Chapter 2

Jun Changxiao was named because his parents wanted him to laugh and be happy all his life.

After Jun crossed over to the Starfall Continent and became the head of a sect, he activated a system, but had completely forgotten how to laugh happily.

Making the Ironbone Sect the strongest sect and recruiting 100,000 disciples seemed absolutely impossible!

Not to mention.

He only had a hundred years!

Other people's systems give equipment, experience, or benefits, but why is his so difficult?


Jun Changxiao sighed and said, "As a transmigrator, how can I greet my peers when I meet them?"

Frustrated as he was, since he was here, he had to live well, right?

Jun Changxiao began to communicate with the space ring, which was in the form of a bracelet, and soon established a connection with it.

"I hope there's a magical treasure inside."

Jun Changxiao prayed as he sent his thoughts into the mysterious space.

Upon entering the space ring, he found nothing but a slab in the void area.

Where was the godly equipment?

Couldn't he at least get a beast egg to hatch?

There was nothing—only a brick!

Jun Changxiao walked over, secretly hoping, "Is it an artifact?"

He had read many books and knew that a proper transmigrator, a child of destiny, could turn even stones into ancient artifacts!

He fantasized about holding the brick in his left hand and a string of beads in his right.


Jun Changxiao grabbed the brick and felt a slight beating.

His heart suddenly leapt with joy, "It has a heartbeat! Could it hide a powerful force that will awaken and bestow incredible power upon me?"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

With a backhand swing, Jun Changxiao's face solidified as he saw text and a series of numbers on the brick's screen—99 years, 355 days, 23:58, 46 seconds remaining until self-detonation.

In the lower left corner, there was a note: Complete the mainline mission within a hundred years, and the explosive device will deactivate.

"Ding! Ding!"

Several jumps, and the time decreased.

"Damn it!"

Jun Changxiao threw the brick to the ground, yelling, "This isn't an artifact, it's a bomb!"


The slab fell to the ground, and the screen display time jumped from 23:58 to 22:58!


The system's voice reminded him: "This item is called a Soul Blaster. It has independent thoughts and emotions. If it senses your displeasure, it will only speed up the countdown."


Jun Changxiao slumped to the ground, crying, "System, I don't want to play anymore. I want to go home..."

The system responded mechanically: "The system has been activated, and the host must complete the main task. If you remain negative and unproductive, the Soul Blaster will detonate early."

Jun Changxiao spread his limbs out and said weakly, "Where's the knife? Where's the knife? I want to commit suicide..."


"Fulfilling the host's first wish, here's a hard-to-find sword!"


A sword appeared in the space.

Jun Changxiao nearly spat blood. His wish to go home wasn't fulfilled, but his wish to commit suicide was readily granted. Unbelievable!


Jun Changxiao felt utterly tricked.

But now that he was on the Starfall Continent and had activated the system, he had to accept his fate. He brought up the system panel data and examined it closely.

Data such as the name of the sect, the head of the sect, and the members were easy to understand.

What puzzled him were the sect construction: level 1 and sect contribution: 0/100?


The system's voice sounded: "Sect construction encompasses many things. The higher the level, the more functions of the sect can be unlocked."

"For example?"

"The host can touch the sect construction with their thoughts to open the detailed data panel."

"It has that feature?"

Jun Changxiao smiled and closed his eyes, touching the words "sect construction" with his thoughts. A small panel appeared in front of him with a brief explanation.

**Sect Construction Level 1:** No functions yet.

**Sect Construction Level 2:** Unlocks the Alchemy Pavilion.

**Sect Construction Level 3:** Unlocks the Foundry Pavilion.

**Sect Construction Level 4:** Unlocks the Charm Pavilion.

**Sect Construction Level 5:** Unlocks the Spirit Beast Pavilion.

A line of small text at the bottom read: "Sect construction must reach level 5 to view further functions."

Jun Changxiao was silent.

"How do I improve sect construction?"

"To promote sect construction, the host must recruit more members."

"I see."

Jun Changxiao asked, "What does contribution mean?"

"The contribution of the sect can be used to redeem treasures in the Sect Mall."

"Sect Mall?"

Jun Changxiao's eyes lit up.

In his experience, many novel protagonists had malls after activating their systems, often receiving beginner's packages that included equipment for showing off!

Jun Changxiao looked over the system panel several times, puzzled, "Why is there no Sect Mall?"

"The host needs at least one contribution to open the hidden Sect Mall panel."

"How do I gain contribution points?"

"To open the Sect Mall, the host must recruit more members."

Understanding this, Jun Changxiao realized that the strongest martial arts system, whether for construction or contribution, was all about recruiting members!


Jun Changxiao said with high morale, "Starting tomorrow, I'll begin recruiting members!"

Reality was harsh.

After he opened the two broken paint doors and posted the announcement of recruiting disciples, no one came for a month.

After half a month more, he was disheartened.

One day, as he sat despondently, a figure stopped before the notice of recruiting disciples posted at the door, then walked in hesitantly, saying, "I want to join the Ironbone Sect."

Jun Changxiao, squatting on the steps in front of the hall eating noodles, was dumbfounded.

After waiting for dozens of days, just as he despaired, a beauty arrived. It was a joyous surprise!

Lu Yan looked at him and said lightly, "Are you a fool?"


Jun Changxiao hurriedly dropped his chopsticks and enthusiastically handled the entry procedures. When he took out the head seal representing his identity, Lu Yan asked skeptically, "You're the head?"


Jun Changxiao puffed out his chest and said earnestly, "I am the head of the Ironbone Sect."

"I'm leaving."

"Beauty, no! Don't go!"


Using every trick and bit of persistence, Jun Changxiao finally convinced Lu Yan to stay, making the desolate sect no longer lonely.


"Sect members: 2/100!"


"Sect contribution: 1/100!"


"The contribution value meets the requirements, the system is opening—the Sect Mall!"

After a brief reminder, Jun Changxiao pulled up the Sect Attributes panel. Just below the main mission, the words "Sect Mall" appeared.

"There's a mall!"

Jun Changxiao was overjoyed and accessed the Sect Mall.


The scene changed, revealing a warehouse-like panel filled with listed items!

"Nine Turns Cleansing Pill!"

"Dragon Elephant Palm!"

"Frightening Footsteps!"

"Five Elements Yin Yang Technique!"

"Millennium Ice Battle Armor!"

"Holy Flame Body Technique!"

Seeing the listed martial arts, elixirs, and battle armor, Jun Changxiao's heartbeat quickened.

Just by the names, he knew these items were incredible!

The next second, Jun Changxiao's face froze. The exchange prices listed under each item started at a minimum of 10,000 points!


Jun Changxiao's mouth twitched violently, "So expensive?"