

They both ran toward him, but in a single line, like he had predicted.

However, as they approached, the one closest to him slowed down.

It threw a hand backward, which the other one took.

It propelled its friend forward, flying toward him.

Mori smirked.

Expecting as much, he did a wide arc, striking its head right-on with his spear.

The skeleton hit the ground a few times as it rolled on it, hitting the wall at decent speed.

It was weak, trying to get up, but going for it would've been a mistake and he knew it.

Mori kept his eyes on the other one, coming toward him.

It ran forward, arm held backward, ready to strike, but Mori's reach with a spear simply couldn't be competed with.

He struck its head vertically, making its chin touch the ground in a blink.

The skull shattered, pieces of bones scattering around the floor, covering it in white dust.

Mori turned toward the last one remaining.