I stood on a rooftop, overlooking the place where Karma and Myata were staying. It wasn't much of a house, more like the cellar of an old, ruined tavern that had mostly collapsed during an earthquake a few years back. Half of the building was reduced to debris, but the cellar remained intact, accessible through a trapdoor hidden behind the counter. Coco had a knack for finding spots like this, always advising me on which places would make the best hideouts and how to set traps around them. Most of the safehouses I used had been chosen by him, his tactical mind guiding my choices.
I crouched and shut my eyes, summoning Shadow Raven. The bird flew toward the house, perching atop a windowsill. It was a strange sensation – I could see through my own eyes while simultaneously seeing what the raven saw. The dual perspective was disorienting, making my head swim.
"Alright…" I muttered to myself. "Looks clear. No guards outside. That's a relief."