After the last lesson ended, Mr. Vlad escorted me to the training grounds. Those two 'top of the class' students were still going at each other, and the first girl was still losing.

I guess I had to drop the 'Oh, I'm so little and weak' act and actually show my powers a little. Not fully, of course – just enough to make them believe that I had worked hard and that it had paid off.

"Hana. Ela," Mr. Vlad called out. "Stop training for a second. I've got something to tell you both."

Hana, the girl who had almost killed me with a fire spell, ceased her attacks and walked toward us. Ela followed behind, panting and sweating. Since the barrier was still active and the ten minutes weren't up, they had to stay in the arena.

"Yes, sir?" Ela asked, wiping sweat from her brow. "What's the problem?"

"This young man is Axel. He's a first-year student," Mr. Vlad began to explain. "He… well – he wants to challenge you both in a one-versus-two duel."

"Huh?" Hana said, looking at me with a mix of disbelief and amusement. "This weakling, pervert, scat fetish-having weirdo?"

"I'm none of those." I replied with a calm voice. "You shouldn't believe every gossip you hear."

"Are you an idiot?" Ela said, shaking her head slightly. "You can't take us. It's impossible."

"Prove me wrong then," I challenged. "Or don't and let me represent this school."

The barrier disappeared, and both girls walked out of the arena. Ela began to draw a circle around me, while Hana just stood in front of me, rubbing her chin. Mr. Vlad tried to keep his face straight, but I could see him looking at me like I already lost the fight or something.

Hana grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me closer. I didn't resist, just directed my dull eyes to hers and waited.

"Fine. It's your funeral," she said, releasing her grip. "Ela, let's make short work of this idiot and get back to training, okay?"

"Okay," Ela agreed, stretching her arms. "Let's do that. We can't waste our precious time on these kinds of things. But if Mr. Vlad insists… sure."

     The teacher stood between us. Hana and Ela were positioned five meters away. Ela wielded a sword and a shield, while Hana and I each had only a dagger. I knew I could beat them with my full strength – my glitched mana giving me an edge – but I had to hold back a little.

Mr. Vlad raised his hand, looking at me and then at the two girls. The rows were full, nearly all the students were seated and ready to watch the fight.

"Get ready," he said. "On my mark. One. Two… three!"

Hana immediately threw a fireball, its heat searing through the air. I dodged out of the way just in time. Ela then created a bow using the Axuha spell, forming a sleek bow out of water. She nocked an arrow and shot it at me. I deflected the arrow with my dagger, sending it clattering to the ground, and dashed forward.

I swung my dagger at Hana, but she parried it skillfully and counterattacked, her blade scratching my neck. I stepped back, feeling the sting of the cut. 

'Should I use my full power?' I thought, hesitating for a moment. 'If I do, it might expose too much. But if I hold back, I might lose.'

As I readied myself to dodge another arrow from Ela, Hana ran at my side. She feigned left, but attacked from the right, her dagger stabbing into my shoulder. I gritted my teeth against the pain and reacted instinctively, creating a rift on the ground. A tentacle slithered out and grabbed Ela by the leg, pulling her off balance.

Mr. Vlad saw the wound on my shoulder and quickly intervened. "Enough! The match is over!" he shouted, his voice firm. The rift closed, and the tentacle disappeared, releasing Ela.

The crowd, which had been buzzing with excitement, cheered for them. I was holding my wounded shoulder, letting out gasps.

"What was that?" Ela asked, crouching near me. "What did you just cast?"

"Ugh… shit, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts," I said, ignoring her and wincing in pain. "Damn it…"

"Hey, answer me! What was that! Don't cry like a baby!"

"Ugh… my shoulder…"

"That was quick." Hana said, walking toward me with a smirk. "Trying to take us both on at the same time? Such an idiotic move."

'Goodbye 3500 gold… goodbye my dream of moving out of this disgusting wretched district…' I thought, my heart sinking.

Mr. Vlad helped me to my feet, patting me on my unwounded shoulder. He examined my wound, trying to determine its seriousness. It didn't hurt as much as my shattered dreams. Losing the chance at 3500 gold was a bitter pill to swallow.

"I'm good, sir," I said, forcing a smile. "No need to worry. Just gotta get healed in the nursery."

"What made you think that you could take Hana and Ela at the same time?" he asked, concern in his voice. "That wasn't the smartest thing to do, Axel. Not at all."

"I thought I could take them on…" I said, still clutching my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"Anyway, just go to the nursery. Let them take care of you, okay? And don't propose anything like this again."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir… ugh." I turned and began walking toward the nursery, the sting of defeat heavy on my shoulders.

    The nurse, finishing casting a basic healing spell, left the room to let Mr. Vlad know that I was okay. Just as the door was closing, Ela and Hana entered, curiosity etched on their faces rather than concern.

Hana shut the door, and Ela walked toward the bed I was sitting on.

"You haven't answered me yet," Ela said, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. "What was that spell?"

"What spell?" I replied, feigning ignorance. "My mana is practically zero. I can't even use healing spells."

"I saw something lunge at me from under the ground." She stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. "Don't think you can trick us, Axel. What was that spell? Tell us now, or we will force it out of you. I guarantee it."

"I have nothing to hide. I didn't use any spell. You are just imagining it." I stood up, trying to appear calm. "I thought I could take you two on, and I wasn't able to."

"I know what I saw!" Ela's voice rose in frustration as she moved closer. "Don't try to trick me! I'll rat you out to Liora. Would you want that?"

"Okay!" I said, raising my hands in mock surrender. "You two and I will fight – far from prying eyes. I know a place, it's pretty much deserted. It's just outside the city walls. If you agree to fight me there, then I'll show you my full power. And if I win, I get to represent our school. Do we have a deal?"

"You want a rematch already?" Hana asked, crossing her arms. "You like losing, huh? Why do you want to represent our sch –"

"Gold." I replied. "Why would I want that otherwise?"

"You… you spineless bastard." Hana answered. "For gold? Have you got no shame? No honor?"

"The deal is on the table. Whether you take it or not, I will…"

"Deal." Ela nodded, her expression serious. "Let's see your 'true power' you're talking about, you idiot weakling pervert."

"Oi… I'm not a person like that. Stop spreading rumors," I said, slumping my shoulders in exasperation.

Mr. Vlad entered the room, shaking his head. "Leave young Axel alone, please. He needs to rest."

"Yes, sir," Ela and Hana said in unison, casting one final glance at me before leaving the room.

"Axel, the nurse said you were good to go. But let's rest for a little while longer just in case, okay?" Mr. Vlad said, pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. "Don't worry about being late to the house. I can send a message to your parents, let them know you're here under my supervision."

"They aren't alive," I replied with a small smile. "But I do have a sister. I'd appreciate it if you could send a message… oh, she was staying at her friend's place. No need for that, sir."

"Oh… I didn't know your parents were… gone. Sorry, Axel."

"Hmm…" I nodded with a small smile. "It's okay. Though, can I just go home?"

"I'd prefer if you stay here, but… sure. Promise me you'll rest, okay?"

"I promise, sir." I walked toward the door, glancing back. "I will be sure to take a rest."

     Hana and Ela were waiting for me at the school gates, their breath visible in the cold air. A slight breeze rustled the trees, and slow snowflakes drifted gently to the ground, adding a layer of quiet to the atmosphere. They stood apart, not speaking, as if there was a silent tension between them.

"Finally," Ela said, pushing herself off the wall and brushing some snow from her shoulders. "Let's go, weakling. We don't have all day."

"Yeah." Hana agreed, her voice lacking enthusiasm as she kicked at the snow. "Let's go…"