Wednesday and Enid agree

"Is that what you think? That half-bloods are genetically inferior?" Enid asked, staring at Wednesday.

"Yes," Wednesday replied, making eye contact with Enid. She felt emotions swirling inside her, but her face remained expressionless.

Enid had been her first female friend; she considered her as such because she had told her about her pet scorpion that died and where she shed her first tears. Enid had even managed to get her to apologize to someone.

However, that friendship didn't last long, thanks to love.

"Did you know that many important members of the 66 families on the council are half-bloods?" Enid asked.

"I know. The trend of marriages between different outcast groups has been increasing since normie culture was introduced into outcast culture. On one hand, it's good for the outcast population to rise and reach heights that it never reached before. However, my point remains the same. Genetically, they are inferior; there's a low chance the child will inherit both genes. So my point stands," Wednesday explained calmly and monotonously.

Many were shocked by everything Wednesday had said. Not because of what she said, but because of how much she spoke. Some had barely heard her speak at all.

Enid was a little surprised by what Wednesday said. She hadn't expected her to say it was a good thing there were more half-bloods. Although she still maintained they were genetically inferior and wouldn't admit otherwise.

"If the parents' genes are powerful, the child has a better chance of inheriting both lineages. They'll gain two types of powers and be far superior to a outcast person from a single race," Enid argued.

"That's true, but it's an exception. Usually, they inherit only one type of gene, and that gene is diluted, making it weaker than someone born to two parents of the same race," Wednesday said calmly.

She knew her argument was correct, and everyone listening to the discussion agreed with her, no matter how bitter the reality was.

"And what about love, Wednesday? Do you really choose your partner based on what you feel or by genetics? Because, come on, Luke isn't just a normal psychic. He has three auras. He's perfect genetically, right?" Enid asked with genuine doubt.

A murmur spread among those watching the discussion.

Many exchanged knowing glances, silently sharing a conclusion: Wednesday Addams, the cold, calculating, and almost inaccessible heir to one of the most important psychic families, had chosen Luke not for love, but for his genetic perfection.

Everyone who had shared a class with Wednesday saw her as a cold, emotionless person who viewed everyone else as annoying flies. It was strange to think that she truly loved Luke. It was more logical to assume she was with him for his genetic perfection.

"Hey, can we talk about this later...?" Luke intervened in the conversation. It was really uncomfortable for them to discuss this in front of gossiping teenagers who found this far more entertaining than the game of truth or dare.

"Silence," Wednesday and Enid said in unison, not even looking at him.

Luke fell silent with a strange expression, but he didn't get involved in the discussion anymore. Everyone was surprised at how easily the two of them had silenced Luke, who had just kneed Mark in the face a few minutes ago, and most people would be scared to speak to him that way.

[And you tell me Bianca controls me?] Xavier said through his telepathic link with Luke.

[This is different. They were roommates. They must have feelings they've never expressed.] Luke justified himself.

'Just admit it without shame,' Xavier thought with a teasing smile.

"Your assumption is as logical as it is wrong, Enid. My decision to be with Luke is not based on the number of auras he has or the perception of perfection others see in him. And, to be clear, Luke is not perfect. In fact, he's far from it," Wednesday finally responded to Enid's question.

'Hey!' Luke thought, but didn't say anything.

The statement surprised both the observers and Enid. But before she could reply, Wednesday continued, "For example, he doesn't know how to peel an apple, and it's his favorite fruit. Every day, I have to peel three apples, and on top of that, he insists that they be perfectly peeled, with no bits of skin left."

Enid couldn't help but let out a light laugh, remembering the days when she was the one in charge of peeling the apples.

"And let's not talk about his tech obsession... He brought a five thousand dollars generator to my house. He even made my grandmother start watching cooking tutorials on YouTube, or whatever it's called," Wednesday said, glancing at Luke for a moment.

"If I didn't, I'd die from food poisoning," Luke justified, shrugging. "Have you seen the food your grandmother makes? It looks like it came straight out of a witch's cauldron."

"Or wait, she actually does cook in a witch's cauldron," he added. The people present couldn't help but laugh at the image.

"It's true, I once saw the cake she sent to our dorm. It was so black and slimy that I thought it was some unknown creature trapped inside, but it was actually delicious," Enid said with a smile.

"See, Luke? Enid understands my grandmother's culinary art. It's a family recipe with centuries of history. I wouldn't expect someone like you, with such a refined palate and who lives on processed foods and gourmet meals, to appreciate it," Wednesday said, crossing her arms.

"Really, Enid? You like that?" Luke said, unable to believe Enid actually enjoyed that cake.

"Yes, it wasn't as horrible as you describe. You have to admit, your palate is a little... sensitive," Enid replied, laughing lightly.

'Traitor... Well, a werewolf's stomach is much more resistant than anyone else's,' Luke thought, rolling his eyes with resignation.

"Yes, sensitive and picky," added Wednesday.

"True, he focuses too much on the details and little things in food. Like everything has to be perfect or he won't eat it," Enid said, nodding.

"Exactly. It's the same with pizza. If the crust is overcooked or too soft, it's no longer to his liking," Xavier added with a teasing smile.

