
What if she rejected him?

The simple yet meaningful question echoed within his head as he sat unmoving for a while.

The idea of being rejected by Lisa made him feel quite uneasy.

Lian knew the possibility of it happening was high but he could have to try his luck or else his dad could be quite eager to resume his self appointed role of match maker when it came to his love life and that was one of the things Lian did not want happening again.

"I will be on my way, dad. There is some important work waiting for me at the office." Lian eventually spoke as he prepared to stand up.

"I will see you and your girlfriend on Saturday then." Senior Que said, his voice laced with certainty as he gestured to his son that he was free to leave..

"Sure, dad." Lian replied as he got up and left, feeling quite surprised by his ability to get himself so effortlessly stuck in a dilemma.

The pilot was waiting for him outside and once he was on board, he pulled out his office tablet and got to work.

It took the private jet approximately three hours to arrive at his company headquarters where he had planned to stop by briefly before he headed back home to see Lisa.

A quick call to the house keeper confirmed that she well and if he was quick enough with his work, he could be able to join her for lunch.

Lisa sat in the living room, feeling so bored after she had spent most of the morning chatting with Sam, Lian's assistant whom she found particularly interested in helping her out with designing a perfect revenge plan.

First, she could get back at her ex with an appeal to the emotional connection they had shared by showing off her new powerful boyfriend and that part was to played by Lian Que. She just had to convince him to play along.

Her ex could definitely be jealous but her step sister could surely be enraged because she had managed to get a boyfriend of a much higher her status her.

Lisa had conveniently booked a reservation for dinner at the very same restaurant that the treacherous couple was going to.

She had resolved and personally worked through her emotions and she was certain she could perfectly play the part where she was deeply in love with Lian Que.

That was the first step of her revenge plan and she was still building up serval others to get back at everyone that had wronged her.

It was nearly noon when her phone buzzed and her face lit up when she thought that it was Lian Que who had finally decided to personally check on her but then again she was disappointed to see that it was just a photo from one of her long lost highschool friends that she had been occasionally chatting with online.

Lisa absent mindedly clicked the message only for her entire being to tense up once she saw the photo.

It was a screenshot of a photo that had Lian Que, standing very close to another woman and the date was only the day before.

Her heart felt a fatal and unavoidable sting of jealousy that made her chest tighten.

So, he had left her in quite a hurry only to be with some other woman?

Lisa felt her jealousy slowly turn to anger and she couldn't help but feel betrayed.

She knew that she had no logical reason to feel that way but she clearly did.

It was something that was beyond her control and she hated the fact that he affected her so much. His actions threatened to unnerve her resolve to remain immune to him.

He was free to do whatever he pleased and be with any woman he wanted. Right?

The question did not sound so convincing and Lisa sighed softly as she blinked rapidly in an attempt to keep tears for falling down her cheeks.

Why did it hurt so damned much!? Was it because he had looked her straight in the eye and told her that that he wanted her heart or maybe because she knew she still faintly in love with him?

Lisa was at a loss when it came to her feelings for Lian Que but she was hellbent on not letting him see how much it affected her on their next meeting which came much sooner than she had anticipated.

She was not expecting to see him sooner than the next day and yet here he was, making his way towards her.

Lisa inwardly struggled for composure.

Lian immediately sensed that something was off when he looked at Lisa who looked much more aloof than he had ever seen her.

He slowed his steps towards her when it dawned on him that she had seen the photos that he had worked so hard to ensure she didn't get to see.

"They didn't mean anything." Lian explained once he reached her and Lisa nearly scoffed. She didn't care about his personal dealings or rather, she did but she preferred it if he remained oblivious to that.

Lian stood unmoving as he waited for her to say something, anything.

"Okay." Lisa calmly replied and Lian looked at her for a while before he exhaled sharply.

She did not look so convinced and he was not one to explain his actions to anyone but he had compromised for her.

He knew saying more about the photos was not going to make the situation any better.

"Are you hungry? I was hoping to join you for lunch." Lian offered.

"Sure. That could be nice." Lisa agreed curtly before she turned and walked away from him.

A heavy silence hang around them as they silently dinned and Lian knew Lisa had no intentions of talking to him anytime soon so he decided to break the silence.

"I told my dad about you." He said and the spoon Lisa held in her hand paused midway to her lips.

Lian knew that it was a sure way to get her attention and it had worked.

She looked up at him, the question clear in her eyes.

What about her had he told his dad?

"I told him that you are my girlfriend." Lian added casually and Lisa's eyes nearly bugged out of her sockets.

"What?" Was all she managed to murmur.

Most girls could have been elated to be in her position but much to his disappointment Lisa looked positively pale.

Was the idea of being with him that distasteful to her?

Lisa snapped out of her shock and gave him a hard glare.

"But I am not your girlfriend." She stated and Lian Que shrugged, trying to remain calm despite the anger that was brewing within him at her indirect rejection.

"It was either telling him that or allowing him to continuously set me up on dates with other girls." He added and Lisa grimaced slightly.

Both were things that she did not want happening but she was certain she hated the second option more. The idea of him being with some other woman wrecked havoc in her mind...and heart.

"Now tell me Lisa. Which of the two options could you prefer?" He posed the question in a way that made her stuck and the twinkle in his eyes warned her to choose her next words very, very wisely.