The Confrontation

"Make way, make way!"

Director Guo shouted, but none of the reporters blocking the way in front moved an inch. Reporters who interview celebrities have honed their skills in squeezing and occupying positions. Director Guo obviously couldn't squeeze into the crowd.

"Everyone, make way for the leader." Secretary Zhao spoke up.

At the mention of "leader," the reporters turned their heads and saw a man with a badge hanging around his neck. It was an official work permit representing the delegation. Reluctantly, the reporters made way, allowing Director Guo to pass.

As Director Guo entered the crowd, the flashing lights around him made him feel satisfied. For someone who would retire in a little over a year, he cherished these moments under the spotlight. He cleared his throat and approached Zhang Guan.

"Director Guo!" Zhang greeted with a smile, but there was no warmth in his smile. Although they knew each other, their work rarely intersected.

Director Guo just nodded at Zhang, then took out a piece of paper from his briefcase. Although the text couldn't be clearly seen in the darkness, the bright red official seal was visible.

"Is this an award? Why so soon? When did these officials become so efficient?" Zhao looked at Director Ma, who shook his head in confusion, indicating he didn't know about this either.

The reporters present thought it was a written commendation from the delegation, so they immediately raised their equipment to capture it as exclusive news.

Director Ma was satisfied with the puzzled expressions of others and the attention from the media. He cleared his throat and began, "Now, I will read the document, 'Decision on the Punishment of Comrade Zhang Guan for Violating Discipline!'"

The crowd erupted into a commotion!

Director Guo's face once again showed a satisfied smile. He thought these few hours of waiting weren't in vain. This was the shocking effect he wanted.

"What does the delegation mean? They're actually punishing Zhang Guan?"

"Weren't they supposed to commend him? Why punishment?"

"Are they trying to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs?"

"The hunter kills the bird with a good bow, and the sly rabbit dies in the running dog's cooking pot!"

"Just based on Zhang Guan's achievements, even if he slightly violated discipline, they wouldn't publicly announce punishment! Is the leadership out of their minds?"

"A priceless brain! Today wasn't in vain, this is truly big news!"

The reporters discussed fervently, and Director Guo's smile grew even more sincere. But as he listened carefully to the reporters' discussions, he realized something was amiss. Phrases like "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs" and "the hunter kills the bird with a good bow, and the sly rabbit dies in the running dog's cooking pot" didn't seem to be speaking from his perspective.

"Quiet, quiet down!" Secretary Zhao intervened, and the reporters immediately fell silent.

"Director Guo, is there any misunderstanding here?" Director Ma quickly asked.

"Misunderstanding?" Director Guo sneered and held up the document, then continued, "This has the official seal, what misunderstanding could there be?"

Director Ma and the others took a closer look and indeed saw the bright red seal.

"What's going on?" Director Ma looked at Director Guo, then back at Zhang Guan, completely puzzled.

Zhang Guan was also pondering the origin of this punishment decision.

"I've already won the Olympic gold medal, and I even broke the world record in the 100 meters. Logically, they should be celebrating me, how could they be punishing me? And even if they were, they wouldn't announce it in front of so many people! Unless they don't know I won the Olympic gold medal."

Thinking this, Zhang Guan took the initiative to speak up and stepped forward, saying, "Let me explain this matter."

All eyes focused on Zhang Guan once again. He spoke calmly, "Some time ago, I took the opportunity of being familiar with the competition venue to go to the betting station in Athens and bought a lottery ticket, the kind where you guess the outcome of the match. We have this kind of thing in our country too, I'm sure you're all familiar with it."

"But later, Director Guo and Secretary Zhao suddenly came to my room and said my purchase of the lottery ticket was gambling, violating discipline. Of course, I argued with them. At that time, Director Guo insisted that my behavior violated the discipline of the delegation and asked me to wait for punishment. I guess this punishment must be it!"

After Zhang Guan finished speaking, he smiled at Director Guo, as if to say it was now his turn to explain.

