Two Months.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

We have reached 1 Million Views my children! 

To celebrate that there's a REALLY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT at the end of this chapter that you guys will wanna go look at lol.


And so the students of the Tokyo Jujutsu Technical school trained for the next two months in preparation for the 'Sister School Good Will' event, although they were pretty confident in winning the event without much issue.

The following is a small compilation of the most entertaining moments of the next two months.

Inside an open walled Dojo.

Nobara sliced forwards with her Naginata, trying to hit her opponent to no avail as her blade was gracefully avoided by her enemy who proceeded to grab her weapon by its pole and twisted, causing it and subsequently her to be pulled into her opponent's grasp.

"Copying my moves is good and all but if you don't got the speed and dexterity to pull them off, then you should stick to more basic stuff till you do, 'Kay Cutie?" Maki teased with a sly grin, their faces were mere centimetres away from each other due to her grasp.

Just as she had said would happen a few days ago, her burns had completely healed within a day thanks to her Heavenly Restriction. Leaving her breathtakingly gorgeous visage to be shown freely once again, as not a single mark remained on her perfectly sculpted body.

"O-Okay!" The brown haired girl squeaked out, her face burning up a deep crimson in response to their compromising position.

"Go easy on the girl, will you Maki? She's still not used to how blunt you are, you're gonna make her burn up into a puddle at this point." Megumi commented with a tired smile as he moved his body to the side slightly, a fist rushing past him at where he used to be right after he did so.

Fist after fist was thrown at Megumi, each one was skillfully avoided with minimal movement. His hands were currently tied with rope behind his back to stop him from moving them.

He had also loaded himself with 4 Trucks within his Inventory to push his body and cursed energy reinforcement to their utter limits. He was so heavy as he was now, that the very ground of the Dojo beneath him cracked and crumbled with each step.

He went to the left and then to the right, with each dodge he was forced to use as little movement and effort as physically possible to avoid the attacks. However he had reached the end of his rope and knew that if he continued, it would be inevitable for him to be hit as his body was completely drained.

"Alright, alright~! Ruin my fun, why don't you?" Maki acquiesced, releasing Nobara from her grasp and causing her to fall onto the ground in a nervous heap.

Megumi weaved to the right to avoid another kick and as he did so, he extended his foot slightly into his opponent's fighting form. This sudden movement had immediately achieved its purpose as his opponent tripped on his foot and fell down on his face with a loud crash.

"OUCH- How the hell can you still dodge me so easily even with so many weights on you, that doesn't even make any sense!" Yuji complained as he dragged himself up into a sitting position while rubbing his nose.

Megumi sighed out in relief as his shadows expanded outwards, from which shot out the 4 Trucks outside the Dojo and onto a nearby clearing to allow him to breathe in peace. He grunted while dropping into a cross-legged position on the ground ahead of Yuji to take a break before explaining to his pink haired friend his mistakes.

Megumi sat beneath the shade of the trees behind him, his black haori draped over his form, its wide sleeves pooling on the ground. Despite their spar, his white kimono underneath remained crisp, secured by a black obi at his waist. His white hakama spread out in soft folds around him, perfectly aligned. His sandals lay beside him, revealing his tabi-clad feet.

[Image (In Discord)]

"You're fast, sure- but your moves are too predictable. With every attack you telegraph exactly what you're gonna do; with your facial expression, your footing, even how you tense each muscle before throwing a punch." He started, resting his head on his hand as he did so.

"These things are fine as you are now at your current level, as your opponents are too inexperienced to take advantage of them…" Megumi explained as Rin came forwards from the sideline and removed his restraints for him before handing him a bottle of cool water.

"Thanks- But as you grow stronger and face more experienced opponents, even the smallest and most insignificant tells can be the difference between getting Killed or dodging a Fight-Deciding attack and landing your own." After thanking Rin for her help, he swirled the bottle around while looking at the water sloshing around within.

"Remember, you're a Jujutsu Sorcerer, we can't afford to make mistakes." He asserted with a tone of finality then proceeded to drink half the bottle and handed what's left of it to Yuji.

"Another thing to consider is your Cursed Energy flow; however, we will worry about that when it is time to do so. For now, we'll focus on your base form and move up from there. Got it?" Megumi asked as Yuji downed the rest of the bottle of water. 


"Good, then let us continue. We have much work to do." 

Both Megumi and Yuji stood opposed to each other, ready to continue their training after a short break, Nobara and Maki weren't very far behind as they began training once more.

Inumaki and Megumi were both sitting down on a fallen log, watching as Maki was being attacked on all sides by 3 different combatants; Panda, Yuji and Nobara. 

They were all attacking with great fervour, using all of their strength; Panda was even in his 'Gorilla' form while Nobara was using her Naginata and combining it with Nail attacks. Yuji was trying his hardest to land a single blow, however he was completely outclassed in both speed and dexterity as Maki simply avoided his attacks without even turning to face him.

