The Finals (Part Two)

The competition had barely started for 3 seconds when Zhang Guan caught up with Matsumura Shingo. In terms of reaction time at the start, there was only a 0.043-second difference between the two, and this difference was caused during the starting phase, not in the speed during the race. In a showdown between sprinters in the 100-meter race, a difference of 0.01 seconds at the finish line is roughly half a head's length, while 0.05 seconds is two to three head lengths, which is already a significant gap. However, at the starting line, a difference of 0.05 seconds might only be half a leg length.

After the race began, Zhang Guan realized that his start was slow again. So he didn't hold back but instead accelerated with all his might. It took him only 3 seconds to catch up with Matsumura Shingo.

In fact, Matsumura Shingo's main event was not the 100-meter sprint but the 200-meter sprint. His level in the 200-meter sprint far exceeded that in the 100 meters. Not only did he win the gold medal in the Asian Games 200 meters, but he was also the holder of the Asian record. It was precisely because his main event was the 200 meters that his explosive power in the first half of the 100 meters was not that strong. However, his endurance was quite sufficient. This is also a technical characteristic of athletes specializing in the 200 meters in the 100-meter event. Just like the future Bolt, who was left behind by Su Feiren in the first 30 meters of the 100-meter race but had enough strength to easily win the race.

Matsumura Shingo was accustomed to being caught up with, or even falling behind, in the first half of the race. For him, it was after 40 meters that he truly demonstrated his strength. So when Zhang Guan caught up, Matsumura Shingo didn't panic but continued to accelerate at his own pace and maintain the lead.

However, a second later, Zhang Guan had already surpassed Matsumura Shingo, taking the lead.

"This is not right! The speed is so fast, it's different from what Coach Kobayashi predicted before the race." As an Asian sprinting star, Matsumura Shingo had quite a wealth of experience in competitions. Almost at the moment when Zhang Guan surpassed him, Matsumura Shingo felt that Zhang Guan's speed was faster than his plan.

Coach Kobayashi Kei and others had formulated several targeted plans for Matsumura Shingo before the race, including what to do if the strategy of snatching the lead succeeded. In Coach Kobayashi's prediction, Zhang Guan would close the gap with Matsumura Shingo in the first 50 meters, but Matsumura Shingo would rely on his strong endurance to win the race. At the same time, Chohara Nobuharu and Doi Yasuyuki would also put pressure on Zhang Guan from the side, disrupting Zhang Guan's sprint rhythm. If the tactics were effective, the Japanese team might sweep the top three places. Even if the tactics were not ideal, they could still aim for a silver medal while ensuring the gold.

However, at this moment, Zhang Guan not only closed the gap with Matsumura Shingo but also surpassed him at the 50-meter mark. As for Chohara Nobuharu and Doi Yasuyuki, they were left far behind by Zhang Guan, let alone causing any interference.

"How is this possible? I'm the third-place winner of the World Athletics Championships, I'm the fastest man in Asia, how could I lose!" Matsumura Shingo roared loudly in his heart, this anger turned into motivation, making him start a fierce sprint regardless of everything.

But the distance did not close.

Zhang Guan, in the leading position, felt something unusual about Matsumura Shingo, so he unconsciously turned his head to look, but this action only further angered Matsumura Shingo.

"I'm running so hard, and you still have the leisure to look back at me!" Matsumura Shingo felt insulted and exerted even more effort.

Matsumura Shingo did not know that Zhang Guan ahead of him was running quite easily. Zhang Guan was confident that even without a quick reaction, relying solely on the effect of his master-level sprinting skills would be enough to run within 10 seconds. The initial ordinary sprinting effect was like a common free hack, while the master-level sprinting was like a premium VIP hack, with a vastly different effect.

After 70 meters, the gap between Matsumura Shingo and Zhang Guan was still not closing, and the championship was within reach.

"Come on! Come on!" Chinese team athletes watching from a distance had already begun to shout frantically.

"Come on! Come on!" In the press area, Yang Zhongyi had completely disregarded his image, waving his hands wildly, even with his phone in hand.

"Come on! Come on!" In a corner of the stands, a few Filipino-Chinese waved their bright red national flag high above their heads.

"Come on! Come on!" A Malaysian coach watching the game shouted in half-awkward Teochew, with a hint of gloating in his eyes.

This kind of gloating was aimed at the Japanese. The Japanese team had long dominated the position of the top 100 and 200 meters sprinters in Asia. In Asia, as long as there was a Japanese team participating in athletics competitions, other countries could not dream of winning gold medals in the 100 and 200 meters sprints, so other Asian countries were eager to see someone pull down the Japanese team and break the monopoly of the Japanese team in the sprint events.

Matsumura Shingo did not give up. He continued to strive and struggle. He was like a donkey in heat that had been kicked hard but stubbornly charged forward. But it was all in vain, Zhang Guan was still glancing back at him discreetly, as if he had not exerted all his effort, yet Matsumura Shingo couldn't close the gap with Zhang Guan.

