Chapter 42

After seeing the mission, Jun Changxiao felt quite speechless.

"Help the villagers of Qingyang Village clean the courtyard, pick up dung, serve food, and write letters... Can these martial tasks be a bit more substantial? A bit more technical?"

The system replied, "If the host feels the tasks are too easy, you can scroll down the task list and replace them with new ones."

"Does it cost any value?"

"10 points."

"Never mind then," Jun Changxiao sighed, looking at each task and touching his chin. "Cleaning the floor and picking up dung aren't difficult."


"So many tasks, I have to do them all by myself?"

The system reminded, "The martial missions are meant for the disciples to complete. The host should focus on mainline, sideline, hidden, and epic tasks."

"I see," Jun Changxiao said. "So, the disciples have their tasks, and I have mine. The system's division of labor is quite clear."

Jun Changxiao asked, "The recommendation index with one or two stars means the rewards are quite generous after completing the tasks, right?"

"Yes," the system confirmed, "but the higher the number of stars, the more difficult the task."


Jun Changxiao often laughed, stood up with a handrail, stretched lazily, and said, "Qingyang, gather the disciples at the training field. I have tasks to distribute."

"Yes, sir."

Li Qingyang was puzzled as he was ordered to gather the disciples: "Tasks?"


At the training field, all the disciples were neatly lined up. Xiao Sinji was also present. He had bathed and changed into the iconic martial uniform of the Iron-Bone Sect. Once a super-genius, he now stood with long hair untied, looking like a talent despite his indifferent and lazy eyes, which showed the coldness he had experienced over the past five years.

Jun Changxiao knew that his previous words had only temporarily restored Xiao Sinji's martial spirit. It would take some time for him to fully regain his vigor.

"Headmaster," Li Qingyang reported, "all the disciples are present."

Jun Changxiao cleared his throat and addressed the disciples, "You've all been part of the Iron-Bone Sect for some time now. Are you satisfied with the food, clothing, accommodation, and cultivation resources provided?"

"Satisfied!" the disciples responded in unison.

Jun Changxiao's expression suddenly turned serious, "But you can't always be on the receiving end, right?"

The disciples exchanged puzzled looks.

"Just say what you want," Lu Yan said faintly.

"That woman is still like that," Jun Changxiao thought, before continuing aloud, "Since you're members of the Iron-Bone Sect, you must contribute to its construction and support."

"We are willing to work hard for the sect!" the disciples shouted in unison.

Jun Changxiao nodded, "Recently, the villagers of Qingyang Village have encountered some troubles. I've decided to send you to help them, to strengthen our ties."

"Yes, sir!" the disciples responded in unison.

"Qingyang," Jun Changxiao said, "many villagers in Qingyang Village are illiterate. You will help them write letters."

"What?" Li Qingyang was taken aback. He was from a well-known family and literate, but he didn't expect to be tasked with writing letters for villagers.

"Not happy with it?" Jun Changxiao asked.

"No, I'm happy!" Li Qingyang quickly responded.


"Receive Martial Mission."

"Mission Introduction: Zhao Xiucai of Qingyang Village is suffering from typhoid fever. Villagers urgently need someone to write letters on his behalf for 3 days [Unfinished]."

"Assigned Disciple: Li Qingyang."

"Mission Reward: Upon completion, the host will receive 1 achievement point and 1 contribution point."

"A reward of contribution points?" Jun Changxiao thought, "Qingyang, Zhao Xiucai of Qingyang Village has typhoid fever. You'll write letters for him for the villagers for three days."

"Three days?" Li Qingyang's mouth twitched.

"Lu Yan," Jun Changxiao said, "Wang Daqing of Qingyang Village has been good to me. Help her clean the courtyard and do housework."

Li Qingyang felt much relieved; his task was just writing letters, while the senior sister had to do housework.

"I refuse," Lu Yan said coldly.

Jun Changxiao replied, "If you don't want to, you don't have to."

"Really?" Lu Yan's eyes brightened.

"No, you must go. This is your task and my order," Jun Changxiao said firmly.

"Alright," Lu Yan conceded.


"Receive Martial Mission."

"Mission Introduction: Wang Daqing of Qingyang Village needs help cleaning the courtyard and doing housework for 5 days [Unfinished]."

"Assigned Disciple: Lu Yan."

"Mission Reward: Upon completion, the host will receive 1 achievement point and 1 contribution point."

Jun Changxiao said, "Help Wang Daqing clean the courtyard and do housework for five days."

"Five days?" Lu Yan frowned.

Jun Changxiao looked at the disciples and set his eyes on Xiao Sinji, "Sinji, the granddaughter of Qingyang Village has mobility issues. Help her pick up dung and water the vegetables."

The disciples were taken aback.

"Alright," Xiao Sinji replied without hesitation.

After the system prompted the task, Jun Changxiao added, "Just pick up dung and water vegetables for five days. Consider it physical training."

The disciples exchanged incredulous looks.

There are many ways to train the body, like chopping wood or carrying water, but picking up dung... that's a bit unusual.

Xiao Sinji didn't mind though. He replied, "Understood. I will complete the task."

"Su Xiaomo," Jun Changxiao continued, "go to Qingyang Village and find the missing Xiao Huang."

Su Xiaomo was the third disciple after Li Qingyang. Though thin and not very tall, he was clever and perfect for finding things.

"Yes, sir!" Su Xiaomo saluted.

After the system's prompt, Jun Changxiao added, "Xiao Huang is a dog. He's been missing for two days. If you can't find him in the village, search the mountains."

"Yes, sir!" Su Xiaomo responded.


Jun Changxiao distributed twenty tasks among the disciples. Strangely, the tasks were all related to Qingyang Village, with most having a recommendation index of one or two stars, and only one with three stars.

Soon, Jun Changxiao had given out twenty tasks. He kept the three-star task for later, as it seemed a bit challenging to eliminate the Direwolf and required careful planning.

"All disciples with tasks, you may proceed. Those without tasks, continue your training."

"Yes, sir!" the disciples responded.

"Sinner, come to the hall," Jun Changxiao called.

Xiao Sinji followed him into the hall.

"Do you have any objections to the task assigned to you?" Jun Changxiao asked, sitting in his chair.

"No objections," Xiao Sinji replied.

Jun Changxiao rested his chin on his hand, "The work might be dirty, but remember, if heaven intends to place great responsibility on someone, they must first suffer hardships."

"Understood," Xiao Sinji nodded.

Jun Changxiao tossed a manual to him, "This is our sect's martial arts technique. Take it and practice. If you have questions, ask me or your senior brothers."

"Martial arts technique?" Xiao Sinji caught the manual, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Remember, this is a unique technique of our sect. Don't share it with anyone outside."

"Understood, master!"

"Now, head to Qingyang Village and help Aunt Sun."

"Yes, sir!"

As Xiao Sinji left the hall, he looked at the manual titled "Yi Jin Jing" and thought, "Is this really a divine martial arts technique?"