Chapter 15

The stone outside the Wu Yanwu field weighed thousands of kilograms, and Jun Changxiao crushed it with a single sword, shocking everyone.

Every martial artist present had at least opened their meridians or reached a higher level. While breaking a large stone wasn't impossible for them, they clearly saw that Jun Changxiao only had a five-stage meridian cultivation. It was incredible for him to break such a massive stone!

Each stage of meridian cultivation increases strength by about one hundred pounds. Even with innate divine strength, someone at the fifth stage would only be able to exert about a thousand pounds of force, and moving a stone weighing more than two thousand pounds should be impossible!



Jun Changxiao landed gracefully and laughed, "Master Li, this is the ninth form of the Nine-style Folding Wave Sword, which I have fully comprehended."

The martial artists looked at each other and then at the sword in his hands, finding nothing special about it.

High-quality weapons can provide more power to a warrior, but Jun Changxiao's sword was an ordinary one. This meant...

"Oh my God!"

"Is that really the ninth form of the Nine-style Folding Wave Sword?"

"I've heard that comprehending the ninth form of this sword technique can be as powerful as martial arts!"

As everyone discussed, they reached a conclusion.

A fifth-stage meridian cultivator wielding an ordinary sword to break a thousand-pound stone with one strike could only be due to the power of the ninth form!

The expressions on everyone's faces became a mix of astonishment and respect.

Rumor had it that only the city lord had comprehended the ninth form, and today, the head of the Ironbone Sect had demonstrated it!

This was a heavy blow and a ruthless reality check!

The Li family head was incredulous: "How is this possible..."

The Cangshan Sect elder's eyes were filled with complexity as he bowed slightly, saying, "Head Jun, comprehending the ninth form in such a short time is truly admirable!"

His admiration was sincere.

"You flatter me," Jun Changxiao replied, returning the sword to Lu Yan and standing with his hands behind his back, looking every bit the master.

The Li family head had mixed feelings. He thought the Nine-style Folding Wave Sword would stump Jun Changxiao, never imagining that the ninth form, which had remained unmastered for hundreds of years, would be displayed!

"Master Li," Jun Changxiao continued, "since I have demonstrated the ninth form, may the young master stay in the Ironbone Sect?"

The Li family head remained silent.

Although the ninth form of the Folding Wave Sword was impressive, it was still a low-quality technique. He doubted his son would have a promising future there.

"Master Li," Jun Changxiao pressed, "you should be a man of your word."

Master Li's face darkened.

At this moment, the Cangshan Sect elder interjected, "Head Jun, your understanding of martial arts is extraordinary. I have a problem I hope you can help with."

"Please, go ahead," Jun Changxiao replied.

It only took him 2 minutes to comprehend the Nine-style Folding Wave Sword. With plenty of time left, he was eager to establish further prestige for himself and his sect.

The Cangshan Sect elder explained, "I have been practicing a mental technique for years but have been stuck on the fourth level. I hope you can provide some guidance."

The martial artists were shocked.

A genuine martial artist from the Cangshan Sect, a fifth-tier sect, was asking a ninth-tier sect head for help!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it!

"Of course," Jun Changxiao said, "if Elder Ma is willing to share his mental technique, I can certainly try to help."

The Cangshan Sect elder smiled and remained still.

A warrior whispered, "Elder Ma is using sound transmission to communicate with him."

"Only those who have reached the martial arts stage can use this technique. I hope to reach this level someday!"

The others nodded in envy.

On the Pleiades continent, each major level of martial arts development brings special abilities, one of which is the sound transmission technique at the martial arts stage.

A little while later, having learned the technique, Jun Changxiao said, "This isn't a big problem."

The Cangshan Sect elder was taken aback.

The mental technique he had described was of ordinary quality, but he had been stuck on the fourth level for more than ten years. Yet, Jun Changxiao dismissed it as 'no big problem'!

Jun Changxiao closed his eyes, analyzing the mental technique within his mind.

"Elder Ma," he began, speaking with his eyes still closed.

The martial artists couldn't hear the content, but it was clear from Elder Ma's changing expressions—from confusion to realization and finally to joy—that Jun Changxiao's advice was spot on.

"Based on the advice I have given, you should be able to break through to a higher level within a month or two," Jun Changxiao concluded.


The Cangshan Sect elder bowed deeply, "The advice from Head Jun has resolved years of confusion. I am deeply grateful!"

The Li family head was dumbfounded.

Did that guy really solve Elder Ma's martial arts problem?

Jun Changxiao modestly replied, "Elder Ma was simply too close to the problem. Any other person could have solved it as well."

Elder Ma shook his head, "Head Jun's profound understanding of martial arts is exceptional. No one else could have solved it."

To receive such praise from Elder Ma validated Jun Changxiao's abilities!

Could there really be someone in this world with low cultivation but high martial arts understanding?

The martial artists of various factions began to ponder.

"Head Jun," Elder Ma said, "I must return to my sect to deal with some matters. If we meet again in the future, I will certainly seek your guidance again!"

Eager to return to his sect and break through his mental technique's fifth level, he quickly took his leave.

Jun Changxiao bowed slightly, "Until we meet again."

The Cangshan Sect elder left with his disciples, eager to begin his retreat and practice.

As Elder Ma departed, a middle-aged man approached with a smile, "Head Jun, I have a martial arts problem and hope for your guidance."

"Of course," Jun Changxiao replied, "but there is a fee of one hundred taels."

After all, the Cangshan Sect was a fifth-tier sect. He had helped Elder Ma out of respect, but for these lower-tier sects, he would charge for his services.

"Alright, alright!" The middle-aged man hurriedly handed over a silver note worth one hundred taels. In his mind, it was a fair price if Jun Changxiao could solve his problem as he did for Elder Ma.

Jun Changxiao accepted the silver note with a smile, "Please, go ahead."

The middle-aged man, fearing others might overhear, quickly whispered his martial arts dilemma.

Jun Changxiao, using his insight, quickly analyzed the problem and provided the correct solution.

"Of course!" The middle-aged man slapped his forehead, "Why didn't I think of that!"

"Thank you, Head Jun. I will leave now!"

Seeing him depart joyfully, even the warriors who had laughed at Jun Changxiao earlier could now see that he had real talent and knowledge.

"Head Jun, I have a problem..."

"That will be one hundred taels."

"Alright, alright!"

The warrior paid the fee and, after receiving Jun Changxiao's guidance, left in high spirits.

Soon, many martial artists with martial arts problems surrounded Jun Changxiao, many of whom had previously ridiculed him.

No problem.

He remembered all their faces.

Want guidance? Pay the fee.

Although the warriors who had laughed at him earlier were reluctant, they still paid the fee and left with satisfactory answers.

Jun Changxiao's reputation grew rapidly as he continued to help martial artists with their problems, establishing himself as a true master and earning respect for the Ironbone Sect.