Whispers Of The Curse And Blessing: Zeten And Neba

[ Information about power system ]

[Note: This chapter contains spoilers, you can skip this chapter and still get enough information about power system from the story itself. ]

In the world of Unmei, there are two main powers known as Zeten and Neba. Think of them as two different sides of the same coin.

[ Neba ] is a blessing that gives you power. [ Zeten ], on the other hand, is more like a curse. It also gives you power, but it has a dark side. you're forced to do evil deeds.

people can focus Neba and Zeten into specific parts of their body, enhancing their abilities.

For instance, they might channel Neba into their eyes for better vision or their legs for increased speed. Everyone from commoners to nobles uses Neba in various ways.

Zeten and Neba are living beings that reside within you and grant you special powers. They are like creatures or spirits that become a part of your being

Both Neba and Zeten have different levels of power represented by colors.

The weakest level is green, and as you progress, you can reach yellow, orange, red, blue, and finally purple. Each color represents a higher level of strength.

[ Upgrade and Advancement ]

[ Upgrade ]: To upgrade your Zeten, you must listen to the whispers and guidance from your own Zeten. They will give you tasks and instructions on how to upgrade yourself, refusing them sometimes leads to losing control.

[ Advancement ]: Each color of Zeten represents a different level of power, and to advance to a new color and gain new abilities, you must perform a specific ritual unique to that color.

[ Upgrade ]: On the other hand, Neba can be upgraded in different ways. You can consume Neba or Zeten Shards. These shards contain concentrated power that can enhance your Neba.

Consistent training and using your Neba in battles also help in its upgrade.

[ Advancement ]: To reach a new color of Neba, you must undergo survival trials. These trials are challenging, and if you fail, you lose your life. However, if you successfully complete the trial, you gain new powers and abilities.

[ Mastery ]: Knowing when to perform a ritual or undertake a trial is determined by your Mastery level.

Mastery is a measure of your control over your powers and ranges from 1% to 100%.

You start at 1% Mastery and need to upgrade your Neba or Zeten to 10% before you can participate in a ritual or challenge a trial.

After completing a ritual or trial, you must continue training and upgrading yourself to reach 20% Mastery, at which point you can undertake another ritual or face a more difficult trial for further advancement.

10% - [ Green to Yellow ]

20% - [ Yellow to Orange ]

30% - [ Orange to Red ]

40% - [ Red to Blue ]

50% - [ Blue to Purple ]

60% - [ Purple to ??? ]

[ Abilities ]

Most people are born with a random ability that is purely based on luck. However, those who possess Neba and Zeten have a unique advantage.

Once you advance to a stronger color of Neba or Zeten, you are given the opportunity to choose your own ability from a selection of options.

In some special cases, you may even gain new abilities directly from your Neba or Zeten before even reaching advancement point.

[ Mastery ] To truly master and strengthen your chosen ability, you must strive to achieve mastery from 1% to 100%.

Just like Neba and Zeten, your ability upgrades itself as you increase your mastery level. Reaching 100% mastery signifies that your ability has reached its full potential, with no weaknesses, and becomes limitless in its power.

So, unlike most people who rely on luck for their abilities, those who possess Neba and Zeten have the opportunity to select and shape their own abilities.

[ Losing control ]

In the case of Zeten users, if they lose control, they can be overtaken by the creature that resides within them.

This loss of control can lead to harmful actions and bring about destruction because Zeten is evil. The challenge with Zeten creatures is that they are highly intelligent and difficult to eliminate, which is why they are feared by many.

On the other hand, if a Neba user loses control of their power, which happens rarely, it often results in their Neba manifesting as a mindless creature that simply exists without purpose or direction. Much easier to eliminate compared to Zeten.