The new world [2]

Well, where should one start? Ash von de Agnus is just a third-rate villain. He appears for the first time in the first chapters of the novel, and he is beaten by the protagonist because he attempted to assault one of the hero's harem, and because of that, the imperial family will disown him.

As for his talents, they are not impressive, after his awakening, he had no talents, and with his weak body and almost non-existent control of mana, he was unable to excel in either path, neither magic nor swordsmanship, which made him take mana drugs to increase his control over mana, and he climbed the ranks to his limit despite his efforts and attempts. This led to his despair, which the demons exploit to manipulate him into becoming one of the most dangerous criminals in the world, but he will meet the most tragic end in the novel.

While I was deep in thought, a voice woke me up

"Young master"

I raised my head to find a man in his forties with gray hair and black eyes, next to him was a twenty-year-old girl with dark blue hair and eyes

She said after him.

"Are you okay, Your Highness?"

Ron and Jenny, I remember that they are Ash's servants, and will be useful to me in the future, I was surprised by their sudden appearance, but I did not show it on my face, and with an indifferent expression, I asked him.

"What brought you here?"

Ron replied with a smile

"You have sent for us, young sir."

I answered surprised

"Hey, when did you do that?"

"Excuse me"

Ron and Ginny looked with puzzled expressions on their faces


"What is the date of today"

Jenny answered

"The seventeenth day of the fourth month in the year 864"

'The novel will begin in the year 871, meaning I still have about 7 years, ok.'

I got up from the bed and went to the desk and wrote down some items on it and gave them to Jenny and said

"You have two days to get everything on the list."

Jenny nodded

"You can leave now."

"Yes sir!!"

I turned to Ron and told him his mission




Butler Ron POV:

"Did you see what I saw just now?"

Jenny said next to him

I'm still amazed too.

'What happened to that child?'

Usually, he would curse and shout at Alema, for and without reason, and of course, we should not forget his constant outbursts of anger. In this state, he killed many servants.

But otherwise, he was calm and cold as ice, and with his indifferent look, I felt like he was the emperor for a moment.

But more importantly than that

"He smiled"

Jenny said in a surprised voice

I raised him from a young age and I never saw him smile, but now of all times what happened to him and he gave us a mission as well.

"There is no point in that. We must focus on the tasks that the young master has assigned us."

Jenny nodded.

Then we went our separate ways.

'What is that little devil planning?'