not gay!

"Miss Quinn, could we keep our discussion strictly professional." Sam suggested, his voice tight.

Ashley pouted her lips in displeasure.

"A boyfriend then?" She asked.

"I am not gay!" Sam blurted out and she smirked.

Ashley was enjoying this, at least she was getting answers out of him.

She needed to know whether or not he had someone and if he was already in a relationship, then she could leave him alone. Well if not, she was happy to seduce him...

"A girlfriend?" She asked again and he glared at her.

Why was she being so relentless?

"Miss Quinn, my love life is non of your business." He groaned but Ashley was not about to give up.

"It's just a simple question with a one worded answer. Yes or no?" She stated and Sam knew he was not going to get some piece of mind unless he told her what she wanted to know.