[Christmas Eve]

It was Christmas.

Nothing special, really.

A day like any other, where people exchange gift, while light snow silently fell outside.

The world came to a stop.

The streets were empty, everyone staying inside with their family, sharing what would become fond memories.

No loud construction sounds echoed through the skyscrapers. No excessive honking made its way up, nor did any general 'living' noises.

It was calm, quiet and relaxing.

Everything was closed anyways, so most people out just headed toward their friends and families.

Every company had a minimum of days off to distribute to employees. DiveCore was no different.

Mori was able to spend another Christmas with his mother.

When he woke up, it was complete silence.

No noise pollution at all, the difference was day and night. 

All he could hear were quiet 'ping' sounds coming from the living room, with violent button mashing.