Chapter 37

After returning to his place of residence, Jun Changxiao said to himself, "So many disciples have successfully opened their pulses. The rise of the Iron Bone Sect is just around the corner!"

He told Li Qingyang to learn to adapt, but internally, he was quite excited.

Why was he so excited?

Because the strength of the disciples directly translates to the strength of the sect. A strong sect means he can complete the main task and lift the threat of the soul bomb.

Without the main mission and the bomb restrictions, Jun Changxiao wouldn't need to focus on developing the Iron Bone Sect. He could go out and practice on his own to save trouble.

"I'll practice for another night. My psionic energy is almost consolidated enough to attempt opening my pulse. Hopefully, I'll break through to the eleventh section of Kaimai."

He sat down again and began to practice.

With 50 points of contribution value, Jun Changxiao had no intention of redeeming anything for the time being. One reason was that he didn't have any pressing needs, and another was that he genuinely wanted to open his pulse by himself.

An even more important point was that his intuition told him that if he could get through the pulse with his own power, he might complete a hidden task and obtain additional contribution points.

He practiced overnight.

The next morning, Jun Changxiao walked out of his room, feeling a bit downcast. He exhaled deeply, "With such high success rates, I've failed again. Am I destined to leave the EU and join Africa?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

"I have a good understanding of Yi Jin Jing. If I focus on consolidating psionic energy for two or three more days, I will definitely succeed next time!"

Jun Changxiao consoled himself as he entered the hall.

A moment later, Li Qingyang came in excitedly, "Headmaster, a disciple has broken through to the eleventh section of Kaimai!"

"Is that so?"

Jun Changxiao smiled and said, "Good."

Internally, he thought, "High spiritual roots are enviable!"

Li Qingyang also reported yesterday's statistics on disciples attempting to open their pulses: a total of 20 attempts, with 12 successes and 8 failures.

Perhaps because of the headmaster's words yesterday, Li Qingyang had indeed adapted more to his role.

Jun Changxiao said, "Tell the disciples who failed to open their pulses that a momentary failure does not mean permanent failure. As long as they work hard, they will succeed."

Why did this sound like he was comforting himself?


After a few more days, all the disciples who practiced Yi Jin Jing had advanced a level from their original foundation, achieving significant progress.

"This is amazing!"

"I never dreamed it would be so easy to open my pulse!"

"The headmaster, being able to create such a technique, is simply a genius!"

Successful disciples were excited and deeply admired Jun Changxiao.

However, the headmaster himself was very depressed at the moment because he had failed to open his second pulse again. He sat down and sighed, "With a 50% success rate, I've failed twice in a row. It seems creating a divine technique like Yi Jin Jing has used up all my luck."

Despite the failures, there were still benefits.

Jun Changxiao's meridians, muscles, and internal organs had all been tempered, and his previously weak body was significantly stronger.

The same was true for the male disciples.

As for the female disciples, they had become more graceful and charming.

This is the effect of Yi Jin Jing, a body-refining technique. For men, it strengthens the body; for women, it shapes the body.


Li Qingyang approached and said, "The artisans have already been contacted. When will we start the inner courtyard renovation?"


"Yes, sir."


With the inner courtyard being renovated, Jun Changxiao temporarily stayed in the hall.

"Knock, knock."

Lu Yan walked in, her white boots clicking on the floor rhythmically. Thanks to practicing Yi Jin Jing, her legs had become longer and more shapely.

She was truly a woman of exceptional beauty, with flawless features, like a perfect jade sculpture.

In the world Jun Changxiao came from, she would definitely outshine all top models and popular female stars!

Jun Changxiao, admiring her, thought, "A beauty beyond compare."

Lu Yan stopped and noticed his gaze. She frowned slightly, "Do all men care so much about a woman's appearance?"

"Yes," Jun Changxiao replied truthfully.

As a man with normal inclinations, not caring about a woman's appearance would be hypocritical.


Lu Yan was silent.

She hadn't expected such a straightforward answer.

"Lu Yan," Jun Changxiao began, "we are about the same age. Are you interested in dating?"

Such a beautiful woman would be the perfect choice for a girlfriend. The headmaster hoped to leave the ranks of single men and spread some romance.

"Dating? What do you mean?" Lu Yan asked, confused.

"It means having a romantic relationship... no, in the terms of this continent, it means taking our relationship a step further."

"You mean falling in love?"

"Yes, yes, that's it, falling in love, having a rel..."

Before he could finish, Lu Yan's eyes flashed with coldness.

Jun Changxiao quickly swallowed the last word and said solemnly, "So, what brings you here?"

Lu Yan calmed herself and said, "Headmaster, haven't you broken through yet?"

Which pot should be left uncovered?

Jun Changxiao covered his chest and said in pain, "Did you come here just to mock me?"

Lu Yan said, "You are the headmaster of the Iron Bone Sect. If your cultivation doesn't improve, how can you lead disciples who are stronger than you?"

"Don't worry," Jun Changxiao replied, "if I want to improve, it will be done in an instant."

He wasn't boasting. With enough contribution points, he could easily break through to a martial artist, let alone just the twelfth section of Kaimai.

Lu Yan, accustomed to his rhetoric, said, "If you can't improve, you should consider stepping down and letting me lead. I can make the Iron Bone Sect dominate Qingyang County in a short time."

This woman was indeed ambitious.

Jun Changxiao stood up, walked down, stopped a meter in front of her, and looked at her with a smile, "Dominating Qingyang County? That goal is too small. I aim to dominate the entire Starfall Continent."

Because of the close distance, her fragrance was intoxicating.


Lu Yan snorted coldly.

But she intentionally turned her head away from him. "Do you think that developing a sect relies solely on a divine technique?"

"What else?" he asked.

"A strong sect must have a sound cultivation system, excellent elders for guidance, and various martial resources, such as techniques and elixirs. Do you have these?"


Jun Changxiao said seriously, "But there will be."

"I hope so," Lu Yan replied. "I'll take the disciples to practice first."


After walking out of the hall, she took a breath and calmed herself, thinking, "The headmaster is clearly not as strong as me. Why do I get nervous when he gets close?"

"It seems my understanding of Tai Xuanbing's mind is far from enough to remain truly calm."