Chapter 6

Where did the healing pill come from?

Naturally, it was redeemed from the novice mall in the martial art system.

Jun Changxiao wasn't very optimistic about this healing pill at first, especially since the injured person was severely wounded.


After taking it, the severely injured, unconscious person opened his eyes within moments!

Lu Qianqian was also very surprised.

Ordinary healing pills aren't this powerful!

Even more amazing was that the claw marks on the back of the injured person healed quickly, forming scars almost instantly.

"How is this possible?"

Lu Qianqian was incredulous, wondering if what she saw was real.

It was indeed real.

Because within moments, the man's injuries healed, and he jumped up from the ground.

A severely injured, dying person took a healing pill and was suddenly alive and well. It was incredible!

"We're rich!"

Jun Changxiao's eyes lit up with excitement.

The first-grade healing pill, which required only 1 point of contribution to redeem, had such powerful healing effects—it could be sold!

In the martial arts world, injuries and serious wounds are common.

With such a potent healing effect, this pill would be in high demand!

Jun Changxiao became excited and quickly pulled up the system panel, ready to use the remaining 4 points of contribution to exchange for more healing pills.

Martial Arts Mall, open!

Novice Mall, open!

He scrolled all the way down to the end and saw that the first-grade healing pill was grayed out, with a line of small text below: "Limited to one purchase per month."


Jun Changxiao sat down in frustration, thinking, "Damn it, there's a purchase limit!"

Seeing this, Lu Qianqian wondered, "What's wrong with him?"


After witnessing the effectiveness of the first-grade healing pill, Jun Changxiao began to plan his future.

However, the monthly purchase limit felt like a needle bursting his bubble, bringing him crashing down to reality.

"Yes, yes."

Jun Changxiao thought, "The mainline task is very difficult, and the system wouldn't leave such an obvious loophole."


He sighed and tried to stand up but noticed the injured person had disappeared. He asked, "Where did he go?"

"He's gone."

"Gone? Just like that?"

Jun Changxiao was furious.

He had spent a valuable contribution point to heal that guy, and he left without even saying thank you. How rude!

Lu Qianqian said indifferently, "Head, I advise you to stop doing good deeds. Being kind on the Starfall Continent often doesn't end well."

Jun Changxiao knew she was deliberately provoking him, so he said, "I don't believe that there's no conscience left in this world!"


Lu Qianqian's eyes filled with anger and she said through gritted teeth, "Some people's consciences have long been eaten by dogs."

Jun Changxiao was taken aback.

Lu Qianqian's murderous intent was overwhelming.

This woman's story is definitely not simple!

Did her words refer to people in general or someone specific?


Jun Changxiao's initial intention was to rescue the injured person and recruit him into the Iron Bone Sect.

But the guy didn't even say thank you before disappearing.

Jun Changxiao felt helpless and realized that doing good deeds for no reason was foolish in this world.

On Earth, there are legal and moral constraints; not here!

Jun Changxiao looked up at the sky, his eyes resolute, "Since I've come to the Starfall Continent, from today onward, I'll follow the rules of this world!"

What rules?

Simple: the strong rule!

Not being bullied, having rights and wealth, and being revered by all?

I can do that.

But first, I need to become a strong and powerful man!


"Congratulations to the host for initially understanding the Starfall Continent's laws, completing a hidden task, and earning 10 points of contribution!"


"Martial contribution: 14/100."

Jun Changxiao was surprised, "A hidden task?"


The system's voice said, "The tasks of the strongest martial system are divided into mainline tasks, side tasks, and hidden tasks."

"Hidden tasks are hidden in the panel, and the host must complete them by chance."

Jun Changxiao was speechless.

Side tasks are at least visible.

Hidden tasks are completely concealed, only completed by chance. What kind of setting is this?

"Of course."

The system said, "There is a fourth type of task, called an epic task!"

"Epic task?"

Jun Changxiao perked up.

The system explained, "When the host reaches a certain level, it will trigger an epic task, with very rich rewards for completion."

"How rich?"

Jun Changxiao's eyes sparkled.

The system replied, "Epic mission rewards depend on the host's performance and realm."

Jun Changxiao asked, "So, the better I complete it and the higher my realm, the richer the reward?"


"When can I trigger an epic mission?"

"Sorry, the host needs to discover that for himself. The system won't provide too many hints to maintain balance."


Jun Changxiao rolled his eyes, opened the property panel, and accessed the Martial Arts Mall.

Having completed a hidden task by coincidence and gaining 10 points of contribution, he felt he had to spend them wisely.

"What's the best choice?"

Jun Changxiao pondered over the items, feeling that each was good and worth exchanging.


Lu Qianqian, walking ahead, said icily, "We're almost at Qingyang City."

Jun Changxiao closed the data panel and saw a city at the horizon, looking like a lion lying in the sky!

He remarked, "Is this Qingyang City, the largest city in Qingyang County? It's not as impressive as I imagined."

Finally reaching the city gates, Jun Changxiao looked up at the towering walls, "It's so tall!"

Passersby gave him disdainful looks.

Some even whispered, "Hasn't this guy seen Qingyang City before?"

"That girl looks pretty. Is she with him?"

Lu Qianqian frowned, instinctively taking a few steps back to distance herself from the sect leader, as if telling passersby that she didn't know him.

Jun Changxiao regained his composure, "In the future, the Iron Bone Sect will be grander than Qingyang City!"

Iron Bone Sect?

Someone whispered, "Is he a disciple of the Iron Bone Sect from Qingyang Village?"

The name "Iron Bone Sect" was long, so locals preferred to call it "Iron Sect."


Jun Changxiao turned around, hands on his hips, "I am not a disciple of the Iron Bone Sect, I am the second head of the Iron Bone Sect!"


There was a moment of silence at the gate, then laughter erupted!


"This guy's the head?"

"Give me a break!"

"Even though the Iron Bone Sect is in decline, how could a kid become the leader?"

"Hahaha... no, I'm laughing with tears..."