[Surprising Gift]

Evie was looking outside of the window, her grey and white locks gracefully sitting on her shoulders.

"Driver! We're taking a break!" she suddenly yelled.

The carriage they were in was the more luxurious kind, while the other knights were riding in the typical carriages by the half-dozen.

The doors were located on the sides; the inside was filled with white cushions and a sweet lavender scent.

A small rectangular window was on the opposite side of Evie, through which she communicated with the driver.

On that side, however sat the second in command.

"We're not stopping," he said, before closing the small window.

"If you dislike riding in carriages so much, why don't you just sleep or something?" he asked.

 Evie sighed loudly, making sure he heard it until it ended. 

"You don't get it, Vroto. You never do."

Vroto rolled his eyes as his attention went back to the scrolling scenery through the window.