[Small Town]

Around 4 hours of rest is all he got. Aura woke him up by gently shaking his shoulder, whispering his name.

His sleep wasn't so deep that he didn't see it coming, but it remained a nicer way to wake up.

"Mori? we'll stop here," she whispered.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"Some village, it doesn't have much to offer, but there is an inn with stables for the horses," she said.

"Good, we'll sleep there."

He took a deep breath, sitting upright. Looking outside, the night had totally fallen. 

He wasn't used to this. Night never meant darkness, in the real world. 

Lights were installed everywhere, they said it was for everyone's safety, however a lot more people thought it was more so that DiveCore could record them properly through the CCTVs.

Mori had never cared, DiveCore owned too many media companies for anyone to be able to untangle any conspiracy theory.