Returning home, I tried to shut the door, but since it was off its hinges, it didn't click and stood open slightly. I cursed James under my breath, dropped my backpack, and collapsed onto the couch, shutting my eyes. While on the road, I had noticed at least four of Liora's men trailing me, looking for any suspicious behavior. I had no idea how to evade them and get to the Rusty Chalice.
Not long after, about five minutes later, Sura came in. She, too, tried to close the door, but after the third attempt, she gave up. She smiled when she saw me and dropped the big backpack she was holding.
"Hey," my sister said. "You look like shit."
"Thanks. What's that backpack for?" I asked, sitting up slightly.
"I'm moving in with my friend for a while. Her parents aren't home, so I figured I'd stay with her."
"James is dead. We don't have to worry about anything, Sura," I reassured her. "Well, except for the broken door, but that can be fixed."
"James was just another thug. His place will be filled by someone else who will demand 'protection money' from us. This city is rotten, you know that will happen," she said, shaking her head as she started packing her clothes into the backpack.
"Yeah, I know…" I said, staring at the ground. "We've gotta get out of this city – at least this district. I wish we could live in Idemi."
"I heard everything is expensive in that district. I'd pass," she said, grimacing as she stuffed more clothes into her backpack. "Ugh…"
"Okay… well, be sure to wear your necklace just in case, okay?"
Silence settled over the room. Sura continued packing while I stared at the ground with sleepy eyes. A sliver of light hit my eye between the curtains. The sun was about to go down, and the rain was letting the snow take over.
"I'm done here," she said, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "See you soon?"
"Let the carriage service know that you changed houses. I paid those bastards a fortune," I reminded her, getting up from the couch.
"Oookaay," she replied, rolling her eyes.
"Be careful. Don't drink alcohol. You're still –"
"I know, I know. Stop it," she said, ruffling my hair playfully before adjusting her backpack. "It's only for a few days. I'll be back in no time."
"Okay. See you," I said, giving her a small wave.
"Byee," she called out, stepping through the door.
The door closed – or more accurately, it swung loosely shut. I walked over to the window, peering out. One of Liora's men was perched on a nearby rooftop, keeping a watchful eye on the house. Another one sat on a bench between two trees, pretending to chat with a friend, who was clearly another of the Captain's spies. I sighed, knowing I had to wait for the sun to set. Maybe by then, they would have given up and gone home.
I laid back on the couch and sighed in exhaustion. The fight with that boy had taken a lot out of me. I needed a bit of shut-eye to gather my thoughts and refresh myself.
"What a day… What a fucking day…" I muttered, closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.
It was time to go.
The sun had set, plunging the streets into the darkness I preferred. The snow had started falling softly, blanketing the ground and muffling the sounds of the city. It was eerily quiet, with only the occasional crunch of snow underfoot breaking the silence.
Since I had to burn all of my spare night attire clothes, I just put on whatever I could find. I wore a simple black tunic, brown breeches, and a dark cloak to blend into the shadows. Checking the window, I noticed the woman who had been sitting on the bench was gone, but the man on the roof was still there, idly playing with a water spell, making various shapes.
I opened the side window, checked the outside, and climbed down easily. As soon as I crouched, my body became almost invisible in the darkness.
"Okay…" I said to myself. "Seems like I'm alone."
"Oi," a man on the other side of the alley said. "Check this kid again. See if he's sleeping."
"Right away, sir," a guard responded.
"Oh, shit…"
I quickly opened the window again, but I was too late to slip back in. Through the broken door, a woman entered, moving slowly and trying not to make any noise as she approached the couch. If they saw I was missing, it would surely raise some eyebrows, since I didn't use the front door to exit.
[Recommended Action: Dark Reflection.]
"Oh, right…"
I stretched my hands outward and focused on my image on the couch, sleeping soundly. Then, a human-like creature formed from the shadows. It began as a dark, amorphous shape and gradually took on my features and posture, lying on the couch exactly as I had been.
Seeing my duplicate, the woman turned back to the door and stepped outside. I sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off my forehead. That was a close one – very close.
"I guess I'll let my duplicate stay there.." I whispered to myself. "Fuck… okay, let's go. Onto the Chalice."
The wall slid down, and the Rusty Chalice greeted me with a strong smell of beer and roasted meat. The tables were full, and the waitresses were busy attending to customers. Barton wasn't behind the counter; instead, Mira was there, cleaning glasses and pouring mugs of beer for passing patrons. I knew she hated working here, but with her father looking like a wreck this morning, he had probably hit the bed and wouldn't wake up until tomorrow. He was a man who liked his drink – maybe a bit too much.
I reached the counter and coughed to get her attention. She acted as though she didn't see me and continued with her business. She was still angry…
[Quest Completed: Reach Rusty Chalice.
Rewards: 1AP.]
"Mira," I said, leaning on the counter. "Hey."
"What do you want, Axel?" she replied, her back turned as she reached for a glass on one of the shelves.
"Just a drink. Lemonade, please."
"We're out of lemonade," she said flatly.
"How about orange juice?" I tried.
"Nope. Out."
"A simple water, then?"
She turned to me, cleaning a glass with deliberate motions. "We have that... but we're out of glasses. Come back later. Maybe like a year later."
"Come on, don't be like that!" I protested. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to check her out! And – why would you care if I did?"
"You ask me that?" She slammed her hands on the counter, her eyes blazing. "You get yourself into trouble. Which I had to save you from. I got slapped because of you!"
"And I'm sorry!" I shook my head, trying to keep my voice calm. "Look, I didn't come here to apologize. I need to find a redh…"
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the redhead, drinking wine and enjoying a meal that would make the King jealous. She was guarded by a tall, scarred woman standing protectively behind her.
"Never mind," I said, moving toward the redhead. "I'll catch you later, Mira."
"You…" Mira gritted her teeth, glaring at me. "Fine! Do whatever you want! Fine!"
I felt the sting of her words but kept walking. As I approached the redhead's table, I could feel Mira's eyes burning into my back.
'Sorry, but I have more important things to deal with right now.' I thought to myself, knowing this would come and bite me in the ass later on.
"Hey…" I said, meeting eye to eye with the woman. "We gotta talk, whatever your name is."