
Oh no... Is he going to propose to me?

I gulped and looked at him, then asked, "What do you want to tell me?"

"You won't believe or understand it at first, Isleen. I want to show you something," he said.

"Okay," I told him.

"Isleen, do you understand anything from this painting?" He pointed his fingers at the picture which I had examined before.

"What is he thinking?" I thought.

"Well, it's amazing and creepy," I told him with a cold tone.

"Isleen, you know this picture was painted by my ancestor."

"What???" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, take a look at the name plate, dummy," he said.

I looked at the name plate under the picture. It showed 'Garry Ermington - 1889.'

"Wow, your family is always prestigious and amazing," I told him.

"That's not the point, Isleen. Aren't you missing something here?" he asked me with a serious tone.

Dax is becoming more serious about the paint. I can't find his playful, childish behavior.

Maybe I misunderstood him. It's like he wants to convey something to me.

"Well, to be honest, it's Dax. It's... so similar to my..." Then Dax interrupted me.

"Yes... Your sketches, right Isleen?"

My eyes narrowed with interest because this answers my question why Dax was interested in my sketches.

"Did you bring your sketchbook?" His head tilted to one side.

It looks like Dax was on fire. I saw his eyes were burning with passion for Ermington's painting. I opened my bag and handed over the book. There he curiously roamed over all the pages.

"Then it's settled. You are coming with me," he told me.

"Coming with you? What do you mean?"

"Yes, it's a secret place in this library. That's the real reason I called you here."

"Secret place?" I thought.

He dragged me into the basement section of the library.

"Wow, I didn't know our library is this huge," I told him.

"You don't know anything about Amber city. Everything in here belongs to the Ermington family."

"What??? Seriously?"

"Yes, silly. That's why I know everything about Amber."

"I can't believe you, Dax. Are you a millionaire or a billionaire?"

"Isleen, what if I'm more than that?" He giggled at me.

My mouth was wide open when he told me that.

Then we both reached the center of the library. I saw an entire section of old language books. I found it weird. Actually, something is really off in this library. I couldn't feel anything normal here. When Dax entered with me this area, I could feel some unknown force. I peeked at Dax. It's like he was concentrated on that shelf. He was taking some books and putting them somewhere else. "What kind of crazy stuff is that?" I thought.

Isleen. He called my name. I stared at his hand because he had something shiny. It was emitting some kind of light energy. I was amused to see how the hell that was coming from. Then Dax began to talk to me.

Isleen, from this moment onwards, things began to change. What you are going to witness is not realistic, because you are also part of it. You and I are the same because we both share the same force in this world. Do you know what it is?

I was experiencing something towards that shining object. I moved closer to Dax and touched that crystal thing. It looked exactly like the crystal locket in that painting. I unconsciously replied to Dax's question.

What is not realistic is called MAGIC.

Yes, Isleen, it is. That is the commonality between us. We are bound by this force.

I looked at Dax with a lot of questions, and at the same time, I thought, am I really part of it?

# It's time for the truth, Isleen, or I could call you the MYSTIC PRINCESS

#To be continued....🔥