Becoming The Boss

"Take me to the Wilson Company starry entertainment," Lea Said to the driver, a young, handsome man.

"Which one?" He asked with a polite smile.

"The main branch," Lea said.

"Yes, madam," the driver said as he started the engine.

After a thirty-minute drive, they arrived at a magnificent building with the name Wilson boldly imprinted on it. The Wilson family had two companies, and they were their major source of income, owning an Entertainment industry and a fashion.

Looking at the tall, majestic skyscraper, Lea heaved a deep sigh. One of the reasons why she quickly handed her shares of the company to Smith in her past life was her love for entertainment. Apart from having exquisite facial and body features, she had a deep passion for acting. She had a sweet, melodious voice like that of an angel.

And because of that, she had little for business management. She only studied it due to her father enforcing it on her. Apart from graduating with a first-class degree in business and finance, she had not put it to the test. She still pursued her career in music.

But remembering her experiences, she knew that the only way to get her revenge was to get stronger and have firm support. Being the CEO of the famous Wilson Company, which had nurtured many celebrities she would have strong forces under her.

*Clang!* Lea's heels made sounds as they hit the floor as she walked into the board members' meeting room.

"Greetings, young miss," all the board members greeted as they all stood up and bowed slightly to her. She was going to be the future successor of the company; how dare they not respect her?

Even though Lea was younger than everyone in the room, her eyes shone with a profound and dignified aura. She was no longer the timid little girl any more.

Lea gave a slight nod, signalling them to sit.

"You can begin," Lea said, and one of them stood up, handing her a book containing a summary of the company's growth over the last few years.

Lea's sharp eyes scanned the book, and a frown settled on her face.

Seeing this, the hearts of everyone present skipped a beat. "Is the young miss dissatisfied with the current state of the business?" was the thought lingering in their minds.

"Second?" Lea said in a dissatisfied tone looking at them with a sharp gaze.

"Why are we ranked second in the general ranking? I clearly remember a few years ago, we were ranked first a few years ago in the whole of New York" Lea inquired with a commanding tone.

The board members exchanged uneasy glances. Lea's keen observation had struck a nerve, and they were well aware of the decline in the company's performance since her father's departure.

"Miss, ever since the former CEO left, the business has kept going down over the years."

"We've faced increased competition, market fluctuations, and some internal challenges, Miss Lea," one of them finally explained, trying to justify the situation.

"The moonlit entertainment industry has taken the top spot. No matter what strategy we try, we just can't seem to beat them, "he added.

"Yes we can, and we will," Lea said.

The board members exchange glances.

She knew that this decline was not all due to external factors. It was time for her to step in and take control of the situation.

"Thank you for your input," she replied calmly. "I believe it's time for a change in our approach. I'll be closely involved in the company's operations from now on. Let's discuss a strategy to regain our position as the top company in our industry."

Her words sent a clear message that she was determined to take the Wilson Company back to its former glory. The board members, although initially doubting, now felt a glimmer of hope that under Lea's leadership, they might just achieve that goal.

Amidst the brainstorming session, Lea carefully observed the members. She noted who were more proactive and innovative members, and who seemed resistant to change. This information would be invaluable as she worked to reshape the company.

By the time the meeting ended everyone was shocked at the young miss level of business strategy.

"Before I dismiss this meeting, I would like to change something," Lea said.

"You there, dressed in a Tuxedo black shirt. Yes you. What is your name and your position?" Lea asked, pointing at the man who stood up.

"I am Mr William, and I am the production manager," Mr William replied.

"Mr William, you are fired," Lea said gently but this immediately caused an uproar.

"What?" My William exclaimed with wide eyes.

"It takes effect immediately, you may excuse us as your presence is no longer needed," Lea said.

Mr William looked like he wanted to say something, but the guards came up to him.

"Please pity me young miss, I have a family," Mr William said out loud as got pushed out.

"Now in conclusion, if any of you think of betraying the company I won't think twice before firing you. Now that we don't have a production manager, I will fill in that spot till we do," Lea said.

"Any question?" Lea asked.

"In absence of no questions, You are excused," Lea said.

"Mr Matthew, please stay behind," Lea said, stopping him before he left.

"Yes young miss," Mr Matthew said with a polite smile.

"I know you are confused," Lea said.

Out of everyone here, Mr Matthew is the only person she could fully trust. He is her father's trustee and was among the people who trained her.

"To everyone, me suddenly firing the production manager is unreasonable. But I had my reasons, from the start of the meeting I had been carefully analysing everyone. Mr William never participated, and his dressing is too expensive. Though they are paid richly, it isn't worth the designer cloth," Lea said, raising her chin with her right index finger.

"He must be secretly embezzling the company money. Such people need to be removed from the root," Lea said with a sharp gaze.