[Into The Abyss]

Darkness clouded everything, like a thin mist, a veil set upon everything he set his eyes on.

It felt like walking at night with only the moon to guide him, but that moon was slightly hidden behind clouds that just wouldn't let it properly shine through.

He could see, but just enough. 

He was standing on a very flat ground, and the scenery all around him was similar. Some mountains could be seen very far, on one side. 

Their layout could easily be seen, as it looked as if a thin white light had outlined them.

Mori finally looked up, the sky had no clouds hiding any moon. 

Rather, it was the moon hiding a sun.

"A total eclipse?" he asked himself.

It looked like it, he could see the white outline of the sun around a black circle, which could've been a moon. 

That moon, however, didn't look like it moved at all. It looked like they were stuck in that position.