Love Triangle

"What? Tell me what happening?" Leah asked as her gaze turned serious. She felt her heart beat fast anticipating what Miss Jane would say next.

"It your father, his condition suddenly flare up. And is in need for immediate surgery. I am calling to tell you that," Miss Jane said.

"What? surgery?" Leah asked her voice getting louder.

"Please start it, I will be on my way now," Leah said as she hung up.

Leah concluded the call and returned to the boardroom with a troubled look on her face. Mr. Matthew approached her quietly, giving her a moment before speaking.

"Is everything alright, Leah?" he asked softly, sensing her unease.

Leah sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping slightly with exhaustion. "It's my father," she began, her voice tinged with worry. "He's been experiencing complications with his condition. The nurse says his condition has worsened."

Mr. Matthew placed a reassuring hand on Leah's arm. "I'm sorry to hear that, Leah. Is there anything we can do?"

Leah shook her head slightly, her gaze distant. "I need to go see him. I've been so caught up here... I should've been there for him."

"You've been doing everything you can, Leah," Mr. Matthew said gently. "We'll manage things here. Your father needs you now."

"Thank you, Mr. Matthew. I'll be on my way now," Leah said as she hurried out.

They exchanged a solemn glance, both understanding the weight of the situation. As Leah gathered her belongings and prepared to leave, she turned to Mr. Matthew with a determined expression.

"Please keep things running smoothly here. I'll stay in touch and let you know how things are going," she said firmly.

"Of course, Leah," Mr. Matthew assured her. "Take all the time you need. We'll handle things here until you return."

With a grateful nod, Leah headed out of the office, her mind racing with thoughts of her father and the responsibilities that awaited her.

Leah hadn't scheduled emergency leaving. The driver was on break. She entered the car and stepped on the peddle driving fast towards the hospital.

Her sudden rush out of the company was noticed by Allen.

"Please I got something important to do now. Can I come back later," Allen said taking a break from the manager.

"Okay, it not your shot here. You can leave, but don't stay too long," The director said.

"Yes sir," Allen said as he hurriedly left.

He entered a taxi.

"Follow that car," Allen said to the driver.

"Okay," thean said as he trailed the car from behind.

Back in her car, as she drove towards the hospital where her father was being cared for, Leah's thoughts were consumed with a mix of worry.

As she entered the hospital, she quickly rushed towards the direction of the ward but she was quickly stopped by the receptionist.

"Please miss, you are not allowed to go there for now. There is surgery going on," The female receptionist said blocking Leah's path.

"The only thing you can do now is to sit somewhere to calm down. You barging there won't solve anything but only worsen the case," The female receptionist said again.

"Okay," Leah said as she took a deep breath. She sat down waiting anxiously for the reply.

"With the way miss Jane sounded, it seems it is a serious situation," Leah thought.

"I remember in my pass life, he got 2 more years and this never happened. I just pray he returns safely," Leah said as she bite her lips.

"Miss Leah," A gentle call caught her attention. Leah turned back and found Allen in the hospital.

She quickly looked away and wiped the tears in her eyes.

Allen walked towards her.

"What are you doing here?" Leah asked trying to hide her shaky voice.

"I just came to get some medicines. I just happened to see you here," Allen said as he sat beside her.

"Everything will be okay. You don't have to worry about me. You can head to where you are going," Leah said as she finally turned to him.

"Miss Leah I can tell something is wrong, and I can't leave you like this in this condition," Allen said.

"It's okay, I will be fine," Leah said.

"Okay, I will stay with you," Allen said with no sign of leaving.

Leah lost interest in trying go persuade him to leave.

She waiting for the reply. Hours pass by and her eyes started getting heavy. The huge work load of today started to take a troll on her.

She unconsciously leaned on Allen shoulder drifting info sleep.

"You are tired, what are you waiting for here?" Allen asked as he tucked her fallen strands of her on her ears.

"This position must be uncomfortable for you," Allen thought. He used his hands to guide her head on his laps.

Leah immediately snuggled on his wrapping her arms around his waist as if he were her pillow.

The change of event put Allen in a awkward position. He had to sit straight pushing his body forwards to avoid Leah from falling off.

Leah who didn't mind her environment feel into a deep sleep.

"Is this considered an improvement in the mission?" Allen thought as he looked down at Leah with a smirk on his face.

Soon, Doctor Smith came out from the operating room. He had an exhausted look on his face from over concentrating.

He walked to the female receptionist.

"Did Miss Leah come?" Doctor Smith asked.

"Yeah, she is over there," The receptionist said pointing to the direction where Leah was together with Allen.

Seeing their intimate position a frown settled on Doctor Smith face. He suddenly felt his heart beat increase sharply.

"Keep things professional," He said to himself despite him getting angry for no apparent reason.

"I brought report for Miss Leah about the patient conditions," Doctor Smith said as he approached them.

"She, keep your voice down. Don't wake her up," Allen said.

"What?" Doctor Smith asked speechless.

"The news is important and I am sure she would want to hear it," Doctor Smith said trying to keep calm.

"You are so noisy," Allen said as he hissed.

A frown settled on Doctor Smith face.

"You can tell me the news, I will tell her when she wakes up," Allen said.

"I am sorry, to do that I must know your relationship with her, so I can tell if I can reveal the secret to you," Doctor Smith said.

"We are partners," Allen said.

"Partners?" Doctor Smith asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You heard right, so is that enough?" Allen asked.

"Nope, just tell her that the patience condition is safe. The rest, she would have to hear it herself," Doctor Smith said.

"Sheesh, so many protocols," Allen hissed as he carried Leah in his arms and walked out towards her car.

Doctor Smith looked at their backs with what seems like fire of jealousy. He was just 25 year old and had gotten some feeling for Leah after sometime she came to the hospital to check up on her dad's condition.

"Is this some kind of love triangle?" Doctor Smith asked himself. He shook off the feeling and head to his office.