" asked Xannos.

"As we had planned, I'm back with Mori who's made a move."

Xannos arched his eyebrow. 

"So... You're the one behind all of this?" he asked.


"I had a hard time believing we were talking about the same Mori, I guess you were indeed capable of it..."

Xannos stretched backward, extending his arms and legs as far as he could.

"Asmodael isn't coming," said Xannos.

"What?!" replied Lilae.

"Yeah, I know. He suddenly left the city, so I returned to tell you that."

"He's the one who put this plan in place... He's leaving us now?! When we're so close?"

"Alright, I'm leaving," said Mori getting up.

"No, no! Wait!" Said Lilae, pushing down on his shoulders. "Sit, sit, let's figure this out..."

"What is there to figure out? Your leader is a coward."

A loud slap resonated through the room, Mori's face thrown sideways as his cheek connected to Lilae's palm.

Mori loudly sighed, while Aura's nails grew, ready to pounce.

"It's fine, Aura."

Lilae had a serious look on her face, which quickly changed for a slow realization of what she had just done. 

She held onto her hand, almost surprised.

"S-Sorry. Whatever the reason he's not here, it must be important. Ever since we saw you arrive, we knew we had a chance to take back Dustriver, for him to leave now means something is up..."

Mori shrugged. "Regardless, here or not, it changes little for me."

"With Asmo gone, you're our new leader, Lilae," said Xannos.

Lilae started pacing around the room, biting her nails.

"Is he the only one to have left?" asked Lilae.

"I can't find Reaper," said Xannos.

"So your Royal Guards are jumping ship?" asked Mori. 

"Oh~ well, you know how it is," said Xannos shrugging.

"No. They're not. Reaper is human but allied himself with us years ago." replied Lilae. "He's been quite useful to our cause."

"If he's human he won't get out of here."

"But he's one of us, surely we can-"

Mori stood up, pushing his chair to the ground.

"Out of consideration for you, I won't hunt him down like the others. But should I find him — even by chance, his fate will be the same as the others."

Mori walked toward Lilae, his expression stone cold.

"How about some consideration for me? I've helped you with inscription, have I not? I'm even willing to keep helping you," said Xannos.

Mori's attention turned toward Xannos.

As he was about to respond, the torch's flames swayed in the room, making the shadows dance.

The room suddenly became dark for almost a second. Aura jumped in front of Mori, while everyone else seemed unfazed.

At the entrance, kneeling, was someone wearing a black robe, it looked like it was made of rags, as the end was torn, burnt, and in poor general shape. 

"Huh. After I said I'd kill you, you decide to show your face anyways?" asked Mori.

"I am a prisoner in this city, like the others. Only non-humans have been able to escape, and your... roaming things... attack any humans they see. Honestly dodging them has been hell. And that sword in the sky..."

"I'll make your death fast," said Mori approaching.

"You can't," said Lilae, attempting to hold Mori's shoulder.

She wasn't able to hold Mori back, as she was violently punched by Aura and sent clean to the ground.

Xannos put both his feet on the table, arching his eyebrows and whistling. 

"Whew, you must've felt that one! Hah! You guys do know she enjoys pain, right?"

"Wait," said Reaper as Mori approached.

"Last words? I'll allow it."

"I can be useful. I'm a shadow sorcerer, I specialize in recon. I'll pledge my allegiance."

"You're one of them. And none of them can be left alive."

"Them? I can be useful. Right above us, Jeff is setting up to cave in this whole place."

Everyone's gaze went straight up. 

Mori quickly turned toward Aura.

"Can you feel him?" he asked.

"No, not at all," replied Aura.

Xannos promptly stood up. "We have to leave."

His expression had suddenly turned serious.

"It's one of his artifacts. They're the reason we're having such a hard time."

"We're leaving, what a waste of time," said Mori.

"The entrance is trapped already, I can get us out of here," said Reaper.

Mori's gaze went back to the Reaper. "You're dying. Nothing you do or say will change that."

"How about we delay my death, huh? I get us out of here, and instead of right now, you kill me later?"

Mori sighed deeply, rubbing his forehead. "You're all the same. It's sickening."

"You can brand him," said Aura.

Mori turned around, facing Aura.

"You know, if he can tell Jeff is above us right now, it means he knew when the siblings were murdered. And he did nothing about it, did he?"

Mori turned again, facing the others.

"Matter of fact, you have all been doing nothing those past years. I'm not sure any of you should even see the light of day again."

"And what have you done? Those past years? What did you accomplish, while we were getting fucked in every way possible?" asked Xannos.

Mori's fists tightened, his fiery eyes staring at Xannos.

Mori walked forward, grabbing Xannos by the throat and dragging him backward.

He reached Reaper, grabbing him by the neck as well. As he held both of them, hexes swirled around both his arms, tightly engraving themselves on their bodies. 

He let go of both of them, as they held onto their new marks. Reaper's expression was one of concern, while Xannos was mostly amazed.

"This is amazing..." muttered Xannos.

Lilae pointed toward her own mark, showing Reaper they were all in the same boat.

"Thanks," said Reaper kneeling again.

"Your death was only delayed. Now get us out of here."

"Where to?" he asked.

The ceiling above them started rumbling, dust falling from the ceiling.

"We'll deal with Jeff later. By any chance, do you know if he has family or friends in this city?" asked Mori.

Reaper's creepy smile ran across his face, his shark teeth showing.

"I know exactly where to go," said Reaper.

Slowly, a magic circle traced with dark mist was drawn on the floor. Everyone stepped on it, Xannos quickly grabbing his bag as it started swirling upward, taking in everyone.