She was dodging each and every one of their attacks with terrifying grace and precision, all the while she was blindfolded and even had headphones on that were playing music at absurdly loud levels. After every few attacks from them, she would land her own devastating attacks that caused the one unlucky enough to be hit to crumble over in pain.

"-So that's why you need to be more creative with your Cursed Technique, Inumaki. Commanding someone to 'Blow Away' or 'Be Crushed' is useful and all, but you're limited by your own body and cursed energy output." Megumi explained to his friend, Blizzard was sleeping next to him with his head on his lap which he was petting.

Behind the two of them, his shadows were creating merged beast after merged beast in an effort to maximise his efficiency with how many shikigami he can merge together, how fast the mergers are built and how much cursed energy is used up within said mergers.

"Salmon, Salmon." Toge said while nodding in confirmation.

The both of them watched as Maki proceeded to clothesline both Nobara and Yuji at the same time with a single move before throwing a roundhouse behind her, the kick landed directly into Panda's face and threw him backwards through a couple of trees.

"As you can see, someone with pure power would be able to crush you even under the effect of your technique but if you were to use a more creative move in order to throw your opponent off their game, that could prove to be more effective than pointlessly abusing your throat against someone way stronger than you."

"Ah, Salmon. Mustard Leaf." 

Three weeks later.

"Yo Otomo-san, could I please get another ricebowl?" Yuji called out, within his hands was an empty bowl.

Rin didn't move from her place besides Megumi who was currently eating some cold soba, besides him were 26 empty bowls stacked on top of each other like a tower. He finished his bite of food before chuckling slightly.

"Rin, just give him what he wants." He ordered softly, his unusually crimson eyes glistening in the dimly lit room.

The maroon haired woman moved from her place immediately, handing the pink haired teen a large bowl of rice who then proceeded to take some ginger chicken meatballs from the pot in front of him and placed it on top of the rice bowl and ate it wholeheartedly.

"God you're such a weirdo, who chooses just a rice bowl with only ginger chicken meatballs on top for lunch?" Nobara commented, even though in her hands was a rice bowl with the exact same toppings.

"Nobara, you've got the same thing he's got." Maki pointed out, in her hands was a large cheese burger. If one looked beside her, they would notice that it was her sixth one according to the number of crumpled wrappers she had.

"But that's completely different! Look, watch this. Yuji, what's your favourite food?" Nobara asked, trying to prove a point.

"Uhhh, a rice bowl! With.. Food on top!" 

"That's so unspecific!" The brown haired girl shouted out in outrage.

"Yo, what's up! You guys missed me?"

A familiarly annoying voice called out to them from behind before they could continue their banter, which caused Maki to grab the nearest knife and throw it towards the source at full force.

"Well that's not very nice, I expected atleast one of you to start crying and celebrating at my return!" 

"Oh, it's you. Where's your blindfold ya' idiot? You look more stupid than usual without it" Maki commented after noticing who it was.

"Yo, wassup Gojo-sensei!" Yuji called out with a giant grin after finishing his own bowl of food.

"Indeed, it is I! Your Super Handsome and Kind teacher, Satoru Gojo!" The white haired man declared with a dramatic pose and as Maki had pointed out, he wasn't wearing his blindfold anymore and instead was wearing a pair of rounded sunglasses.

"It's been a while Satoru, I heard the higher ups had another mission for you in China. Didn't that one warlord you 'killed' come back somehow?" Megumi asked as he finished another bowl of Soba before handing the empty bowl to Rin who placed it on top of the tower of bowls, the number of empty bowls had reached 30.

"Ah, Young Master, it's actually his son this time. It seems he has followed in his father's footsteps and contracted his own Special Grade curse." Rin interjected, as she poured for him some green tea.


"... Ignoring the fact that you somehow know about classified information, I told them to go fuck themselves and to send someone from the Zen'in or Kamo Clans this time. I have better things to do than go deal with their problems every time they fuck up and let some idiot get too much power." Satoru announced. 

The white haired man then disappeared from his place and reappeared sitting down by Megumi, he stole a bowl of ramen from Megumi's plate immediately and started eating. The black haired man didn't react in the slightest as Rin quietly just handed him a new bowl without the need for him to speak up.

"Like what?" Maki questioned with a deadpan expression before she started drinking some soda.

"Why guiding and teaching my beloved students of course! Speaking of which.. Where's Inumaki and Panda, I assumed they would be here." Satoru asked.

"Some teacher you are…" 

"I heard that, Nobara!"

"I know!"

"Principal Yaga called and asked them to come to him, maybe some important mission came up?" Yuji offered, trying to stop the argument from even starting.

Megumi quietly looked up at Rin who bowed before opening up her phone and typing for a moment. A short 30 seconds later, her phone rang again.

