Chapter 20

"Brush! Brush!"

The warrior standing on the grudge platform was battered by the hair blown by the airwaves, and his exposed face was etched with horror.

Elder Wei's fist, terrible!

Even if there were a heavy stone on the table, it would be crushed and shattered!

At that moment, they all secretly judged that the Iron-Bone faction's head must have been seriously injured by such a punch, if not dead!

They even looked around for the corpse that should have been blown off the stage.


No one?

Did Jun's head not get beaten, but died right on the stage?



Everyone turned back to the grudge platform.

Sure enough.

They caught sight of Jun Changxiao, and their jaws dropped in astonishment.

"What the..."

Li Qingyang's expression was equally dumbfounded.

What did they see, to make such exaggerated expressions?

They saw Jun Changxiao standing still on the stage, his palms, neck, and entire face exposed, all copper yellow, like a bronze statue!

"How did his complexion change?"

"Is this some kind of martial art?"

"I've never heard of martial arts that change color!"

But that wasn't the point.

The key was that Elder Wei stood in front of him, his right fist pressing against Jun Changxiao's chest, clearly hitting its target!

The fist that was strong enough to crush thousands of pounds of rock had hit him. So why didn't he move? Why did he still have that dismissive smile?

The martial artists from various factions were stunned.

They had imagined Jun Changxiao being struck and killed or at least flung off the stage. Instead, he stood like a rock!

Elder Wei was furious. He hadn't expected that his concentrated anger would not even push the man back a single step!


He continued punching and said, "...What kind of martial art is this?"

Jun Changxiao smiled faintly and said, "Admiralty hooded iron cloth shirt."

"Admiralty iron cloth shirt?"

"What kind of martial arts is that? I've never heard of it!"

"It's probably not from our Qingyang-gun!"

It wasn't just Qingyang County; the entire starry continent didn't have such martial arts, because it was kung fu from Earth's China.

Was Jun Changxiao a martial artist on Earth?

Not at all!

On Earth, he was an ordinary person. He didn't know kung fu, and due to a lack of exercise, he'd be out of breath after a few laps around the playground!

So how about the iron bell shirt...

"Phew, that was close!"

Jun Changxiao stood still, secretly relieved: "Luckily, I used the resistance talisman, otherwise I'd be severely injured if not dead!"

As it turned out, when Wei Yiang was about to hit, he promptly crushed the aura-resistant charm given by the novice package.

The moment he crushed it, Jun Changxiao's skin changed color, and his muscles firmed up like a copper wall and an iron wall!

He had been gambling, betting that the elixir would have an incredible effect and that the talisman from the novice package would not be weak!

He bet right.

The resistance talisman was very strong, super strong!

"I said."

Jun Changxiao smiled lightly and said, "Did you not eat before punching? So weak?"

The duration of the resistance talisman was 60 minutes. Jun Changxiao intended to use the remaining 59 minutes and 30 seconds to keep up the act!


Wei Yiang backed up dozens of steps in rage, retreating to the edge of the platform before sprinting forward again!


His right fist waved again, carrying visible air waves!


"Stronger than last time!"

"Can Jun's head still resist?"

"Is he that confident?"


Wei Yiang's furious punch landed directly on Jun Changxiao's abdomen, creating a ripple of weak energy.

The result?

Jun Changxiao stood in place, unmoved!

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he said, "Elder Wei, you need to put in more effort. Punching like this will only waste your time!"


Wei Yiang was furious.

He couldn't afford to slow down and punched again directly.




In a short time, Jun Changxiao's chest, abdomen, and shoulders took several hits. However, he always stood still, with a dismissive smile at the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, the scene in the eyes of the warriors from various factions was Jun Changxiao standing like a stake, allowing Elder Wei to bombard him again and again!

A stake?

If it were a stake, it would at least show some reaction to such powerful hits!

But Jun Changxiao? Let Wei Yiang punch him as much as he liked, he stood firm as a rock.

He was no stake.

He was a copper wall and iron wall!

"Too terrifying!"

"What a powerful defensive martial art!"

"King Kong hooded iron cloth shirt! If I encounter it in the future, no matter the cost, I must learn it!"

Everyone aspired to learn the martial arts Jun Changxiao casually mentioned.

Li Qingyang and Lu Yan were relieved. No wonder their head dared to accept the challenge from the elder of Lingquan Sect; he had cultivated such powerful defensive martial arts!



Wei Yiang furiously punched dozens more times before finally stopping, panting heavily.

This kind of uncontrolled bombardment was the most mentally exhausting.


Jun Changxiao smiled disdainfully, "Tired?"

"You... despicable guy..." Wei Yiang clenched his fists, eyes bloodshot.

Jun Changxiao said lightly, "Don't challenge me if you don't have the strength, otherwise, you'll only embarrass yourself."

Wei Yiang's teeth trembled in fury. Suddenly, he stepped back a few steps, laughed maniacally, and declared, "Boy, you've forced me to use my trump card, and you should feel honored even if you die."

Jun Changxiao raised an eyebrow, "Trump card?"


Wei Yiang furiously positioned his feet, bent his bow slightly, and brought his hands together in front of his abdomen, performing a stance similar to that of a horse stance.


Two energy groups emerged, gathered in his palms, and began to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy from heaven and earth!

"What the...!"

Jun Changxiao muttered to himself, "Is this a Kamehameha?"

Li Qingyang said solemnly, "This is the unique martial art of the Holy Spring Sect, called the Brilliant Golden Stone Fist!"

Jun Changxiao nearly fell to the ground.

A martial art with such a long name? They truly were geniuses!

Despite his sarcastic thoughts, Jun Changxiao's face grew serious. After all, the two energy groups filled with aura were growing stronger!

"This light..."

Li Qingyang forgot the name of the martial art and said, "What kind of stone fist is this? It seems to be an intermediate-grade martial art."

Every martial art or technique had three sub-levels—preliminary, intermediate, and advanced.

Although the Nine-style Folding Sword was only a low-level elementary, if the ninth form was executed, its power could reach a high-level elementary grade!

Since the Starfall Continent had detailed divisions in martial arts, it clearly represented that the higher the quality and rank, the stronger the martial arts.

"No way!"

"Intermediate martial arts?!"

"In Qingyang City, this is invaluable!"

"It's indeed a disciple from the Holy Spring Sect, practicing such powerful martial arts!"

Amidst the admiration and exclamation of everyone, Wei Yiang put the power of the Brilliant Golden Stone Fist into full force, and the two energy groups glowed dazzlingly!


A fierce wind rose on the platform!

"Oh my God!"

"So strong!"

"Is this intermediate-grade martial art?!"

The martial artists from various factions held their breath, eyes wide with amazement.


Wei Yiang yelled angrily, "Take this!"

Just as Jun Changxiao raised his hand to block, he sighed, "My hair is messed up, this is annoying."


All the martial artists fell over.

Elder Wei showed his trump card, forming a strong wind and howling, yet Jun Changxiao cared more about his hairstyle!