Yggdrasil [7]

Ash Von Agnus's POV

There was a huge door at the end, where the current Elf Queen lived.

Moreover, the level of the elven knights guarding the door was not ordinary. Probably, the moment someone shows hostility, they won't be able to leave this place and their body will be crushed completely.

"Princess." The elven knight greeted with a polite bow.

"I just heard. He said he wants to tell the king something important."

"Yes, it may change many things. How is your mother?"

"...She's fine now. But the people behind you..."

"These are the people involved in that 'important agenda.'"

Upon Amelia's response, the knight's gaze swept over us once. The knight's look at me took on a different color. "Spirits and fairies like you. It's not easy for humans to do that. Remarkable."

And the knight once again gave an example to Amelia. The knight protecting the Elf Queen is a being that even the princess cannot easily handle.

The Daijon doors opened slowly. Like all elves, the Elf Queen had an extraordinarily beautiful appearance, looking like a pure angel. Her beauty captivated anyone who saw her. Blonde hair down to her shoulders, green eyes, and a complexion somewhat resembling the World Tree. If there was a difference, it might be that her ears were slightly longer than the appearance the World Tree took.

"Hello." The Elf Queen looked at us from behind her daughter but didn't ask about the reason or who I was. "My daughter." The Elf Queen rushed towards Amelia, hugging her tightly. "I was so worried about you. Where have you been?"

"If my daughter welcomes them, I must welcome them too. Welcome to the Fairy Forest. It has been a long time since someone from the royal family reached this point."

"Thank you for your hospitality." Amelia thought, "Did that bastard have this much sense?"

Feeling like her gaze was piercing me, I wasn't bothered at all. Soon, the Queen's attention turned to me.

"So, what is that important thing you wanted to talk about?"

"Don't worry, mother," Amelia spoke to the Elf Queen with a trembling voice. "The World Tree announced its presence to me for a moment."

The Elf Queen opened her eyes wide, standing still in her chair with a look of disbelief on her face. "Is this also because you're the Elf Queen?"

How can a Queen leading the elves and the fairies be weak? The Elf Queen was born with an almost perfect existence. Frightened, and frightened, the fairies around them trembled. The Elf Queen stared at her daughter and said, "Even if you felt it by mistake, this is not a story that can be easily brought up, my child."

A voice filled with trembling. Even the words of her daughter must have been so true that she couldn't believe it.

"The World Tree hasn't responded to our calls for a long time because you're too weak to do so, my child. If you know what that means..."

"I know," Amelia answered firmly. "That's why I'm saying this because I know my words aren't easy at all, and it's important."

At these words, the Elf Queen paused for a moment. Did she see something in Amelia's eyes? She tried to calm her nervous feelings before asking, "Is there any proof of your words? Words that cannot be proven have no value. Especially when it comes to topics related to the World Tree."


Amelia was momentarily at a loss for words. Proving it is not as easy as you think. Of course, many thoughts will come and go in my head at this moment. Is it time to go out?

"There is." I measured the timing in my mind and stepped forward immediately. The Elf Queen's eyebrows twitched when she saw me step out suddenly.

"Did you accidentally inject some useless wind into my child?"

"Well, that's something you need to see and judge for yourself. What's this..." I slowly pulled out what I had prepared in my chest before the Elf Queen finished speaking.

At that moment, "It's...!" When the Queen saw this, she stepped back. She even forgot her body's pain and trembled. "Isn't that a branch of the World Tree and the Water of Life?"

What I took out was none other than the Water of Life and one of the branches of the World Tree. It emitted a faint light and boasted vitality. It was different from the branches of the World Tree that simply existed in reality. This proves that the World Tree has directly descended a part of itself.

The Elf Queen knew the meaning of this branch better than anyone else. She couldn't take her eyes off the branch. "Ah." Then she turned her head towards me. Could she not be the leader of the elves, not knowing this meaning?

Agent of the World Tree. For the elves, he is literally like the representative "savior." It was also the law of the elves to treat him as if he were honoring the World Tree. And that's not all. I'm here to put an end to the elves' tragedy that lasted for generations.

The Elf Queen looked at me and then knelt. She put all the faces aside as a Queen, as an elf. Towards the savior. Recognized the current Elf Queen, Mary Elfham, as the agent of the World Tree. The Queen's voice was full of emotion. A cry for a long-cherished desire that could not be achieved even after several generations. A call far from humiliation.

She cried out, looking at me with burning eyes.

"Please save us!"