"They were called in for an emergency mission to escort an elder from the minor 'Sagura' clan to the 'Ikeda' clan and provide protection incase of any attacks from vagrant curse users since the elder has angered many people throughout his life." She reported concisely.

"... Okay, again, ignoring how freaky it is that you can get that confidential info within such little time; I'm here to begin your training in earnest! We're going to crush those Kyoto school losers just like back in my day!"

"Satoru.. You do realise that me or Maki alone would be enough to do that, right?" Megumi asked, amused at the insinuation that they would even have trouble with the Goodwill event.

"Yes, I do. But this is a training arc for a reason so we must follow the plot! I'll start with training you, you've surely noticed it right?" Gojo questioned theatrically. In the background Yuji was a bit confused at his choice of words, muttering "Training Arc?"

"Noticed what?"

"You've hit a plateau haven't you? Your efficiency in your technique is at about the maximum it can ever reach as you are now without access to true Reverse Cursed Technique. It's the same thing with you too Maki, the only way the two of you will be able to grow stronger as you are now is by fighting and struggling against someone much, much stronger than yourself!" 

"Oh god, you can't mean?" 

"Yep, the two of you will be fighting me every day till the start of the Goodwill event!" He declared with a giant grin, causing the two of them to groan in annoyance.

"Kill me already…" "You and me both sister…"

A week later, 8 am.

"How many hits is that now?" Yuji asked while eating from a bucket of popcorn as he watched from the outside of their specialised viewing curtain, the same one they used when Megumi and Satoru first fought just as they had been watching for the past week.

Megumi had figured out a way to activate it whenever needed for spars, albeit at a set location due to the talismans required being implanted into the ground. It was also way more fragile than one maintained by an actual sorcerer but it worked well enough for their purposes.

"12, that's a new record actually. They usually get stuck at around 10 but that last combo move worked pretty well. Well, better than usual I suppose." Nobara replied, she grabbed a slice of pizza from the table beside her.

Megumi threw a punch that was enhanced with Domain Amplification towards Gojo who deflected it with one hand before landing a devastating blue-infused gut punch, causing him to almost crumple over in pain but he grit his teeth and grabbed his opponent's arm to stop him from backing away.

Maki came in from behind at full speed, within her hand was the Inverted Spear of Heaven which was aimed for the white haired man's back. Gojo realised their plan and immediately went to dismantle it from top to bottom as his right hand started charging a Reversal Red.

The strongest sorcerer jumped over Megumi even while the black haired man refused to let go of his hand, this caused his hands to be held above himself in an awkward position which Gojo took advantage of to kick at his knees and drop him flat on his ass.

"Cursed Technique Reversal: Red." 

The crimson singularity shot at Maki with incredible speeds just as she was mere centimetres from reaching her mark and was forced to block it while being sent flying away. 

Megumi tried to recover and land a hit in the opening but was stopped by the white haired man brutally stomping on his head causing him to release his arm, the force of the attack indented his head into the ground even further.

Satoru then proceeded to point his hand towards Megumi and grab him with his spacial control before throwing him away in the direction of Maki.

"Man, the two of you are starting to get the hang of it, even if it is getting slightly boring for me. I guess it's still a decent workout though, I haven't needed to actually try in a fight for real long while. Anyways Nobara, what's the timer at now?" Satoru asked with a grin, despite winning the exchange, he was working himself into a sweat.

He even had cuts and marks on his clothing that showed hits or injuries that were healed away by Reverse Cursed Technique.

"Oh, it's uh.. It's been 5 minutes and 48 seconds as of this moment, they lasted 20 seconds more than yesterday!" She responded in earnest, secretly glad she was not the one being subjected to such harsh training.

Megumi and Maki lay on the ground side by side in complete and utter exhaustion, just as they had for the past two weeks. Satoru had not been taking it easy on them and took every opportunity to beat their ass black and blue for every mistake and overreach.

"I'm doing the thing." An announcement.

"You're doing the thing?" A question.

"I'm doing the thing." A confirmation.

Megumi rose up from his place with a deadpan expression of annoyance and tiredness, his eyes gained a set of rings around his irises as shortly after, his whole body started steaming. 

He looked at Satoru's smug expression as all the bruises around his body healed up under the effect of his borrowed Reversed Cursed Technique from his Tranquil Deer Incarnation, he had activated it without the need for a hand sign or chant due to his extensive training and experience with the ability.

"You know you're gonna lose right and he's gonna clown on you even harder after he's done wiping the floor with you, again. This is a bad idea." She pointed out.

"Maybe so, but my soul won't sit still while he has that smug grin on his face…" 

"Well as long as you know…" Maki said dismissively before closing her eyes and trying to get a minute of rest before getting back into the frey.

