
"No..." I screamed. I suddenly opened my eyes.

I found myself in the health center provided by the campus.

"Calm down... You safe now," I heard a familiar voice. I took a look at that person; it was none other than Dax.

I was surprised to see him here. I looked at him with full of suspicion.

"How did I end up here?" I asked.

"I found you on the balcony. You had passed out and were unresponsive, so I brought you here. Thank God you are okay," he replied with happiness.

Judging from his expressions, I felt that he is being honest with me. For the first time, I feel happy for having someone like him. But the problem is, I set the barrier for myself because of my psycho sister, whose hobby is stealing people away from me. It's happened a lot. Once the people I cared about changed after being with her. They looked at me full of disgust, just like my parents. So, I don't want that to happen again. I give up my thoughts and decide to head back home. It's almost time for leaving the campus.

"I am leaving," I jumped out from the bed. He looked at me with confusion. "Thank you for everything," I told him and left him alone there. Inside my mind, I felt guilty for not treating him well. Then I reached my home. My parents were busy feeding my sister her favorite food. I ignored that and headed towards my room.

After freshening up, I sketched everything I saw in the dream, even the scary red eyes. Damn... It's become my nightmare.

The next day on campus, I had a surprise visitor. It was none other than my psycho sister. She sneered at me. Then we had a conversation like this:

"You didn't expect me, sister, right?"

I remained quiet.

"Why aren't you talking to me?"

"I don't think it's necessary for you to stalk me everywhere I go."

"Isleen, why are you mean to your elder sister?" She faked her tears. I found it disgusting. It's like she is checking on her slave. I was afraid of this moment in my life. Now she is gonna ruin it.

"Let's go and talk to your teachers," she told me.

I know it, now everyone on campus is gonna hate me for sure. I can't blame my fate for this. Frustrated, I led her into the staff room. On the way, someone called me, and we both turned to look at that person.

'Lin... It's none other than Dax Errington. Perfect timing, I thought. I took a peek at my sister. She was enraged with jealousy towards me because she hadn't seen someone as intimate as him before. I bet she's going to do something to make him hate me, like all other things he's taken away from me. Bye bye, Dax. I'm prepared for anything.

He came near to us. He was surprised to see my sister.

"Who is this, Lin?" he asked me.

I widened my eyes and replied to him, "Dax, meet my sister, Iris Campbell."

"Wow, Iris, nice to meet you," he told her.

Iris had a fake smile at him. She was busy scanning him all over.

"I can't believe you have a sister like her!" Dax told me.

"Of course, she is very pretty with her beautiful hair. That's the only difference we have, I thought."

"Why?" my sister asked him in a seductive tone.

"You are pretty, but your sister has outstanding platinum hair that makes her more beautiful," he winked at me.

I was surprised to hear his compliment, my mouth wide open. I was blushing for no reason. It's the first time someone complimented me. I looked at my  sister. She had a very creepy face. It was like she was going to kill Dax soon. For the first time, I wanted Dax as my friend. This is the first time she failed to seduce someone. With that frustrated face, she told us goodbye and left the campus. I feel so happy for the first time.

I took a look at Dax Ermington. Maybe his friendship means something to me. I never had a comfortable feeling like this. I gave my hand to Dax and told him, "I think we can become friends."

"What, seriously?" he was so excited.

"Yes," I smiled at him softly.

Then we both shook hands together.


To be continued.....🔥