[The Unkindled]

"So you brought me here?" 

Mori's voice echoed on the empty walls.


"When I was told people randomly disappeared, it did make me wonder if this was what's happening."

I'm looking for someone to clear this dungeon.

Yeah, that's why you took Brök's family away...

Mori remembered his thoughts could be heard, but unapologetically sat there. 

He was right, he thought.

He could understand if he truly needed help with this dungeon, but why bring innocent people who could never survive, like Brök's wife and kid?

I was looking for this 'Brök' you're thinking of. He exited the area, and while I kept the portal open longer in hopes he would come back inside it, or that the other two left it, none of those two things happened.

So they are...
