
Have I died?

Mori looked around, but nothing tangible was close by. 

Was it another dream? 

He walked around, despite there being no floor under him.


His voice seemed to echo despite the absence of walls.

Is this hell? For what I have done?

He took a few more steps, before a whirlpool opened before him again.

This time it hadn't opened right under him, forcing him to fight for his life for days.

It was dark and violent, but silent.

The sound of water fluidly spiraling, no clashing or crashing.

He got on his knees next to it, getting his face closer to it.

He couldn't tell how deep it was, or what was lying down there.

Whatever was down there was waiting for him.

It knew he didn't have the strength to fight it anymore.

Mori put his hand in the swirling water, it easily pushed against his finger with decent force.