Chapter 10 : Beginning with Harry


"You want me to watch over Harry for you?" Severus asked incredulously. He had half guessed that would be the point of Albus's speech, but hearing it coming from the Headmaster made it seem so much more surreal than he had originally believed.

"Yes, that was the idea. But you seem distressed over it; if you'd rather I found someone else to watch over Harry for this month…" Albus trailed off.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Severus hissed through clenched teeth. The manipulative old coot! The younger man knew he was being played, but this time he was willing to let it pass. Albus wanted him to spend a month with Harry? Fine. He could think of fates much worse than that. The little voice in his head saying that he couldn't think of something better was soon charged with defiance and was accordingly smothered. "Does James Potter know I will be the one watching over his son?" Nobody said he had to make it easy for Dumbledore, he thought watching the old wizard's smile drop slightly.

"He knows I'll have somebody trustworthy watch over Harry." Albus said and his smile returned. "Lily knows though."

"Oh." Severus said and nodded. That had been unexpected and, truly, he couldn't find anything to say that could possibly reduce the impact of such a statement. "You said I have to watch over Harry for a month?" The young professor asked, feeling his chest warming up at the thought.

"So you're willing to help?" Albus asked raising his eyebrow quizzically, his eyes twinkling madly behind the multifocal lenses of his glasses.

"I believe that was implied, yes." Severus offered drily. The old coot was enjoying this a bit too much.

"Excellent my boy!" He said clapping his hands once. "I have prepared everything you will need."

"You acted on the concept that I would agree before you even asked?" Severus wondered aggravated as he followed the Headmaster to the study where he had first met Harry.

"You know me, Severus!" Albus explained happily. "Ever the optimist!"

"That you are." The potions master agreed with a smirk refraining to phrase a more spontaneous retort. He was about to make a comment on how Albus was far too much of an optimist to maintain a firm grip on realty, when the Headmaster pushed the door that led to the study open. There, on the couch this time, sat a three year old Harry staring at yet another book. The colorful images this time where those of magical plants. Severus felt all of his anger melt away at the sight. Why was he complaining at that point again? It was a mater of principle, he guessed.

"Harry my boy! You have a guest!" Albus exclaimed in a way of presenting Severus to the toddler. Harry was startled out of his concentration and turned to the door confused. A smile formed on his face.

"Sev!" He said loudly, jumping from the couch and running towards the black clad man, hugging him -which meant throwing his arms around Severus's legs and holding on for dear life- with such a force the young professor almost toppled over.

"Hey there, Harry." Severus mumbled and messed Harry's already disheveled hair. He bent down to pick him up this time without waiting for the child to ask. "Nice to see you again little one."

"You haven't forgotten each other I see." Albus said happily as he noticed the interaction between the boy and the young man.

"It seems we have not." Severus affirmed, all previous doubts about taking care of Harry for a month having disappeared from his mind the moment he laid eyes on the boy. He silently wondered how he could miss somebody he had only met twice, as much as he had missed Harry.

"Which is great, I assure you." Dumbledore stated and turned to Harry.

"Severus will take care of you while your parents are away." He said to the boy, talking softer than usual. "Will you go with Severus, Harry?" He asked and the potions' master heart constricted with fear. What if the boy said no, or started crying? To his surprise, Harry turned to him with those large eyes and asked;

"Can I come with you?" To say that Severus was surprised by the hope with which the question was asked -let alone the double take he had to do just to assure himself that, yes, the three year old boy in his arms had spoken clearly and understood every word spoken- would be putting it mildly.

"If you wish." He stated softly. "Do you want to come stay with me Harry?" He asked the boy softly under the ever twinkling stare of Dumbledore. "Do you want to?" His question was answered with a vigorous nod from the boy.

"That settles it then!" Albus exclaimed with joy. "I will accompany the two of you to your house Severus and then I will depart for a pressing business meeting I had to postpone to make this appointment." Severus shot him a questioning look which caused him to elaborate;

"The Minister has been dealing with some interdepartmental trouble and has asked of my opinion on the matter." The Headmaster clarified and Severus smirked. The day that Fudge would not consult Albus on how to run the Ministry would signify the end of an era, he was sure of that

"You better go then before the Minister decides to do something radical." Severus commented as Harry observed the whole conversation questioningly.

"Radical?" Albus asked leading the group of three out of the study and towards the fireplace.

"Like deciding for himself." Severus explained smirking and Albus silently congratulated himself while chuckling. Nobody had ever managed to bring out that teasing aspect in Severus's character before Harry came along. The young professor might have not noticed yet himself, but once in the child's presence, he finally resembled the twenty two year old man he was.

None of them could know at the time, but this was meant to be the first of the many times when this scene -with the exception of the Headmaster's presence- was going to repeat itself in the coming years. And, of course, they could have absolutely no idea where Dumbledore's intervention that day was going to lead. Everything was now into place; the Fates had set the pieces into motion and it was now up to a young man and an even younger boy to work their way towards their future.