Chapter 52

When a person is extremely angry, it can be very difficult to stabilize their emotions, and they might even do irrational things.

This was the case with the strong man who suddenly rushed out of the intersection. He approached the girl step by step, his eyes flashing as if he could burn everything.

However, when a cold knife was placed on his shoulder, only a finger's width away from his neck, the monstrous anger suddenly shrank, and he forced a smile.

The angry face suddenly changed to a smiling one, with a difficulty factor of ten stars.


"You **** better look dead!"

"Daring to hold a knife to our boss's neck!"

A few of his men glared at him.

Zhang, the strong man, almost vomited blood at their words.

I have a knife to my throat, and you're still scaring him? If he slips, my head will roll!


Xun Jun often smiled and raised the Qinglong trowel, and the distance between the blade and his flesh was only a sheet of paper.

"Your men don't understand politeness."

The sharp blade gleamed.

When Boss Zhang caught this out of the corner of his eye, he trembled and spoke with a quivering voice, "Brother! Brother! My subordinates are undisciplined! Please... don't take it out on them!"

"You bastards!"

He straightened his neck and yelled, "Apologize to my brother, now!"

His subordinates also realized the boss was in a dangerous situation and hurriedly said in unison, "Brother, we are sorry!"

Xun Jun often smiled and said lightly, "I'll count to three. Be gone by then."


He barely finished the word before Boss Wang ran away like the wind.

Xun Jun often shook his head with a smile and retracted the Qinglong trowel. "They're gone. You're safe now."

The girl hiding behind him peeked out, confirmed that the ferocious men had left, then stomped forward and knelt down, thanking him profusely: "Thank you for your help!"

Xun Jun often laughed: "I just don't like seeing a group of men bullying a weak girl. No need for such formalities."

"Heh, I knew Jun's head was a good person." The girl stood up and smiled playfully.

Xun Jun often smiled and took a good look at her.

The young girl was about thirteen or fourteen, petite and exquisite, reaching up to his chest. Her long black hair was scattered, and her big watery eyes blinked, as if they could speak. Although her face was covered with dust, her beauty shone through.

So cute...

This was Jun Changxiao's first impression.

The girl looked at him and grinned, "Jun's head looks even better up close."

What does she mean, I look ugly from afar? Also, to describe a man as "pretty"—really?

Xun Jun often smiled and shook his head: "I'm heading back, you should go now."

"Jun in charge!"

The girl blocked his way, her eyes brimming with tears: "Can I join the Iron Bone Clan?"

She looked so pitiful.

Xun Jun often smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, we aren't recruiting disciples right now."

He would have liked to accept this adorable girl, but the limit of the martial arts members was full, and taking her in forcibly would lead to punishment.

The girl's tears flowed down, mixing with the dust on her face, and she began to sob.

What the hell.

I didn't even think about it, and she's already crying!

The girl wiped her tears with her sleeve, her face a picture of sadness: "Woohoo... Jun in charge, I can be a disciple or even just an errand girl."

Jun Changxiao, who had decisively dealt with the two elders of Lingquan, was at a loss seeing the girl crying in front of him.

"Hey, don't cry..."


The girl cried even louder, tears streaming down her face, as if she had endured endless distress.

"Jun in charge?"

"What happened to that girl?"

"Did he bully her?"

"Oh! Anyway, he's the leader of a faction, and he bullies a little girl? What kind of person is he?"


The girl's crying had attracted passersby, who gathered around, pointing fingers at Jun Changxiao.

Jun Changxiao's expression changed.

"Wow wow!" The girl continued to cry.

Jun Changxiao said, "Don't cry!"


The girl suddenly stopped crying.

She tightly pursed her thin lips, looking at Jun Changxiao with red eyes, looking truly pitiful!


She couldn't hold back and cried loudly again.

"Jun in charge, you're the leader of a faction. Doesn't your conscience hurt when you bully a girl like this?"

"She's just a child!"

Jun Changxiao sighed and said, "Don't cry, don't cry, I agree."

The girl broke into a smile through her tears: "Thank you for accepting me!"

She had been crying pitifully just now, but immediately showed a smile as soon as she got her way. She must be a master of changing faces like in Sichuan opera.


Jun Changxiao shook his head: "Let's go."


The girl hurried to follow him.

As they walked, she introduced herself: "Jun in charge, my name is Liu Wanshi, but everyone calls me Dudu. You can call me Dudu too."

Liu Wanshi?

Jun Changxiao thought to himself, "Such a poetic name doesn't quite match her appearance."

Though their contact was brief, he had already noticed that this young girl was quite worldly.

"How much longer is the rune of gallop active?"

"Five minutes."

"With this little one tagging along, we won't make it to the martial arts school. We'll have to return by carriage."


After a few steps, Liu Wanshi's stomach growled. She clutched her belly and said pitifully, "Jun in charge, I haven't eaten all day."

"What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat stir-fried gardenia flowers, honey sauce pork, jujube cakes, yellow scallion beef, and beggar's chicken from Xingyuelou!"

Liu Wanshi listed several dishes in one breath.

Jun Changxiao's mouth twitched. Just from the names, he knew these dishes were expensive.

Then again, since coming to this world, he had been eating simple meals every day. Now that he had money, it was time to enjoy some good food.


Jun Changxiao said with a smile, "Lead the way to Xingyuelou."



The most famous restaurant in Qingyang City, renowned for its stir-fried gardenia flowers and other specialty dishes. People came from far and wide to taste them, drawn by their reputation as the finest human cuisine.

At this moment, in an elegant room on the third floor, Jun Changxiao and Liu Wanshi were eating voraciously, a stack of empty plates already piled beside them.


After half an hour, Jun Changxiao leaned back in his chair, saying, "The food here is amazing!"

Liu Wanshi sat with one leg up on her chair, holding a toothpick, and pointed at the empty plates: "This dish had too much salt. Failed. This one had too little flavor. Another failure!"

Jun Changxiao said, "You sure didn't seem to mind while eating."

Liu Wanshi replied, "When someone is extremely hungry, they don't care about the quality of the food."

Seeing her cute and serious expression, Jun Changxiao joked, "Do you know how to cook?"

"Of course."

Liu Wanshi said proudly, "Not just cook, but I can create culinary masterpieces."

Jun Changxiao said, "Is there a difference between cooking and creating masterpieces?"

"There's a huge difference."

Liu Wanshi said seriously, "Cooking is basic. Creating masterpieces involves techniques like frying, stir-frying, roasting, boiling, stewing, braising, grilling..."


Jun Changxiao interrupted her quickly, curious: "Can you really cook?"


Liu Wanshi leaned back in her chair, proudly saying, "If cooking had the same ranks as martial arts, I would be a god."

"That impressive?" Jun Changxiao doubted.

Liu Wanshi laughed and said, "If you trust me, when we return to the martial arts school, I can show you what real human cuisine is."