[Black Seal]

"Isn't that the Ice Sovereign?"

"Yeah, it totally is."

"What is she doing here?"

"She's pretty..."

Evie 'The Ice Queen', was walking down the street toward the castle. 

She was wearing a long white and blue robe, it looked heavy and had a lot of layers despite the day being hotter than usual. 

She wasn't sweating at all, however. Her skin looked smooth like porcelain, her long white-grey hair dancing in the wind.

Her hair was a consequence of the Sovereign status. She was a young adult, just reaching 22.

Tiny sparkles dispersed in the wind as she walked, trailing behind her and amazing the kids around while the adults rolled their eyes.

She didn't care much what they thought, however. 

She was walking slowly, while a horse-driven carriage was on her left, going at the same pace as her.

Someone was hanging half-outside of the window, waving his arms around.