Megumi got up and started marching towards the white haired man, knowing that the only end result of his following move was a long restful sleep. Satoru watched him approach and chuckled slightly before he disappeared from his place for a second, reappearing right after with Nobara and Yuji by his side.

"The two of you hold onto me, this is gonna be a good lesson for you two."

"Uh, okay?" "I dunno what's gonna happen but it's probably gonna be cool!"

"Domain Expansion: Chimera Shadow Garden." 

'I don't care if I'm pulling a Toji right now, I can't let this shit slide. Let's see how far away his refinement is from my own after fully realising my Domain against Sukuna.' Megumi thought as he activated his Domain and anticipated the counter Domain, aiming to mitigate any potential damage by firing up his borrowed Reversed Cursed Technique to its utter maximum and allowing the Positive energy to be built up in his body.

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void."

The two opposing Domains engulfed the 4 sorcerers completely as the abyss that was usually contained within Megumi's shadow burst out with a bottomless hunger that refused to be denied, Satoru Gojo's Six Eyes shined brightly as from them burst forwards a veritable tidal wave made of the very fabric of space.

The two opposing Domains Clashed as shortly after the Domain Barriers were formed a spinal column formed behind Megumi which served as the anchor of his Innate Domain. Branches made of ribs formed and spiralled out of the central rib as they spread throughout the reaches of the Domain.

The Boundless wonder of Infinity shot forwards in a blinding streak of reality which clashed against the black hole of Megumi's Domain for a moment before it began to push forwards, within the span of 10 seconds Satoru Gojo's 'Infinite Void' had overwhelmed Fushiguro Megumi's 'Chimera Shadow Garden'.

The black haired man grit his teeth as he felt his Domain crumble and readied himself for the Sure-Hit of Satoru's Domain.

At first it was nothing and then it was everything all at once, as if he had access to infinite knowledge of the multiverse yet it was all incomplete and he could never grasp the truth.

'I can't see anything, where am I? Why can't I move? Wait, I was in Satoru's Domain right? Why am I thinking about filing taxes? WHY THE HELL AM I ERECT?!' Megumi shouted out within the now cramped stretches of his mind as even more cursed knowledge began creeping its way into his mind uninvited.

'Wait, are these… Fanfictions of Satoru and Geto?! Oh god why are they naked, Satoru why are you laying on your stomach? WHY IS HE PULLING OUT A CURSE?!' 

Unknowing of Megumi's plight and the scarring knowledge being forced upon the poor man, Satoru began leisurely teaching his students about the ins and outs of Domain Expansions.

"As you guys probably know by now thanks to Megumi over there, this is a Domain Expansion. It can be considered a Subspace created through the combined powers of an Innate Domain similar to the one the Finger Bearer you guys faced created, complex barrier techniques and finally infusing a Cursed Technique within it." Gojo explained, making sure that the two of his students were holding onto him at all times.

"Yeah Megumi used this against the Finger Bearer, Sukuna tried to use it too before I swapped back. It looks really useful, but I bet it's really draining and intensive to use right?" Yuji deduced while casually poking Megumi's blank face, not knowing of the countless horrors behind his frozen facade.

"Yep, but they can still be very useful as any technique engraved within a Domain will always hit."

"Yeah that's cool and all but this is getting freaky, I kinda feel bad for Megumi too. This doesn't seem to be very comfortable for him." Nobara commented while looking at Megumi's expression of surprised horror, feeling not an insignificant amount of pity for the man.

"Oh, yeah you're right." Gojo muttered as his Domain then faded away, leaving behind Megumi who was still stuck in the same pose, unable to move.

"How long will he stay like that?" Yuji asked, starting to feel a bit of worry for the man.

"Ehhh, a week? … Maybe 2?" 

"You're a bad teacher… and a bad person."

"Hey, he quite literally asked for it!" 

"My point still stands."

"..." "..." "..."

"Wanna draw wieners on his face?"

"I got the marker!" 

"I call his forehead!"


Author's Note:

That damned Zen'in Pride has struck again! It got Toji and now it got Megumi, like father like son I suppose eh?

It seems Megumi is now a True Special Grade Sorcerer lol.


I saw that we were approaching 1 Million Views and thought what would be the best way to celebrate this, and I had the perfect Idea!

I made a Full Smut Chapter Between Mei Mei and Megumi.

But of course, I have a price on my dignity so I'll only release it if you guys can reach 600 Power Stones by the end of this week :) 

Last week y'all managed to get 450 Power Stones in only a few days, you can get 600 in a week. 

Do it for the memes, DO IT FOR THE SMUT!


Of course, the Patreon already has access to the Smut so if you want to see it, you can go there to get it immediately ;)

Please Upvote/Like the story and Comment if you can! It really helps me a lot and I'd Greatly Appreciate it!

Next Chapter Title: A Glimpse of a Reflection.

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