Chapter 18

Jun Changxiao was completely unaware of everything regarding Lingquan Sect, so he laughed and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course, there's a problem."

Wei Yi strode forward in anger, with a disdainful look: "You hit my disciples from Lingquan Sect, how can you leave so easily?"


"Hit the disciples of Lingquan Sect?"

"Iron Bones is in trouble now!"

"Last year, an eighth-class sect disciple beat a student of Lingquan Sect. The head of that sect personally took all the disciples to the door to apologize."

"What happened afterward?"

"The disciple who did the beating was crippled and expelled, and the eighth-class sect sent a lot of money to Lingquan Sect."

"So, the Iron Bones Sect has really stirred up trouble!"

Everyone whispered, and there was a bit of sympathy in their eyes for Jun Changxiao.

The deacon of Long Knife Door snorted and secretly thought: "Provoking Lingquan Sect is like provoking the King of Hell himself. Boy, prepare for bad luck."

The martial artists of various factions had been paying attention to Jun Changxiao ever since he instructed them in martial arts. The disciples of Hu Xiaozong didn't approach him after their earlier mockery. Now, seeing Elder Wei from Lingquan Sect, they eagerly anticipated Jun Changxiao's downfall.

"So, you are from Lingquan Sect."

Jun Changxiao pretended to realize and nodded, "Yes, I hit... let me see... five of them."


The martial artists around twitched.

Last year, an eighth-class sect disciple hit just one disciple and their head had to apologize. If Jun Changxiao hit five, there might be no chance for reconciliation at all!

Wei Yi's anger flared: "Since you admit it, I'll seek justice for my disciples who were beaten today."


"Side mission triggered!"

Another mission? 

Jun Changxiao quickly opened the property panel and saw the side task: "Teach the Lingquan Sect elder who came to cause trouble 0/1 [elite task]."

"Elite Mission?"

As an earth person, Jun Changxiao was familiar with online games where elite missions often required players to face a small boss.

Elite missions are usually difficult, but if completed, the rewards are very rich.

Interesting, interesting! Jun Changxiao withdrew the property panel and touched his nose, saying, "Your disciples harassed my female disciples. Out of kindness, I only punished them slightly. Now you dare to come here and demand justice?"

The martial artists from various factions exchanged glances.

The Iron Bones Sect had brought out the word 'fuck'. Weren't they afraid of infuriating Lingquan Sect and making the situation uncontrollable?

One party was deliberately causing trouble, while the other wanted to complete a task.

Resolution? That didn't exist.

The deacon of Long Knife Door and the disciples of Hu Xiaozong secretly rejoiced.

How dare he curse in front of the grumpy Elder Wei from Lingquan Sect? This was definitely courting death!

Sure enough.

Wei Yi's face became gloomy, his eyes flashing with anger: "Boy, you are looking for death!"


He clenched his fists tightly, and twelve rays of light appeared on his wrists.


Jun Changxiao laughed disdainfully: "I thought the elder of Lingquan Sect would be someone impressive, but it's just a twelve-section weakling."

Everyone was speechless.

You are still a novice head with a strength of at most five sections. How dare you call others weaklings!

Hearing the word "weakling," Wei Yi's anger flared even more. He pointed to the side and said, "You little punk, have the courage to face me on the grudge stage!"

"Brush! Brush!"

Many people stepped back, revealing a stone platform about ten meters long and three meters high not far behind.

This was the Grudge Stage in Qingyang City.

There was one in each of the four urban areas. Warriors could not fight in the city without authorization. Any grievances had to be resolved on the stage.

"This is a challenge from Elder Wei!"

Everyone exclaimed.

In the martial arts world, a challenge from one warrior to another was a serious matter.

"Will the head of Jun fight?"

"The strength disparity is too large. He has the right to refuse the challenge. Although he is skilled in martial arts, his cultivation is low. He shouldn't accept it!"

"That's true, but as the head, Elder Wei has issued a challenge. By position, he must fight!"

While everyone discussed, they watched Jun Changxiao. Regardless of their guesses, the decision to fight or not lay with him.


Li Qingyang leaned over and whispered: "On the grudge stage, life or death is not considered."

"Is that so?"

Jun Changxiao smiled slightly.

Li Qingyang looked angrily at Wei Yi and said, "Let the disciples handle this challenge."

Jun Changxiao shook his head and said, "This is a challenge initiated by an elder. How can I let my disciples risk themselves for me?"

As he spoke, he strode towards the grudge stage.


"Jun's head has accepted the challenge!"

"With his cultivation, he will surely be abused by Elder Wei!"

Martial artists from various factions talked.

Some people with ulterior motives deliberately coaxed, such as the deacon of Long Knife Door and disciples of Hu Xiaomen.

"So reckless!" Lu Qian frowned slightly.

Elder Wei had twelve sections of Kaimai, while Jun Changxiao only had five sections. The gap was so large that going up there was like courting death!

The newly joined disciples were also worried. Their head was excellent in martial arts knowledge, but his cultivation was lower. How could he face the elder of Lingquan, who was close to a martial artist?

When Jun Changxiao stepped onto the grudge stage, no one, whether martial artists or disciples, thought he had any chance.

"Hahaha!" Wei Yi stepped onto the stage and laughed, "Boy, if you had cowered, the elder might have let you go. Since you stepped onto the stage, prepare to die."

"Is that so?"

Jun Changxiao smiled disapprovingly.

This boy is so calm, it's necessary to show him the elder's strength!

Wei Yi rolled up his sleeves, clenched his fists, and his muscles bulged, showing blue veins.

"Elder Wei majors in physical strength. Without any martial arts blessing, one punch can smash more than 2,000 pounds of boulder!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone gasped.

A twelve-section Kaimai warrior who can crush 1,500 pounds of boulder is already very tough!

"That's not all."

A Lingquan disciple proudly said, "Our Elder Wei, once killed a beast comparable to a warrior with his bare hands in the wild!"


Everyone was shocked.

Killing a warrior-level fierce beast with bare hands and open pulse strength was terrifying!

Although the beast was wounded, Wei Yi's reputation in the martial arts community soared when people saw the shock on their faces.

But looking at Jun Changxiao, he saw him holding his little thumb and—picking his nose!

The martial artists from various factions were speechless.

On the sacred and solemn grudge stage, this guy did such an indecent thing in public!

What's more, he flicked a large ball of mucus towards Elder Wei.


Wei Yi roared in anger, feeling utterly humiliated, and his right fist condensed energy.


An angry blow infused with twelve-section power immediately produced visible air waves!

Jun Changxiao stood with his hands behind his back, his face indifferent.


Li Qingyang looked worried.

Even Lu Qianqian, usually cold, had a rare look of concern on her face.

"It's over!"

"That guy will either die or be seriously injured after getting hit!"


There was a muffled noise, and the wind and waves rolled up, blowing everyone's hair, sleeves, and clothes.