Chapter 45


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Your family is the one who played it."

尚 Aishenke's face calmed, and his eyes were angry.

He has been working in the field for the past two days. Last night, he received a biography from the family pigeons. After learning that Ai Zou was captured, he hurried down and didn't know the general details.

If it was hit by a disciplinary disciple, Aishenk can still understand. After all, young people are fierce, and some contradictions are inevitable.

But a head of hands is not afraid to lose identity?

Yes, yes.

The head of a **** sect is humble like dust, and it is strange to care about identity.

I think at this point, the disdain in Aishenke's eyes is more intense, and said, "Jun, you are the leader of a faction, and it's a bit too much for you to hit my Ai family?"

Xun Jun often shrugged with a smile and said, "Your family has led someone to hit me and sent my disciples, and they have hit the doorstep of the house. What can I do if I take a lesson?"

"The guy who stole my Ai Jia Dan Yao, is your disciple?" Aishang Ke's expression grew darker.

Xi Jun often laughed and said, "Yes."

Ai Shangke whispered coldly: "Jun is in charge, your disciples stole my elixir, and you were beaten again. This is two accounts."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Elder Ai is here to settle accounts?" Jun Changxiao always smiled, and looked a little embarrassed.

If there is no side mission, he may still understand it and talk to each other with affection, so as to resolve the grievances, but now he can only live and die, and do not accept it.

Aishangke said lightly: "Jun is in charge, he hurts my relationship, steals my panacea, how can I explain it?"


Xun Jun often laughed and lost one or two pieces of money, and said, "This is a compensation, I will send you and your family a grudge."

Ishank didn't take it, and left Yinzi at his feet, his eyes were cold: "Jun, you are insulting Ai Mou, are you insulting my Ai family?"

One or two silvers is a lot of money for the poor people, but the parents of Ai always don't see it. Jun Chang laughs and throws it away, which is really a shame of red fruit.

"This seat is sincere to give you an explanation."

"If you have to feel insulted, you can't help it."

Xun Jun often spread his hands with a smile, expressing helplessness, that way is even more embarrassing than before.

Aishangke can no longer hold back the anger, and said coldly, "For the sake of the 100 Confederations, Ai Mou said that you were the king's head, and you should not really consider yourself a character!"

"Without further ado."

Xun Jun often smiled and said lightly, "Are you trying to fight?"

After all, Ai Shangke is the old parent of Ai, with a very graceful fist: "I heard that the head of Jun severely defeated the elder of Lingquan in Qingyang City. Ai really wanted to learn something."

"Come on then." Jun Chang smiled.

Aishangke smiled slightly and said, "This is not a place for learning. Why not enter the battlefield of your school?"

This guy is trying to teach me in front of the disciples? Jun Chang laughed and guessed his thoughts, but also raised his hand sideways and said, "Please."

So, what about the silver or two?

Uh ...

Yan Yan on the field.

Xun Jun often laughs and Aishangke is ten feet apart, looking at each other, the atmosphere is slightly tense.

"Is that guy Elder Ai?"

"From the breath of breath, it should be the martial arts realm!"

Outside of Yan Yanwu, the disciples who did not do the task whispered and had deep fears in their eyes.

Although the martial arts warrior is only the second realm of the astral continent, it is not much in front of the stronger, but in the eyes of the opening phase, it is a behemoth.

"Can the boss defeat him?"

"The robbers in Montenegro, together with the master of martial arts, have not been killed by the head of the army. Definitely there is no problem in defeating him."

"Not bad."

Everyone was relieved.

Ishank heard their argument, and looked sternly: "Did you kill the robbers in Montenegro?"

"Is there a problem?" Jun Chang laughed.

There is a problem, the problem is big!

Some time ago, the government and military forces of various factions deployed their forces and decided to attack Heifengzhai again.

The results of it? After going up, it was found that the base was burned and burned, and more than 200 rotten bodies were scattered on the Yanwu field.

that moment.

Everyone compares.

After a long time, they realized that Heifengzhai was completely destroyed!

The news of the total annihilation of mountain thieves spread in Qingyang County for a while, causing a huge sensation. People in all towns and towns went to the streets to celebrate and beat the gongs and drums to celebrate the streets.

Everyone is also rushing to talk, who in the end has eliminated Heifengzhai, who has been in trouble for many years?

Yun Youwu speculated that it might be a major force, but was rejected in the end, because after verification by the government and various factions, no large number of people appeared in the Montenegro area for several months.

One person, or several people, was conclusive.

Even in just a few days, many versions of rumors appeared. For example, a strong man who passed through Montenegro was killed by a thought.

Another example is Heifengzhai's evil behavior, which angered heaven, sent immortals to the world, and wiped them out with immortal power.

Various versions of the news spread wildly in Cheongyang-gun, and became the talk of many warriors and ordinary people after dinner.

After knowing that the pirates were destroyed, the Qingyang City Lord issued a notice widely, hoping that the righteous people who had killed the people would show up and receive a thousand gold gifts.

One or two gold is equal to twelve silver, and one thousand and two gold is twelve thousand silver!

Many martial artists were blinded by their money, and pretending to be dangerous, they pretended to be wise men to lead them ~ ~ and they were judged one by one.

The destruction of Heifengzhai was very large. Of course, Aishangke had heard of it and had talked with the elders of the ethnic group. He believed that those who could kill Heifengzhai and destroy all of them would necessarily have a martial arts master or higher.

How about now?

The disciples of the Iron Bone School said that they were in charge of destruction?


Aishangke said lightly: "You are the one who dominates the mountain and destroys the robbers. You dare to say that you did it by yourself. Is it possible that you have the idea to take a thousand gold rewards?"

As long as people with normal thinking will not believe it, only the prince who laughs at the level of the