The crying of Janet woke me up from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes, assumed a sitting position, and yawned. Sura managed to get up before me, taking the baby from where we put her on one of the couches, and began patting her. We were afraid that she would move or something and had blocked the chair with our backpacks… although, now that I think about it, can a newborn baby even crawl? It's easy to say that we had no idea what we were doing.

I stretched my arms and went back to sleep again, lying in my bed. Since our house was only one room, we slept just two or three meters away, and because of that, I could still hear Janet's crying.

"I told you," I said, rolling to the side and fixing my pillow. "We can't even look after ourselves. How are we supposed to take care of a newborn?"

"We can," my sister replied with a sleepy voice, her eyes half-closed. "Just stop being a selfish prick for a second, Brother."

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, shutting my eyes.