Dragon Heart [1]

Ron and I exited the dungeon and found Jenny waiting outside.

"Hello, young master."

"We're leaving now."

"Yes, sir."

Time is running out; I need to quickly take their lands. My next target is the 'Heart of the Last Dragon Lord.'

I activated my ring, and a purple light enveloped us all.

Like the elves and other races, many mythical creatures, including dragons and phoenixes, migrated to Earth and lived in peace with humans until, for an unknown reason, the dragons went berserk, destroying and killing randomly. As a result, Emperor Zeus, Zarax's grandfather, supported by the High Council, decided to exterminate all dragons and any mythical creatures that could pose a future threat to humanity.

Indeed, they wiped out the dragons and powerful beasts, or so they thought. A minority of these creatures survived, hiding in the shadows, including the Dragon Lord, until they were discovered and killed by demon worshippers.

According to the story, the leader of the demon worshippers extracted and ate the Dragon Lord's heart, breaking his human limits and transforming into a dragon human.

But it will be mine now.

'We have arrived.'

We are now in a dense forest near the Dragon Lord's territory.

Even Pluto's ring, an S-rank artifact that breaks space-time laws, cannot enter the Dragon Lord's area unless the surrounding runes are deciphered. Luckily, I know them from reading the story.

"Young master."

I looked at Jenny, who asked hesitantly,

"What is it?"

"Sorry, but may I ask you-"


I heard a scream.

I need to see what's happening there; I don't want any variables hindering my path.

"Go there."

She hesitated for a moment but quickly ran towards the scream. Ron carried me, and Jenny followed swiftly.

We found a young elf girl surrounded by three monsters.


Stop screaming, you annoying child.

I turned to Jenny and Ron and said,

"Jenny, protect the girl."

"Ron, kill them."

They responded simultaneously,

"Yes, sir!!"

Jenny quickly leaped and grabbed the girl, while Ron felled the three monsters with two strikes of his dagger.

He approached Jenny, who was holding a blonde girl with sky-blue eyes and long ears, seemingly around my age.

She seems to be an elf. What brought this child here?

The girl screamed,

"Stay away from me."


Jenny smiled and said,

"Don't be afraid, little one we won't hurt you-"

"Liar! You want to kidnap me again."

Her voice was filled with fear and anger.

"Stay away from me."

"Jenny, Ron, leave us."

"But, sir-"

I looked at Jenny coldly.

"I believe I was clear."

Jenny wanted to save the child, but there was nothing she could do.

"Yes, sir."

After we moved away a bit,

"Help me!!"

'What is with this crazy child? She asks us to leave her alone, and when we do, she calls for help?!'

I looked at her indifferently and said,

"What now?"

"Uh-Please forgive me, I was scared and didn't notice you have golden eyes. You must be from the imperial family. Please help me."

"Why should I help you?


"Young master-"

Jenny closed her mouth when I looked at her. She is weak against children, I see.

The child hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"Whatever. Fine, I'll take you home. Anyway, I am heading to the elf forest."

The child's expression brightened,

"But on one condition: stay quiet all the way. We will go to another place before reaching the elf forest, and I don't want any disturbance. Don't ask unnecessary questions, or I'll throw you into the mouth of the nearest monster."

The child remained silent.

"If you don't like it, you're free to go-"

"I'll go."


I turned and walked into the forest. Ron, Jenny, and the child followed.


Fog Forest

One of the forbidden areas in Akardia. No one enters and comes out; even monsters fear it. It expands over time, consuming the elf forest, and no one has been able to solve its mystery.

But it is a place created by the Dragon Lord to hide his existence. He is now on the brink of death. If the plan goes well-.

As I pondered, the child screamed,

"This is the Fog Forest! It's very dangerous. My mother always warned me not to go near it!"

"Shut up."

The child covered her mouth with both hands.

'This annoying girl, all she knows is how to scream.'

Then Ron spoke in a serious voice,

"She is right, young master; you shouldn't mess around here."

"I know that."

Everyone looked puzzled but silently watched.

I cut myself, and with the blood, I drew a rune circle.

'That's how it was described in the story.'

A path appeared before us.

It worked.

"Let's go."