Last Wish

After handing the book to Mr Matthew, Leah made her way out of the company.

Leah leaned back in the plush leather seat of the Lamborghini. "Take me to my dad's hospital," Leah said.

"Yes Ma'am," The driver said with a respectful tone.

"Driver, could you take a detour?" she asked suddenly, her voice breaking the silence. "There's a flower shop a few blocks from here. I'd like to stop and pick something up."

The driver nodded, smoothly changing lanes to head towards the shop. Leah stepped out into the shop. She was greeted by the scent of fresh scent if flowers.

"Good afternoon miss," A female voice came from behind.

"I would like to buy some flowers," Leah said to the woman.

"Same?" She asked.

"Yeah, I would but the same type," Leah said.

She selected a small bouquet of her father's favorite flowers—a mix of lilies and roses.

Back in the car, Leah clutched the bouquet tightly, her thoughts drifting to her father in the hospital. She hadn't seen him in for years. Guilt gnawed at her; she should have made more time for him. But she has to first stabilise power in the company.

They arrived at FGD Hospital. Rushing inside, Leah navigated the familiar corridors until she reached her father's room. Opening the door quietly, she found him sitting up in bed looking at the window with a longing gaze. A faint smile appeared on his face as he looked up at her.

"Dad," she said, crossing the room to embrace him gently.

"Leah," he replied, his voice soft but strained.

"You didn't have to come. You already came last week," Mr Wilson said. He is the original founder of Wilson group and the CEO till he got this strange sickness and ha been hospitalised for 2 years.

Leah pulled back, studying his face. His complexion was paler than usual, and there were dark circles under his eyes that he tried to hide with a smile.

"I wanted to, I am already missing you," she insisted, placing the bouquet in a vase by the window.

"It not like I am going to die, doctor assured me that my condition is getting better," Mr Wilson said.

"Oh really," Leah said with a sad smile. She knew it was a false hope to avoid him for depression.

"How are you feeling?" Leah asked.

Her father shrugged lightly, avoiding her gaze. "Oh, you know, the usual. Just a little tired, that's all."

Leah frowned, sensing something more beneath his casual demeanor. "Have they told you anything new?"

He shook his head, his eyes flickering towards the bouquet. "No, nothing you need to worry about. How is Kelvin?"

Despite his attempt to change the subject, Leah couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something. She sat beside him, taking his hand in hers.

"Kelvin, we broke up," Leah said softly.

"What!" Mr Wilson said with wide eyes. He cough out some blood.

"Dad, you need to rest," Leah said as she held him.

"I thought..m I thought you said you love him," Mr Wilson said after his condition stabilise.

"He betrayed me, he cheated on me with Stella," Leah said with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"He did so? And Stella did so to you?" Mr Wilson asked with wide eyes and a loud voice.

"Dad don't think too much about it, I am doing fine," I can't trust you on that. You can keep a lot of secret away from me.

"Guilty," Leah said with a chuckle to relieve herself.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Mr Wilson asked holding her hands.

"Yeah, I am doing fine. Infect, I took over the company to put you at ease," Leah said.

"You did, I am so happy," Mr Wilson said with a smile.

"You were always stubborn, no matter how hard I tried to talk you into it you didn't agree, what changed?" Mr Wilson asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to make you happy," Leah said concealing the urge to blurt out what in her mind.

"Thanks my little lily," Mr Wilson said.

"I don't think I may health is getting any better. I could see the worry in the doctors eyes anytime they came to check up on me.

Leah's heart sank, a wave of sadness washing over her. She had known his condition was serious, but hearing him admit it made it painfully real. She squeezed his hand tighter, blinking back tears.

"We'll figure this out, Dad," she assured him, her voice trembling slightly. "I'm not going anywhere."

They sat in silence for a while, the only sound the faint beeping of the monitors beside the bed. As evening turned to night, Leah remained by her father's side, the weight of his illness hanging heavy in the air.

"Leah, can you fulfil my last wish for me?" Mr Wilson asked.

"Sure, what do you want?" Leah asked.

"I want you to be happy. Can you get married before I die?" Mr Wilson asked.

Hearing this Leah almost choked on her own saliva.

"Really dad?" Leah asked with a shy look.

"You are not growing are younger Leah, you should get yourself a good man. One who won't betray you but stand by yourside," Mr Wilson said.

"Okay, I will think about it," Leah said. Even though she wasn't interested in the marriage conversation.

"Thanks lily," Mr Wilson said.