"Buying a lottery ticket also counts as violating discipline? That's ridiculous!"

"If buying sports lottery tickets is considered gambling, I'm afraid I would have been arrested several times already."

"You all see, even the head officials think sports lottery is a form of gambling. Maybe we shouldn't buy it anymore!"

Director Guo was experienced. He realized the situation wasn't favorable to him. He immediately countered, "What Zhang Guan said isn't entirely true. We decided to punish him not because he bought a lottery ticket, but because his actions have had an extremely negative impact on the national team!"

The reporters immediately focused their attention on Director Guo, who continued, "When we punish athletes, we definitely have our reasons. Although Zhang Guan's purchase of a lottery ticket didn't violate any rules, he bought one for himself winning the Olympic gold medal. This matter was ridiculed by European media, his arrogant and irresponsible behavior severely damaged the country's image!"

"Considering the young athlete, making mistakes is inevitable. So I personally went to talk to Zhang Guan, hoping he could realize his mistakes, engage in deep self-reflection, and strictly discipline himself in the future. But Zhang Guan not only didn't realize his mistake, but also claimed he could win the Olympic gold medal! This shows he hasn't realized the extent of his mistake, nor the negative impact of his arrogance and recklessness on the country! So our punishment is not aimed at his purchase of a lottery ticket, but at his refusal to repent after making a mistake!"

Director Guo spoke earnestly, but he noticed everyone around him looking at him strangely.

"What's wrong? Why is everyone looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong just now?" Director Guo carefully recalled his words, but didn't find any loopholes.

"Why would it be impossible for me to win the gold medal at the Olympics?" Zhang Guan asked loudly. "If foreigners look down on us, should we also look down on ourselves?"

This statement immediately resonated with everyone. If Zhang Guan had said this a few hours ago, perhaps not many would have agreed, but now that he was an Olympic champion who had broken the world record in the men's 100 meters, he was considered a miracle worker. His words now stirred up more emotions.

"I don't look down on you. I'm just stating the facts! Without that ability, boasting privately is one thing, but when it's blown up in foreign newspapers, causing such a negative impact, you have to take responsibility." Director Guo immediately responded.

"Stating the facts? Alright, let's talk about the results of today's competition. My event has already ended today. Guess what place I ran?" Zhang Guan paused for a moment, then continued, "Director Guo, guess which position I secured in today's race?"

Director Guo was taken aback. He knew that today included the semifinals and finals of the men's 100 meters. Zhang Guan asking him to guess his position, combined with his late return, almost certainly meant he had made it to the finals.

"I didn't expect this kid to still have some skills, actually making it to the Olympic finals. This is indeed an unprecedented breakthrough! No wonder he's so confident. He's probably only eighteen years old. If it's four years later, he might even achieve something significant," Director Guo suddenly felt a twinge of regret, thinking he shouldn't have soured relations with such a rising star.

But then Director Guo had another thought. He would retire in a little over a year, and he wouldn't have any work-related interactions with Zhang Guan by then. If he offended him now, so be it. After all, he was an official of the ministry, and there was no need to fear an athlete.

"He asked me to guess his position, and he must have achieved a good rank. With eight athletes in total, he wouldn't ask me to guess if he came eighth, and there's nothing to boast about if it's seventh. Could it be he finished fifth or sixth!" Director Guo frowned. He knew that if a member of the national team could achieve fifth or sixth place in the Olympic finals, it would definitely be highlighted as a significant achievement in publicity. Then, it would be difficult to carry out this punishment decision.

"No, this punishment decision must be carried out today. Once implemented, it cannot be retracted. Even if he finishes fifth, he must accept the punishment," Director Guo was cautious. He didn't directly answer but instead said, "Your ranking has nothing to do with the punishment you receive. I won't guess your position either."

"But that's not necessarily true. If I finish in the top three and win a medal, will you still continue reading? Can you bear that responsibility?" Zhang Guan pointed to the document in Director Guo's hand.

Director Guo felt a sudden tightness in his chest. "Could he have won a medal!"