
That day onwards, I have been staying in Magix. Then Raven decided to leave Magix because he had a lot of tasks to finish in the cosmic. Dax decided to stay with me, and Quinn allowed me to engage in Magix affairs. I patiently listened and learned about the magic powers in the realm. The Castle of Ores has great facilities to access knowledge.

However, in order to find a solution for the problems, I also need to know about my powers. The only things I know are:

1. The mysterious power of Oracle

2. Power of Yhula

So, I shared my troubles with Dax. That's why we are both looking for resources. According to cosmic and Magix, magic powers are as follows:

- Astro clan: The time manipulation magic

- Prophet clan: The light mana users

- Warrior clan: The defensive magic users

- Guardian clans: Elemental magic powers

About Relic, it's unknown. While I was busy learning, I got interrupted by Quinn.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Guardians want to meet you," she replied.

I followed Quinn with an ecstatic mind. We both ended up in a practice hall, where the guardians work out.

They all gathered around me and knelt down.

I felt awkward for a moment, as I had imagined the guardians to be old people. But here, I saw people who looked exactly my age. They began to introduce themselves.

"I thought she was an old lady," a guy with a red cloak commented on me. He came near to me. "My name is Apollo Luther. I am from the Fire Clan. Mystic princess, I didn't know you were a lovely lady," he smiled at me in a seductive way. He had long black hair. In my lifetime, it's my first time I saw a guy with long hair.

While I was staring at him, I heard a husky voice.

"Stop teasing her already. After all, she is the Mystic princess," a girl argued with Apollo. She had beautiful smoky eyes and short hair. She wore a black cloak.

Hello, princess. I am Fay Mayfield. I am from the Earth Clan. Ignore this Apollo. He loves to mess with everyone.

I find it so cute how she is. Another fact is she is the only female guardian among them.

Still, Apollo and Fay engaged in an argument. Quinn tried to console them. At that time, some rose petals fell on me, and I felt the chilling wind around me. I saw a guy with a sky-blue cloak. Using his wand, he was the most handsome among the guardians. He introduced himself as Nova Byron. He is from the Wind Clan. He is not a talkative person, but he greeted me with rose petals; that's his style.

"Sorry, Nova is not  a talkative one," someone commented on me. I stared at the person; he wore a dark blue cloak. "Princess, I am Shin Thane. I am from the Water Clan, and sorry for the mess," he blushed in front of me. I giggled at him. Still, Apollo and Fay were about to fight. Shin and Nova interfered with them. Quinn is scolding them.

I can't believe they are the powerful guardians. It's true, I can sense their magic powers. Then, soon, I tried to make bonds with them. Surprisingly, they were so familiar with Dax. That was just the beginning of friendship in Magix. For the first time after Dax, I am making friends with some honest people.

Days passed in Magix. Quinn, Fay, and I became the best girl gang in Magix. While Dax, Shin, Nova, and Apollo formed the boys' gang. We were always together and discussed the future of Magix. I really love having them around me. Compared to my shitty life in the Amber, for the first time, I find a proper meaning to my life here. If Mystic Princess is my destiny, then Realm, Cosmic, Magix, and Relic are also part of my life. Magic powers are also an important part of my world. My quest for restoring the Realm is not easy, and at the same time, my magic powers haven't awakened yet.

# All I remember is that someone wanted me to be here. There is something I can do that other previous mystic princesses can't. There is one person who valued my existence as important as his own, and I want to find him here as well. After all, it's a path he created for me to find him. It's my fight for destiny, just beginning. Still, unanswered questions are lying in the darkness of the Relic..

Then one day, I woke up in a different place, feeling it strange. Near me, I saw a gorgeous woman who wore a black beautiful cloak, then I noticed her crown which implied a queen's power. She was drinking a red-colored potion that reminded me of blood. With terror, I stared at her.

"Hello, Isleen, long time no see. You must be confused, right? Well, let me introduce myself to you. I am the Dark Queen you have been looking for. Since I am the queen, I should address you with a title: The Mystic Princess."

At that moment, I understood what was really going on. She had kidnapped me from the magix.Now, I am in the prison of the Dark Queen's castle.