Chapter 12

Here is a corrected version with improved grammar:


I heard my son say that if the owner of the Iron Bone Faction, Li, was struck by lightning, the whole person stayed in the same place.

Half a year ago, Li Qingyang discovered a superior spiritual root, making him ecstatic.

The Li family was also endlessly enthusiastic and regarded him as a source of pride. It could even be imagined that the family would certainly become more brilliant under the leadership of this younger generation.

After the verification, Li's homeowner provided his son with the best resources and planned for his future. After deciding to open recruitment for hundreds, he chose a faction with a lot of heritage and prestige.

Unexpectedly, while taking a bath and changing clothes, Li Qingyang sneaked away, and no one could find him despite turning the mansion upside down.

"That kid."

"Did he go to the private club again?"

Unable to find Li Qingyang, the owner of Li was so angry that he walked back and forth in the lobby.

At this moment, the servant hurriedly reported, "Homeowner, the young master went to the recruitment site first and was valued by the Cangshan School of the fifth grade, who wanted him to be a disciple!"


The owner of Li was overjoyed.

The Cangshan School is the top force in Qingyang County, and its status is significant. The Qingyang City Lord was recruited by such ancestors, which not only glorifies the family but also ensures great achievements!


The servant paused and said weakly, "The young master refused the recruitment from the elders of Cangshan."


The owner of Li almost fell to the ground.

The same two words, in different tones, completely conveyed how his mood fell from heaven to hell.

"The kid must have been kicked by a donkey! How could he refuse the Cangshan faction's recruitment!"

"No, no!"

"This matter concerns the future of our family; it cannot be left to him!"

Embarrassed and angry, the owner Li rushed to the recruitment venue.

He happened to meet the Cangshan faction elders who were about to leave and invited them to speak with Li Qingyang.

He learned from them that his son had joined the Iron Bone Faction. The master of the Li family was still subconsciously thinking, could there be a better sect than the Cangshan faction?

The result was shocking.

The kid joined the Iron Bone Faction!

The Li family has a small scale in Qingyang City, comparable to an eighth-class sect. The son joining a ninth-class sect was absolutely unacceptable to the Li family owner!

After a brief moment of disbelief, he said in a deep voice, "Qingyang, don't joke with your father."


Li Qingyang said, "I am not joking; I am now a disciple of the Iron Bone."

This sentence was a double blow. The master of the Li family trembled and

stepped back involuntarily.


A servant hurried over to help.

The owner of the Li family steadied himself and pointed at Li Qingyang, his voice trembling, "Today, you have brought disgrace to the Li family!"

If the son joined a sixth-class school, he could accept it, but he could not accept joining the Iron Bone Faction, after all, it was only a ninth-class!

Not to mention.

This kind of garbage martial arts faction not only has no future but also makes the Li family a laughing stock!

The warriors from other factions who were watching laughed.

Qingyang City's first genius had a problem, but his father was still normal. He knew that joining the Iron Bone Faction was shameful.

"My son!"

A servant of the Li family hurriedly said, "Don't make the homeowner angry, get out of that trash school quickly!"


Jun Changxiao clenched his fists.

A family servant thinks his sect is trash, which is really unpleasant!


Li Qingyang said earnestly, "To be a man with integrity, since I joined the Iron Bone Faction, I will not leave."


The master Li's teeth were shaking with anger, and he said, "Unfilial son!"

The Cangshan faction elder saw the situation and said, "Li Gongzi, filial piety is paramount. You are being disobedient to your father."

Tangled and guilt appeared on Li Qingyang's face.

"It's over."

Jun Changxiao thought to himself, "The duck in hand is about to fly away."

For a moment, Li Qingyang's eyes became firm. He said, "Father, I have followed the path you paved for me since I was a child. Now that I am an adult, I should have my own choice."

The owner of Li pointed to the banner of the Iron Bone Faction and said, "Joining a ninth-class sect is your choice!!"


Li Qingyang said seriously.

The owner of Li was almost vomiting blood with anger, and his fingers were shaking, "If you don't quit the Iron Bone Faction, you will no longer be my son!"

"Li Gongzi, the Iron Bone Faction has no future, quit quickly."

"There are so many excellent martial arts factions present, any one is better than the Iron Bone, don't be so stubborn."

"The master Li is not young. If something goes wrong, your son will regret it forever."

"Li Gongzi, please think twice."

The warriors of various factions tried to persuade.

They were not doing this for the Li master, they simply did not want to see a trash sect, have a talent like Li Qingyang.

"A bunch of idiots."

Jun Changxiao scolded silently.

"Master Li."

He said, "Your son's life should be his to choose. As a father, you should support him, not hinder him."

"Not to mention."

He paused and said, "I don't think my sect is as bad as you think. Li Gongzi joins me, and his achievements will definitely be high."

"Only high or low?"

The master Li suppressed his anger and said coldly, "Do you really think of yourself as something special?"

Jun Changxiao shook his head with a smile and said, "My Iron Bone Faction is not a mere green onion, but a beautiful jade waiting to be carved."

"I scoff!"

"A trash martial art thinks it's beautiful jade, really shameless!"

"If I had such a tongue, why worry about recruiting disciples!"

The warriors of various factions scoffed.

The owner Li said in anger, "My son must have been deceived by your rhetoric when he joined the Iron Bone Faction!"

Jun Changxiao said seriously, "As the leader of the Iron Bone Faction, I have always recruited disciples honestly, never resorting to deception."

The owner of Li said coldly, "With your low cultivation, you aren't even worthy to be my guest, what face do you have to call yourself a leader."

Jun Changxiao replied, "Master Li, although my cultivation is not high, it is enough to teach Li Gongzi and make him a strong man."


"He can really boast!"

"Li Gongzi has excellent talent, and still wants to teach others?"

"In my opinion, Li Gongzi can be the leader of the Iron Bone Faction and teach him how to improve his realm!"

Everyone's contempt for Jun Changxiao grew, but they had to admire his thick skin and talent for bragging.

The Li homeowner was getting angrier, and he could barely suppress the urge to yell at Jun Changxiao. However, he was a man of reputation in Qingyang City, so he restrained himself.

"Jun leader."

At this time, the Cangshan elder said, "To make a disciple a strong one, you must first have an extraordinary understanding of martial arts. If you are so confident, you should have rich martial arts experience, right?"

This old man is trying to trap me.

Jun Changxiao thought. If he said he had martial arts experience, they would make things difficult. If he said he didn't, the Li family owner would force his son to quit.

Hey, so tangled.