[ Christmas Eve 3]

Mori looked around, everything was in quite a mess.

For one, the desks were not aligned properly, and they all had tons of things piling on them.

From empty cardboard cups of coffees to takeout boxes.

Piles of paper were around too, surprisingly, and piles of data tablets.

The paper had to be his mother's doing.

It wasn't used anymore. Tablets could hold a lot more data than paper could. 

In comparison, filling the whole building with paper wouldn't be as much as how much those tablets could hold.

They had all kinds too, and some that weren't even out to the public yet. Some of them were even custom made by engineers, so they could play with them in their spare time.

His mother liked things 'old school', however. Her floor was one of the only ones with a printer.

Nobody dared question her choices, she was the 'protagonist' of that company. If she asked for a fax machine they would give her one.