Chapter 49

"Jun head, you can't just talk nonsense. Impersonating a righteous person is a serious offense!"


"Jun head, many people posing as righteous individuals have been investigated recently. All have been imprisoned, and some have even lost their heads."


"Jun head, listen to my advice and go back. Don't go to the main city."


Jun Changxiao stopped and said in a deep voice, "Master Li, I repeat: Heifengzhai was destroyed by me!"

Master Li replied, "Let's not talk about the strength of Heifengzhai's masters, but how could the head of the Ironbone Sect manage to kill those who are easy to defend and difficult to attack?"


Jun Changxiao remained silent.

Even if he explained it convincingly, it would be a waste of time.

Master Li continued, "Jun head, if you want to receive a thousand gold, you must provide proof of destroying Heifengzhai. Otherwise, heading to the city's main house will not be good for you."

This was sincere advice.

Moreover, he had heard that the city lord was upset due to recent impersonation incidents, and Jun Changxiao would certainly face danger.


"How can you prove that you killed them yourself?"

Jun Changxiao pondered.

After a moment, his eyes lit up. "Master Li, I will provide proof."

"What proof?"

"Don't ask, just show me the way."

Seeing Jun Changxiao's confidence, Master Li hesitated and thought, "Did he really destroy Heifengzhai? Impossible, impossible, that's incredible!"


The main city of Qingyang was at the end of the largest main street on the east side of the city. It was a grand mansion with two stone lions squatting on either side of the entrance.

"Jun head, let's go back." Master Li brought Jun Changxiao here but still tried to persuade him.

Jun Changxiao ignored him and strode towards the gate of the city's main house.


A guard with a knife raised his hand and demanded, "Who goes there?"

"Please inform the city lord that the head of the Ironbone Sect, Jun Changxiao, has come to visit," Jun Changxiao stated.

Hearing this, Master Li, standing at a distance, thought to himself, "Jun head didn't mention coming to receive the reward. It seems he was just joking."

Yes, the head of a sect would never impersonate someone for a reward. It would be demeaning and damaging to their reputation.

"You are the head of the Ironbone Sect?" The guard sneered slightly. "The city lord has stipulated that all sects below the eighth rank will not be seen unless called."

Jun Changxiao frowned slightly.

It was annoying to encounter such a guard.


He unfolded the notice and said lightly, "Tell the city lord that Jun has come to receive the reward."

Master Li was shocked. "When did the head of Jun get the notice?"

Neither he nor the soldiers at the crossroads noticed it missing. It wasn't until Jun Changxiao had left for a while that they realized the notice was gone!

The guard, startled, asked, "Did you destroy Heifengzhai?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Jun Changxiao replied lightly, "Hurry up and report."

The guard sneered, "Boy, think carefully. My report could land you in prison."

"No trouble." Jun Changxiao responded lightly.

The guard shook his head, "Many cats and dogs have tried to deceive us for this reward, but a sect master doing it? That's truly laughable."

He went into the mansion.

After a while, he returned and said, "Enter."

Jun Changxiao walked in, passing by the guard, and whispered, "Do you know what a watchdog is? It's someone who looks down on others with a pair of dog eyes."

"You..." The guard glared.

Jun Changxiao walked away and said, "Why be a gatekeeper? You had to be a watchdog."

"Infuriating guy." The guard fumed but sneered, "He's about to end up in jail and still has the nerve to mock."


Jun Changxiao entered the mansion.

The outer courtyard was much larger than the Ironbone Sect. The neatly arranged slate stones underfoot were clearly of high quality.

There was a martial arts field in front of the house.

Jun Changxiao touched his nose and whispered, "When we have money, we must expand the sect to be grander than the main city."


A middle-aged man with a dignified presence and the air of a long-time leader walked out of the main hall.

Jun Changxiao had learned from Master Li on the way about the city lord's features, and he cupped his hands, "The head of the Ironbone Sect, Jun Changxiao, greets Xie Chengzhu."


Xie Chengzhu laughed heartily, "A month ago, the head of this city heard about the Ironbone Sect. It was a pity I couldn't invite you to the mansion at that time due to my retreat."

He seemed easygoing but exerted pressure on Jun Changxiao, making him secretly think, "How strong is he?"

The system answered, "Stronger than the elders of the Cangshan sect."

"Wu Zong?"

Jun Changxiao thought, "No wonder he exudes such pressure."

"Jun head."

Xie Chengzhu smiled, "Come in."


Jun Changxiao entered the main hall and immediately felt two cold eyes staring at him.

Looking around, he saw two middle-aged men with similar appearances sitting on the left and right side chairs.

"Jun head."

Xie Chengzhu introduced, "These are the elders of Lingquan Sect, Wei Yiai on the right and Wei Yile on the left."


Jun Changxiao thought, and then cupped his hands, "So, the elders of Lingquan Sect have been waiting."


Wei Yile and Wei Yiai snorted disdainfully.

Their brother had lost an arm to this kid, so they naturally wouldn't give him a warm welcome.

Jun Changxiao didn't care. He sat down and casually tapped the armrest of his chair.

Wei Yile hated him, and Jun Changxiao hated Lingquan. After all, Heifengzhai had kidnapped his disciples on their instigation.

"Jun head."

Xie Chengzhu, seated at the head, asked, "The guard mentioned you are here to receive a reward?"


Jun Changxiao took out the notice.


Wei Yiai scoffed, "With Jun's ability to destroy Heifengzhai? That's laughable."

"In my opinion, the head of Jun must be desperate for money and has come to deceive the reward," Wei Yile added with a mocking smile.

Trying to provoke me?

Jun Changxiao remained composed, and Xie Chengzhu said, "Jun head, how can you prove that Heifengzhai was destroyed by you?"

Jun Changxiao responded, "To be honest, Jun went up the mountain alone and killed Heifengzhai's head and over 200 bandits. There were no witnesses."

Xie Chengzhu's face darkened.

Every martial artist who came to claim the reward said similar things and turned out to be impostors.

"No witnesses, no proof."

Wei Yiai sneered, "Xie Chengzhu, in my opinion, he's nothing but a deceiver."

Wei Yile followed up, "A dignified sect master doing such a thing is truly a disgrace."

"Silly fools," Jun Changxiao muttered under his breath.


Wei Yiai and Wei Yile angrily slammed their armrests. "Boy, say that again!"

Jun Changxiao ignored them and turned to Xie Chengzhu, "Xie Chengzhu, although I can't provide witness testimony, I can provide evidence."

"What evidence?" Xie Chengzhu asked.

Jun Changxiao snapped his fingers, and a heavy long sword appeared in front of him, engraved with a vivid blue dragon.

Seeing this, Xie Chengzhu exclaimed, "Zhou Tianba's Blue Dragon Sword!"