Chapter8 A new strategy

Jason and Ethan have` been working together for months now but Ethan feels that they need to set down new strategies to make sure they have all it takes to improve their company's production rate, Ethan visited Jason one afternoon and said, "I know that you are worried about your sisters disappearance but look, we need to set down a new strategy for the company.

Organize for a quick meeting with Michael and other stakeholders Next week, we meet at Harris wedding anniversary at Golden buzzers hotel. All people and other people will be there and maybe we will meet more prominent people to work with and improve our company's production. Father has also received an invitation for the same but we need to find Claire and that too very fast because she is also expected to be at the party and with a ball gown.

That night, Ethan received a call from Harris giving him an update on where Clare was taken after abduction. "Hello, Ethan I have some information about our lady, Claire She was taken to one of the sawyers club in Pander City, and it is just around sunfast cooperation companies. Ethan was now boiling with fury and now they have to know who I really am.

I want you to strip off your clothes; no one will save you and I will have to have a taste of your body and have you all to myself.

That night, Ethan received a call from Harris, giving him an update on where Claire was taken after her abduction. "Hello, Ethan, I have some information about our lady, Claire. She was taken to one of the Sawyer's clubs in Pander City, and it is just around Sunfast Corporation companies."

Ethan was now boiling with fury. "Now they have to know who I really am," he thought. "I want you to strip off your clothes. No one will save you, and I will have to have a taste of your body and have you all to myself."

Ethan clenched his fists, his mind racing. He couldn't let his emotions get the better of him. He needed a plan. He called Jason immediately. "Jason, I have a lead on Claire's whereabouts. She's in Pander City. We need to act fast. This might be our only chance."

Jason's voice was tense on the other end. "Alright, I'll get everything ready. We'll need a solid plan and some backup. We can't afford to mess this up."

Ethan nodded, though Jason couldn't see him. "Agreed. Let's meet tomorrow morning at my place. We'll go over everything and make sure we're prepared."

As he hung up, Ethan's mind was already working through the logistics. He couldn't shake the image of Claire, alone and scared. They had to find her, and they had to do it quickly. The stakes were higher than ever, and failure was not an option.

Ethan spent the rest of the night mapping out a strategy. Sleep eluded him as his mind churned with plans and contingencies. The first light of dawn found him still at his desk, surrounded by notes and diagrams. The doorbell rang, breaking his concentration. He opened it to find Jason standing there, looking equally haggard but determined.

"Morning," Jason said, stepping inside. "I brought coffee. We'll need it."

"Thanks," Ethan replied, taking a cup. "I've laid out a plan, but I need your input. We have to be precise and careful. We can't afford any mistakes."

They settled at the table, and Ethan spread out the papers. "We'll need to infiltrate the Sawyer's club in Pander City. It's risky, but we have no other choice. We need to gather intelligence and make sure Claire is there before we make a move."

Jason nodded. "Agreed. We should go undercover, blend in, and gather information discreetly. I have some contacts who might help us get inside without raising suspicion."

Ethan's eyes sharpened with resolve. "Perfect. We'll need to act fast and stay one step ahead. Let's go over the details and assign roles."

For the next few hours, they meticulously planned their operation. Jason would use his contacts to gain access to the club, while Ethan would focus on locating Claire. They would have a small team on standby, ready to intervene if things went south.

By noon, they felt confident in their plan. "Alright," Jason said, standing up. "Let's get moving. Time is of the essence."

They split up to gather their team and resources. Ethan contacted Harris to get more details about Claire's location, while Jason met with his contacts to secure their entry into the club. The urgency of their mission fueled their determination.

As night fell, they regrouped at a safe house near Pander City. Their team, a small but skilled group of operatives, was ready. Ethan addressed them, his voice steady but intense. "This mission is personal. We're rescuing my sister, Claire. We need to be swift and efficient. Our primary objective is to get her out safely. Let's stay focused and work together."

The team nodded, their expressions resolute. They understood the gravity of the situation. Jason handed out earpieces and went over the final details. "Remember, our cover is crucial. Blend in, gather intel, and stay in constant communication. We'll move in once we have confirmation of Claire's location."

They set out, tension thick in the air. The Sawyer's Club loomed ahead, a fortress of shadows and secrets. Ethan's heart pounded as they approached, but he pushed his emotions aside. Claire needed him, and he would not fail her.

Inside the club, the atmosphere was dark and oppressive. The team dispersed, mingling with the crowd and keeping a low profile. Ethan and Jason moved together, their eyes scanning every corner for signs of Claire.

Minutes felt like hours as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Suddenly, Ethan's earpiece cracked. "Ethan, I've got eyes on Claire," one of their operatives whispered. "She's in a room on the second floor, guarded by two men."

Ethan's pulse quickened. "We're on our way," he replied. "Stay hidden and be ready."

He and Jason moved swiftly but cautiously, making their way to the second floor. They paused outside the room, listening for any sounds. Ethan signaled to Jason, and they burst in, catching the guards off guard. A brief struggle ensued, but their training paid off, and the guards were swiftly incapacitated.

Ethan rushed to Claire, who was tied to a chair, looking weak but alive. "Claire, it's me," he said urgently, untying her bonds. "We're getting you out of here."

Claire's eyes filled with tears. "Ethan, I knew you'd come."

Jason kept watch at the door. "We need to move, now."

With Claire supported between them, they made their way back through the club, avoiding detection. Their team provided cover, creating distractions and clearing their path. As they reached the exit, relief washed over Ethan.

They emerged into the cool night air, and Ethan's grip on Claire tightened protectively. "We're safe now," he murmured, though his mind was already racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. This was just the beginning, and their fight was far from over.