"Enough, let's get back to the truth or dare round!" Luke exclaimed.

What was wrong with having a picky palate? He had eaten horrible orphanage food for thirteen years, and now that he had plenty of money, he allowed himself to enjoy fine cuisine.

He found it strange that the conversation, which seemed like it would end in a heated argument, ended with Wednesday and Enid agreeing and moving on to point out each other's 'imperfect' traits in some aspects.

Enid chuckled softly and let go of the previous discussion about genetics and half-bloods. It was good to realize that Wednesday was with Luke because she truly cared about him, and it had nothing to do with his auras.

That put her at ease.

Wednesday also stopped talking; she had said enough in front of all these strangers.

It was strange that, in the end, she had agreed with Enid, but it was better than making a scene arguing in front of everyone. It was best to stop here and continue with the stupid game from before.

The game continued. It was Enid's turn, and everyone paid more attention because of the previous scene and the fact that she was Luke's ex-girlfriend.

Yoko was supposed to be the one to ask truth or dare, but a chubby girl with long brown hair beat her to it.

"Truth or dare?" she asked with a slight smile that didn't suggest anything good for Yoko.

Enid looked at the girl and recognized her as one of her classmates in the werewolf class. Her name was Julia. She wasn't pleasant at all, and she was always very competitive. Since Enid killed the Hyde and earned the title of the strongest werewolf in her class, Julia had always tried to clash with her.

"Truth," Enid answered calmly. If she said dare, she would probably be challenged to do something related to Luke and Wednesday. Although the truth would most likely be about that too. So, she would have to take a shot of vodka. She wasn't going to share her private life with gossips.

"Is it true that your relationship with Luke ended because of your family's opposition?" Julia asked with a malicious smile. Enid's mother was well-known in the world of outcasts for being conservative and strict. It wasn't hard to connect the dots.

Everyone on the sofas began murmuring with the friends next to them. It was strange that this game session was focused on one particular person: Luke.

'So predictable,' Enid thought, showing no anger. She simply stood up, walked to the table, poured herself a shot of vodka, and drank it before returning to her seat.

"Tch, what a joke," Julia muttered with enough contempt for everyone to hear.

The round continued, and it was Julia's turn.

"Truth or dare?" Enid asked, stepping forward to prevent someone else from taking the opportunity to ask her.

Everyone felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

"Dare," Julia answered, looking at Enid with challenging eyes.

Enid wasn't known for her fierceness or aggressiveness. It was true that she was said to have defeated a Hyde, but almost no one had seen her fight.

Enid smiled sweetly, having gotten the answer she was looking for.

"Alright, then. You have to dodge or block one of my punches," Enid said enthusiastically, with a happy expression.

The déjà vu returned. It was the same challenge Luke had posed to Mark.

"Fine," Julia responded without hesitation, standing up and moving to the center.

Enid did the same, and they both stared at each other. Julia was taller and broader compared to Enid's small, delicate figure.

"On the count of three," Ajax said, acting as the judge again.

"One... two... three, now!"

Enid, with surprising speed, transformed her right arm into that of a werewolf. The process was quick, catching Julia by surprise, who hadn't expected her to use her powers.

'She's just as tricky as Luke Poe!' Julia thought nervously, trying to block the punch, but it was already too late.

With the speed and strength gained from her partial transformation, Enid didn't give Julia time to react. Her wolf arm hit Julia squarely in the side, making her spit blood and sending her flying backward.

The impact was so strong that Julia crashed into a nearby table, falling unconscious to the ground, unable to make a sound.

Everyone watched in stunned silence. Even the people who had been dancing on the dance floor stopped and turned to look at the commotion Enid had caused. No one had expected her to be so fierce, even surpassing Luke.

Enid's arm returned to its normal form, and with her usual smile and cheerful aura, she sat back down next to Yoko, who was staring at her with her mouth open, as if she had just discovered a new side of her friend.

Wednesday gave a slight nod of approval.

"That wasn't part of the deal!" shouted one of Julia's friends in anger, standing up furiously, followed by a guy who was also her friend. Another one of their friends went to check on Julia's condition.

"We never banned using a partial transformation. She could have used it too, although I doubt her skills are up to it," Enid said with a slight smile and a pleasant tone, as if she wasn't arguing with angry people.

"Game over! Go check on your friend!" Ajax intervened, stepping in between them. If they kept up with this game, more people would end up hurt because of Luke, Wednesday, and Enid.

He hadn't expected Enid to share that level of ferocity. But in the end, it wasn't so surprising when he considered that she had been Luke's ex-girlfriend and Wednesday's roommate—both people with such intense natures.

Julia's friends, seeing how easily Enid had defeated her, decided to back off. It made no sense to fight someone who had knocked Julia unconscious with a single blow. Plus, there were also Enid's friends—Yoko, Divina, Kent, Xavier, and even Bianca.

And something else made them back off quickly: Luke, who was staring at them.

No one wanted trouble with him, especially when he didn't seem to be on bad terms with Enid, based on the conversation Enid, Wednesday, and Luke had just had.


You can read 15 chapters in advance on my patreon.