Even bystanders realized that in this contest between Asia's top sprinters, Matsumura Shingo had completely lost, and he would never win again. After all, Matsumura Shingo, at the age of twenty-three, had reached the peak of his career, while seventeen-year-old Zhang Guan seemed to be just rising like the morning sun.

Without any surprises, this 100-meter gold medal had already been won by Zhang Guan.

But just at this moment, something unexpected happened, but it was not Zhang Guan who experienced the unexpected, but Matsumura Shingo.

With one step on the ground, a piercing pain shot from Matsumura Shingo's left leg. Matsumura Shingo didn't pay much attention at first, but when he landed on his left foot again and exerted force, the intense pain distorted his face, almost causing him to fall, but he barely maintained his balance, yet his speed involuntarily slowed down.

It was just this slight slowing down that allowed Chohara Nobuharu and Chen Jian to surpass Matsumura Shingo in succession.

"What's wrong with Matsumura Shingo?" Coach Kobayashi Kei's face turned pale as he realized that the worst-case scenario he feared had come true - Matsumura Shingo seemed to be injured.

At this moment, Matsumura Shingo was like a cripple, hobbling towards the finish line. He lifted his head unwillingly, just in time to see Zhang Guan crossing the finish line. He clenched his fists in unwillingness, his eyes filled with anger and despair.

"Zhang Guan crossed the line, he won! We won!" There was a huge cheer from the national team, with athletes embracing each other. Even Director Ma, who was usually serious, couldn't help but shout out loud.

For the national athletics team dispatched to the Philippines, winning a gold medal in the men's 100-meter sprint exceeded their expectations. This breakthrough achievement was an outstanding political achievement for Director Ma. Even if they didn't win a medal in the 4x100 meters relay, the gold medal in the sprint could compensate for everything!

With an absolute advantage, Zhang Guan won the championship. After crossing the finish line, he gradually slowed down his pace.

Chohara Nobuharu crossed the finish line second. He didn't show any joy on his face. Instead, he looked back at Matsumura Shingo, who was still struggling forward, with a hint of sadness, clearly worried about Matsumura Shingo's injury.

Chen Jian crossed the finish line third. He didn't slow down at all and rushed towards Zhang Guan, hugging him tightly. However, his height of 1.7 meters was much shorter than Zhang Guan, so Chen Jian almost ended up riding on Zhang Guan when he jumped to hug him.

Soon after, Shen Bao also rushed over and hugged Zhang Guan and Chen Jian tightly. Although he didn't win a medal, the joy in his heart was incomparable.

Mubarak and Habibi also came forward to congratulate them. Applause resounded around, showing respect for the winners.

Coach Kobayashi Kei stood there with a grim face. He had anticipated that Matsumura Shingo might lose, so he had arranged a strategy to disrupt Zhang Guan's rhythm by snatching the lead. He even used the despicable tactic of reporting doping violations. But he still couldn't stop Zhang Guan from winning the championship.

Moreover, the Japanese team lost Matsumura Shingo due to injury. From Matsumura Shingo's current situation, it was possible that he had injured his Achilles tendon or ankle. The specific extent of the injury would have to wait for the doctor's assessment, but it was undoubtedly a major blow to the entire Japanese team.


Far away in Japan, Mr. Eriko sat beside the television with his son, silent for a long time.

Although Eriko Masafumi was only a teenage athlete, he could still tell who was faster and who was slower. Zhang Guan was clearly faster than Matsumura Shingo. Even if Matsumura Shingo hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have been Zhang Guan's opponent.

Japan had always promoted itself as a sports powerhouse, especially in athletics and sprinting. The people had accepted this idea. Japan had achieved breakthroughs in sprinting events, boosting the nation's confidence. For a small island nation like Japan, prone to earthquakes and possibly volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, the government spared no effort to boost national confidence.

Matsumura Shingo had just won the bronze medal at the World Athletics Championships. The Japanese authorities believed that he would definitely win the Asian Athletics Championships, so they vigorously promoted Matsumura Shingo and broadcasted the finals of the Asian Athletics Championships live. However, in the just-concluded race, Japan's national hero Matsumura Shingo lost to Zhang Guan, directly undermining the confidence of the Japanese people and evoking a sense of inferiority among many Japanese people in their small island country.

Looking at the television, Eriko Masafumi clenched his fists tightly, thinking to himself, "Zhang Guan, I must surpass you in the future!"

"Ah... Japan is still a small country!" Mr. Eriko sighed deeply, picked up the remote control to change the channel, but happened to see the time spent by the athletes on the screen.

"What's this?" Mr. Eriko felt a little regretful at this moment. Why didn't he change the channel earlier? Why did he see that number on the screen? Was it amplifying his sense of inferiority?

Next to him, Eriko Masafumi loosened his fist. He began to doubt himself.

"Can I really surpass him with this result?"